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                    Monique Labat,    expand their market reach, gain     networks and customer base.  markets. We’ll conduct thorough   you stay abreast of industry
                     Monique Labat    access to new resources, and   ■   Knowledge sharing:       research and consider factors   trends, helps you identify new
                      Consulting      improve overall efficiency.     Engaging with a B2B specialist    such as market position, financial   business opportunities and
                                       By building these B2B          will facilitate the exchange    stability, and growth potential   allows you to meet buyers and
                          n today’s   partnerships, businesses can     of industry knowledge and best    when selecting potential clients.  clients in person.
                          highly      attract ideal and targeted clients     practices, which can be used to
                      Icompetitive    in various ways:                refine your products or services    2. Develop a Value Proposition  4. Build a Robust Online
                       business                                       and attract more clients thanks    To attract your ideal clients
                         landscape,   ■   Identifying potential clients:      to the expertise provided.  through B2B linkages, it is   In today’s digital age, having a
                          attracting     Once you have the profile                                essential to create a compelling   strong online presence is vital for
                          the right     of your ideal client, let a B2B    Steps and Strategies for   value proposition that showcases   attracting clients. A dedicated
                          clients       specialist research the industry    Attracting Ideal and Targeted   the unique benefits of your   website, social media accounts,
        is crucial for the growth and     sector and compile a list of    Clients through B2B Linkages  products or services. It is   or sharing your new product
        sustainability of any company.     potential clients. If your    To leverage B2B linkages   critical to clearly articulate the   range that features interesting
        One of the most effective ways     company strategy is to secure    effectively, it is essential to adopt a   advantages that your products   and engaging content about your
        to achieve this is by fostering     clients overseas, then the B2B    strategic approach that focuses on   or services brings to clients,   company ensures potential clients
        strong business-to-business     specialist can be the catalyst to    nurturing relationships with the   such as enhanced product   stay informed.
        (B2B) linkages, which can help     arrange Zoom meetings with    right clients and implementing   offerings, innovative design,   You’ll find many B2B articles
        you access a broader pool of     the potential clients. This will    well-planned initiatives.   better customer support, or cost   on our website for more ideas on
        potential clients. This article     save you both time and money                          savings. Your value proposition   how B2B can assist in growing
        will delve into the importance     and will narrow down the list    1. Identify Suitable Business   will help you stand out from the   your ideal and targeted clients:
        of B2B linkages and share       of  businesses with whom    Partners/Organisations        competition and appeal to your
        valuable tips on how to attract     you engage.              As a B2B specialist, we      target audience.              category/b2b-business. 
        ideal and targeted clients    ■   Access to a larger client base:    assist clients to identify
        through these networks.         Collaborating with a B2B    suitable partners who share   3. Participate in Industry Events   For more information in how you can
                                        specialist frees you up to    your company’s values and   and Trade Shows               attract your ideal and targeted clients
        Why B2B Linkages Matter         concentrate and focus on your    objectives. We research and   Attending industry events and   simply us a call +27 (0) 82 924 6349
          A B2B linkage is a strategic     core business in manufacturing    identify networks relevant to   trade shows is an excellent way   or drop us an email:
        partnership or collaboration     or providing services. Your    your company’s needs. We’ll   to showcase your product range
        between two or more businesses,     company will increase its    introduce you to pertinent   or service offerings to attract
        designed to achieve mutual      chances of reaching the right    organisations that will provide   potential clients and engage with
        benefits. The main aim of such     clients when a B2B specialist    you with accurate information   buyers. Exhibiting at industry
        alliances is to help companies     helps you tap into their existing    and facilitate your entry into new   events and trade shows can help



                    Johan van Deventer,    arrangements to counteract the   This again saves an employer from   consecutive hours between shifts,   on operational requirements in
                    KZN Regional      impact of load-shedding. Such   paying overtime rates.      and a weekly rest period of at least   terms of section 189 of the Labour
                    Manager,  LabourNet  agreements may be made on an   Many other arrangements may   36 consecutive hours.     Relations Act. Another somewhat
                                      individual basis by amending terms   be agreed to between employers   Employees may be requested to   less practical solution would be to
                         oadshedding   and conditions of the employment   and employees, provided the   work over weekends to make up   embark on an offensive lockout
                         has been     contract, or collectively through   agreements stay in line with the   for lost time in the week, but this   to force employees into accepting
                     La daily         concluding collective agreements   provisions of the BCEA. Our   may only be done by agreement,   the employer’s demands. In this
                      fixture since   with registered trade unions or   human resource consulting   and barring an agreement to   case, however, the employer may
                       the beginning   within bargaining councils.  solutions in South Africa can   the contrary, any hours worked   not rely on replacement labour
                       of the year.    Labour legislation itself allows   facilitate such arrangements.  outside of an employee’s normal   for the duration of the lockout,
                        While some    for some flexibility in terms of                            contractual hours, should be paid   and operations are likely to come
                        employers     working arrangements, such as   Employers may consider having   at overtime rates. Sundays are also   to a standstill until the matter
                        can respond   certain provisions contained in the   employees take their meal   subject to increased hourly rates.  is resolved. If you need more
        to the challenge by converting   Basic Conditions of Employment   intervals to coincide with load-  Other than altering the working   information, contact our human
                                                                                                                                resource consulting solutions in
        to solar power, generators, or   Act (BCEA). If you need a refresher,   shedding. However, an employer
        alternative power sources, this is   ask about our human resource   may not prevent an employee from  arrangements in terms of working   South Africa.
                                                                                                  hours or days, employers could
        not an option open to all employers.  consulting solutions in South   taking lunch after five hours of   consider using down time for   Any decisions to make changes
                                                                    continuous work. Where load-
        Some stop-gap measures may    Africa.                                                     activities that do not require power.   to working arrangements should
        also not be sustainable in the long   A compressed work week (s11 of   shedding is to take place later than   This may involve holding staff   be carefully considered with
                                                                    these five hours, this would not be
        term as increasing diesel prices   the BCEA) allows for employees   an option. Employees must also   meetings, conducting training,   due regard to relevant codes of
        and inflation makes running   to work up to twelve hours a day   be paid for any portion of a meal   upskilling staff, or engaging in   good practice and legislation.
        on generators impractical for   without receiving overtime pay.   interval in excess of 75 minutes   other activities that may benefit the   Always make sure that a
        protracted periods. Here again,   This provision limits employees to   unless the employee lives on the   business. Care should be had not to   working model complies with
        businesses must find ways to adjust   a maximum of 45 ordinary hours   employer’s premises.  fundamentally alter an employee’s   regulations, and make sure that
        working models to work around   and 10 hours overtime in any week,                        core functions, save by agreement   the correct process is followed
        the impact of load shedding,   on a maximum of five days a week.   Employers and employees may   between the parties.   to implement change. 
        maximising productivity while   Such an arrangement would allow   agree to schedule working hours
        preserving jobs and protecting   for employees to catch up on lost   to avoid load-shedding. This   Any changes to terms and   For any further information or assistance
        workers’ rights. Our human    time caused by load-shedding in   may involve altering the starting   conditions of employment must   in this regard, please do not hesitate to
                                                                                                                                contact us.
        resource consulting solutions   any given day without causing an   and finishing time of a shift to   be made by agreement between
                                                                                                  the parties, be it the individual
        in South Africa can guide your   additional financial burden on the   maximise operational hours. In   employees themselves, or in terms   T: +27 (0)31 266 6570
        approach to ensure mutually   employer.                     such circumstances, employers   of a collective agreement with a    C: +27 (0)82 786 7480
        beneficial arrangements.                                    must take care not to exceed the                            W:
                                       Averaging of hours of work (s12)   maximum allowable working   registered trade union.
         Employers and their employees   allows for the ordinary hours of   hours in a day, and they must   Where employers are unable to
        should collaborate to find ways to   work and overtime to be averaged   respect minimum daily and weekly   gain such consent, they may have
        keep businesses running. This may   over a period of up to four months   rest periods. An employee must   to embark on a formal process
        involve agreeing to flexible working   in terms of a collective agreement.   have a break of at least twelve   to restructure the business based

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