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humelela Msomi, the CEO is really inspired by results. He
of Natal Razor and Wire, said, “As the saying goes ‘you love
Ppassion for business started at it when a plan comes together’.
an early age. He explained that he When you start to see results, it’s
has always loved trading and this positive reinforcement and gives
led him to acquiring a wire supply you the edge that you are actually
and installation company which is doing the right thing. Because we
based in New Germany, Pinetown. are focused on fencing, we found
that when everyone else started to
Phumelela was born in Durban get quiet, we still had work because
in October 1992 and spent his early people knew us as the fencing
childhood in Richards Bay where guys. We are the go-to guys for this
he completed his primary school service. The fact that we remained
education. On his family’s return focused and consistent helped us
to Durban, he attended Durban achieve successful results.”
High School (DHS) from where
he matriculated. He then went Msomi explained that having
on to study BCom Accounting at to make the shift to getting more
the University of KwaZulu-Natal resources and more people was a
Westville campus. scary process. He says that he was
concerned that whether or not this
While Msomi was at DHS, investment had the potential to
he ran the school tuck shop work or if he was going to fall flat
for three years and also cut on his face.
hair. He added that his father
recently reminded him that He says, “Business is not easy, it
his love of trading started in is a tough industry but the ability
primary school. “My cousin to persevere is the greatest piece
and I started a business called of advice that someone can give
Cousin’s Car Wash – so there to you… As the saying goes, ’you
was always a fascination with can’t lose what you don’t have’. A
business – in time this interest lot of people are afraid of losing but
was able to manifest itself in the Phumelela Msomi, the CEO of Natal Razor and Wire they haven’t even started. They are
opportunities that we took.” so caught up in fear that they don’t
take opportunities. Persevere, be
Msomi explained, “My “I will never forget. I arrived for Commenting on the challenges different product types. We have bold, back yourself in what you
university direction was initially the meeting dressed in a suit and that he has faced, Msomi always maintained that fencing choose to do.”
in the accounting field but this a tie – which was hilarious in the explained that similar to most is our core and I think that that
course of study was preparing construction industry. I went in small businesses cash flow is an has helped us to be successful. We To relax, Msomi says that he has
me more for my own business. and explained how I was going issue – especially as he is building have mastered fencing.” three outlets – family, friend and
I was always studying to go into to do this fencing project never up an entity. Another challenge Flix (Netflix). He enjoys spending
business, our family had a small having done fencing in my live,” includes growing the business When asked about his time with his family and with
construction business at that time, explained Msomi with a smile. beyond the direct work, which management style, Msomi friends. In addition, he says that
which I wanted to join.” However, “And yes, these guys were good to requires working on the business explained that this is directed at watching sport on television or
says Msomi he actually started me and gave me the opportunity rather than in the business. guiding people to find out who bingeing on a series helps him
his own business when he was – I made a lot of mistakes on the they are and where their strengths destress. Msomi has a two- and-
in second year university and project but eventually I ‘decked’ it. Msomi explained that this was are. “As we have expanded, we have half- year-old son with whom
completed his first project while As they say the rest is history. Up a major challenge as customers employed new people. So rather he loves to play. “These things
he was still at university.” get used to dealing with you than giving people job roles and help me get my mind right when
until today – ten years later they
Msomi commented that after are still my clients and we still do personally. He added, “There is descriptions, I am flexible in my everything is falling apart around
goodwill because customers like
me,” he commented.
approach and see what tasks allow
completing the project he had work for them.” to deal with you. Once you start them to thrive. Once I see that they
earned a decent amount of money That first opportunity allowed putting other people as the face are strong in a particular area, I In conclusion, Msomi says that
for a student. “I realised that from Msomi to learn about the fencing of the business or responsible for allow them to focus on that role. It more than a motto he has a belief
that point on that I didn’t want industry and opened the doors tasks that you would traditionally is important to shift people in the system that he lives by which is to
to complete the whole CA route for him to grow in the industry. do, this does become a challenge. direction where they will really ‘strive for excellence’. He explains,
but that I would prefer to go into Natal Razor and Wire was So, delegation was really a major grow. I really believe in not having “As you strive for excellence, as you
business.” established in 1995 by Dan van hurdle but fortunately we are a fixed approach but letting people strive to do better, you begin to
After he completed his Niekerk who initially was a client finding our feet.” grow into their capabilities.” distinguish yourself from others. I
think a lot of people are obsessed
studies at UKZN, he still had of Msomi’s. “He was a very good Speaking about his strengths, Msomi’s own role he says is to with getting opportunities and
no real direction apart from man who recently passed away. Msomi says that he has always network so that he can cultivate assistance from government but no
knowing that he wanted to be He mentored me in the industry been really focused and really new and existing relationships in one is focused on what value they
in the construction industry. He – teaching me the ins and outs stubborn in his approach, which order to continue to bring work in. give. As you develop excellence, as
explained, “Funnily enough a of fencing. When he got sick, he believes has been important. He He explained, “We want to ensure you work on your excellence, you
friend of mine was working for the opportunity arose for me to explained that a lot of people have that we continue to build and begin to add value to others and
this business (Natal Razor and acquire the business – after a long come to him with opportunities establish those relations to grow
Wire) back at the time and there period of time of engagement to try and persuade him into the company.” give value.”
was an opportunity to do fencing with him I was eventually able to different markets. “We have
for a mid-sized construction firm acquire the entity which bought been resolute – we only do fence As growing the company is a E:
based in Pinetown.” me to this point.” – although we have a variety of major goal, Msomi says that he W: