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Minara Chamber of Commerce Unveils the organisation across the training, mentoring, and to modernise and refresh The Minara Business
Fresh New Brand Identity for 2023 African continent and globally. networking opportunities. our image, and to position Awards 2023 is now open for
After its founding in 2000, the As part of its growth strategy, ourselves as a leading business nominations in the following
he Minara Chamber of board is thrilled to proceed the Chamber has embarked on a organisation in South Africa categories:
Commerce, a leading with a new vision for 2023 rebranding initiative to refresh and beyond. We believe ■ Business Entity of the Year
Tbusiness organisation and beyond. its image and identity, with a that our new look and feel
dedicated to promoting The Minara Chamber of new logo, upcoming website, reflects our commitment to ■ Businessperson of the Year
economic growth and Commerce has been promoting and other communication innovation, collaboration, ■ Businesswoman of the Year
development globally, has business development and materials. The new branding and diversity, and we look ■ Young Entrepreneur of
unveiled its new branding economic growth in the region reflects the Chamber’s values of forward to continuing to the Year
and look. The new branding for over two decades. The innovation, collaboration, and serve our members and ■ Professional Achiever of
is part of the Chamber’s organisation has helped many diversity, and its commitment to promote economic growth and the Year
ongoing efforts to chart a new businesses succeed through its fostering economic growth and development in the region.”
Community Builder of
course in its journey to grow various programmes, including development in South African ■ the Year
and beyond. The Chamber’s rebranding
initiative comes as it prepares
The new logo incorporates for its annual Gala Dinner “We invite all our members,
the Chamber’s name in bold, and Awards ceremony, which partners, and stakeholders
modern font, with a strong and will take place on Friday, 27 to join us at the Gala Dinner
iconic design that represents October 2023 in Durban. and Awards ceremony,” said
the diversity of the Chamber’s The Gala Dinner and Awards Suleman. “This year’s event
membership and the strength ceremony is an important event promises to be an exciting and
of its values. The new website in the Chamber’s calendar, memorable occasion, and we
will feature a modern, look forward to celebrating the
responsive design that is easy celebrating the achievements achievements of our members
to navigate and showcases the of its members and recognising and the contributions of
Chamber’s various programmes the contributions of businesses businesses and individuals
and services, including and individuals to economic to economic growth and
providing a comprehensive growth and development in development in the region.”
range of value added services the region.
for members. This year’s Gala Dinner and For more information about the Minara
“The Minara Chamber of Awards ceremony promises Chamber of Commerce and its various
programmes and services, please visit the
Commerce is excited to unveil to be even more exciting with Chamber’s website at
our new branding and look,” the new branding and look of The new website is coming soon.
said Solly Suleman, President the Chamber. The event will
of the Minara Chamber of feature a keynote speaker, Amina Haniff, Lead Administrator:
Minara Chamber of Commerce
Commerce. “Our new branding Awards ceremony, and a three- T: +27 (0)31 208 1898
Minara Chamber of Commerce new logo is part of our ongoing efforts course meal. E:
game of amagende, or accounting spreadsheet guru
jacks, plenty of colour, Brian Bedingfield (Bedingfield
A ads of lucky draw and Associates), event’s organiser
prizes, and a sumptuous Gail Cornhill and Annette
two-course meal to match Pheiffer (Siyabonga), as they
the occasion were among the tucked into another delicious
highlights of a Chamber Lunch meal prepared by CHC.
at the Pietermaritzburg and
Midlands Chamber of Business. Judging by the laughter and
earnest conversation more or less
With former president Leo in equal measure, the lunch was Guests enjoying the proceedings and fun at the recent Chamber Lunch held by the Pietermaritzburg and
Quayle deputising for CEO another supremely successful Midlands Chamber of Business.
Melanie Veness, The Chamber networking event.
Lunch theme was “Diversity Don’t miss the next Chamber
is our strength. Unity is lunch on the 7 June 2023 at
our power” and guests were Hollywoodbets Scottsville
encouraged to dress to express Racecourse for the Annual
their difference or be proudly
South African. PMCB Race Day.
Guests tried their hand W:
at amagende, one of 10
recognised indigenous games of
South Africa. Stones are placed
in a circle or a square. Each
player then tries to grab the most
stones, throw them in the air and
catch them in one hand until all
the stones are back in place. L–R: Noel Thompson (Altostratus Tech), Shari Cade Front (L-R): Brian Bedingfield (Bedingfied and Associates),
(Shan Cade Training & Consulting), Bridget Jones Gail Cornhill (Spotted Owl Events and Promotions) and
Guests also listened to brief ( Pronel Personnel), and Prashna Ghela (Business Annette Pheifer (Siyabonga). Back: Allan Millar (Hilton
company presentations from Partners). Ratepayers) and Nompilo Gumede (Women in Business).