Page 5 - KZN Business Sense 9.2
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            Biz               CORNER                                Iare going to have to love    them the lifestyle they want and   a positive experience and keeps
                                                                       n order to make 202Free
                                                                       count business owners
                                                                                                                                them coming back for more.
                                                                                                  deserve. How can they with the
                                                                                                  demands of the business?
                                                                                                                                What if there are business
                                                                    a challenge, take charge and
                                                                                                   Firstly, they need to give
                                                                                                                                owners who are already doing
                                                                    care for change to happen in
            TALK                 MARLENE                            their lives. They need to make   themselves permission that it   well and enjoying the lifestyle
                                                                                                  is ok for the business to serve
                                 with Business Coach
                                                                                                                                they have built?
                                                                    valuable things happen and
                                                                                                  them rather than the other way
                                                                    take full responsibility for
                                                                    failure or success. This is easier   around. They need to consider   These business owners still need
                @coachmarlenepowell  @actioncoachmarlene            said than done otherwise every   surrounding themselves with   to have a sense of urgency to
                                                                                                                                maintain their edge and stay on
                                                                    business owner would          other business owners who have   the surfing side of the big wave
                                                                    be choosing this path.        achieved what they are aspiring
                                                                                                  to achieve.                   of change. They are contributory
                                                                    What needs to change for them?                              to the C.A.R.E eco-system for
                                                                                                   A solution is to become a part of   business as leaders and their
                                                                     Business owners will have to   the Community, Accountability,   influence to other business
                                                                    influence their access to travel,   Results, and Education (C.A.R.E.)   owners is valued.
                                                                    adventure and wealth beyond   eco-system for business as they
                                                                    measure.  They need to be craving   will then be part of a community   Business owners are more than
                                                                    for more meaning not stuff. They   where they will tap into their   welcome to set up an initial
                                                                    must want to do important things   wants not their needs.  Their   call with me to find out when
                                                                    more than acquire gadgets. They   environment must make social   our next information session
                                                                    will want to keep improving, keep   change desirable, interesting, cool   is where they can know more
                                                                    getting creative, and keep their   and fun.                 and ask any questions that they
                                                                    eye on the prize.                                           feel necessary to give them the
                                                                                                   Their environment must be    confidence to join our C.A.R.E
                                                                     They must be prepared to focus   conducive to enable them to   eco-system for business. 
                                                                    on their lifestyle rather than their   perform to their full potential
                                                                    business, as their business is the   and support everything they
                                                                    vehicle to give them the quality of   aspire to do to create the lifestyle   Contact me on
                                                                                                                                marlenepowell or call 083 479 4471
                                                                    life they want.               they so richly deserve.
                                                                     More emotion needs to be      The C.A.R.E eco-system for
                                                                    triggered to entice a business   business helps our members
                                                                    owner to want to drive their   identify their wants, we’ll build
                                                                    business as their lifestyle   it for them the way they want it.
                                                                    demands more from them. They   Emotions win every time. We     SCAN
                                                                    must let the business deliver on   will help create conditions where   QR CODE
                                                                    their wants and needs.        they want to take action.       TO SEE
                                                                    Many business owners would     This eco-system will create a   VIDEO
                                                                    love to have their business give   remarkable platform that delivers


        Kim Edwards, Partner, Cox Yeats  who “carries on the business   date specified in the agreement   Far Reaching Consequences
                                      of lending money against the   for payment. Most businesses   Once you fall within the
              enerally, where the     security of securities.” The   structure their terms and    definition of an “accountable
              payment of money is     amendments to FICA have now   conditions as incidental credit   institution” in terms of FICA,
        Gdeferred and interest, a fee   widened this to:            agreements.                   compliance with the full suite of
        or another charge has been raised,   “(a)  A person who carries on   Agreements Between Entities   FICA provisions is triggered. The
        one should consider whether the   the business of a credit provider   and Large Credit Agreements  fact that advancing credit does
        provisions of the National Credit   as defined in the National                            not form part of an institution’s
        Act, 2005 (the NCA) would apply   Credit Act, 2005 (Act 34 of   Section 4(1)(a) of the NCA   “core business” is irrelevant.
        to that transaction. Over the years   2005).                exempts transactions between   This means that a once off
        parties have been able to avoid                             juristic persons whose asset   loan and interest charged on
        the application of the NCA by     (b)  A person who carries   value or annual turnover    unpaid invoices could result in
        structuring transactions so that   on the business of providing   exceeds a certain threshold   a business who would otherwise
                                         credit in terms of any credit
        they fall within an exemption    agreement that is excluded   (currently R1 million) from   not be required to register with
        or are “incidental credit                                   the application of the NCA and   the Financial Intelligence Centre
        agreements”.                     from the application of the   Section 4(1)(b) of the NCA   having to register, develop a risk
                                         National Credit Act, 2005 by   exempts transactions because
          Recent amendments to the       virtue of section 4(1)(a) or (b) of   they constitute a large credit   management and compliance plan,
        definition of an “accountable    that Act.”                 agreement – an agreement      train staff and conduct customer   Kim Edwards
        institution” in the Financial   Incidental Credit Agreements  between juristic persons    due diligence on all transactions
        Intelligence Centre Act, 2001                               (regardless of their asset value   within its business going forward.  it will also shield you from being
        (the FICA) appear to negate     The definition of a “credit   or annual turnover) where    Unless another exemption or   caught within the new FICA
        these loopholes by requiring   provider” in the NCA includes a   the principal debt is at least   exclusion in the NCA applies to   definition. 
        compliance with arguably even   person who supplies goods and   R250 000 or more.         the transaction, parties need to
        more onerous provisions of    services in terms of an incidental                          weigh up the cost of compliance   T: +27 (0)31 536 8500
                                                                     These exemptions are typically
        FICA.                         credit agreement.             used in once off funding      with FICA against the gain that   E:
        The Changes to FICA             An incidental credit        agreements between businesses   would be made by charging   W:
                                      agreement is one where goods   or other non-traditional
          Originally the definition of   or services are supplied and                              If no interest is charged it
        an “accountable institution” in   interest is only charged when   credit transactions such as    will not be regarded as a credit
                                                                    sales of shares where payment
        FICA simply included a person   the purchaser fails to pay on a   is deferred.            agreement under the NCA and

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