Page 13 - KZN Business Sense 8.4
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the art of environmental      together by encouraging other   of Loziba Wildlife Reserve.
        journalism, a successful      conservationists and advocates   Without philanthropic donors and
        endeavour which has been      to allow elephant corridors   CSR contributions from larger
        active for close to ten years.   through their territories. This   organisations, it is difficult to
                                      will include communities in   move forward at the pace needed
          The Human Elephant
        Foundation’s more recent aim   various areas where elephants   to purchase farms, build fences,
        is to support rewilding efforts   are currently a huge threat to   roads, lodges, etc.  However, and
                                                                    as in all successful sustainability
                                      crops and livelihoods. Great
        through encouraging the       advances have been achieved   endeavours, the general public
        purchase of unutilised farms   in this area with the help of   wants to be involved.  We have
        in the Thaka Valley to create   Fowlds, a great Zulu and Xhosa   therefore created a unique offering
        the 36 000 hectare Loziba
        Wildlife Reserve. Thereafter it   linguist and friend to the people.  where people can pledge R2
                                                                    500 towards one acre of Loziba
        will encourage joining game    Dr Player and his conservation
        reserves such as Babanango,   work had a huge and lasting   rewilded land.  People and
                                                                    companies may of course pledge
        Mziki, Phinda, Hluhluwe,      influence on Charter. He
        and Umfolozi, thus creating   recalls that just before Player   funds towards many more than
                                                                    one acre.  Land does not transfer
        corridors for elephants and other  passed, he received a wonderful   in ownership to each individual
        animals to move freely between   tribute in a copy of Player’s   but will be forever recognised
        defined wilderness areas. Over   book “Zululand, Wilderness   as that person’s contribution to
        time this momentum will       Shadow and Soul”.  Player said
        pursue corridors that link game   he had woken up at 3am one   this magnificent project.  Each
                                                                    contributor will receive an
        reserves right up to the trans   morning and had put the book
        frontier parks in Mozambique,   he wanted to give to Charter on   autographed Rewilding Africa
                                                                    book written by Grant Fowlds, a
        Namibia, Angola, Botswana,    his hall table. When Charter
        Zambia, Burundi, Rwanda,      unexpectedly came to visit    personalised thank you letter from
                                                                    the Human Elephant Foundation,
        and up the eastern side of Lake   that day, he said he knew then
        Tanganyika and beyond into     why he had got up so early that   a satellite link to their purchased
                                                                    land, and ongoing communication
        Uganda. Loziba thus represents   morning. Player then proceeded   and reward structures.  History
        a catalyst in encouraging other   to write a tribute in the book for   will forever recognise these value
        wildlife reserves to recognise   Charter. This was a wonderful   creating contributors to Rewilding
        the importance of rewilding   moment in Charter’s life, and
        areas for animals to occupy   in a way the book acts as a   Africa and making it possible for
                                                                    elephants and other wildlife to
        and move about safely from    passing of a baton of hope and
        land overutilisation through   responsibility from one person   thrive in KwaZulu-Natal, South
                                                                    Africa, and in Africa at large.
        being confined into smaller   to another – and one generation
        areas. Each wildlife reserve   to the next. Player as many will   Please join our campaign,
        is a microcosm of the natural   remember, was an exceptional   and even if you are not
        environment, and each is      person, mystical in his thinking  a philanthropic donor, a
        critically important and      and ways, who played a pivotal   corporate sponsor, or individual
        ensuring the preservation of   role in saving both white and   contributor, please support and
        animals in our natural kingdom.  black rhino from extinction   encourage this initiative and the
                                      in the 1930s and 1940s.  Botha   important work being done by
          The late Dr Ian Player, the   is in the process of creating a   people all over the world. There
        world-renowned conservationist   monument to Dr Ian Player,   are many people desperately
        and philosopher, had a widely   which will be erected in    working to reverse the damage
        held view about the connection
        of elephants and humans. He   Umfolozi Game Reserve.        done in wildlife areas over the
                                      Botha has already erected a
                                                                    past decades. The intention is to
        maintained that humanity
        reached Europe from the cradle   monument to Beyers Coetzee.    restore the health and beauty of
                                                                    natural areas, so that animals
                                      Coetzee, another passionate
        of mankind in South Africa
        where human life began and    and able conservationist,     can thrive in their preferred
                                      and Loziba Wildlife Reserve
                                                                    habitats, communities can
        developed, with the aid of    founder, was tragically killed    prosper, and future generations
        elephants. Elephants are natural   a few years ago while moving   may enjoy the splendour and
        water diviners and moved from   the Loziba elephants away    wonder of our animal and
        water to water through deserts
        and extreme dense vegetation   from the community.          vegetation kingdoms. 
        right up to north Africa. Humans   John Charter himself comes
        found it very easy to follow the   from a praised conservation   Please contact,
        huge elephant paths to Europe.   lineage.  His grandfather A.E.   John Charter (,
                                      Charter, also an influential   David White ( or
          Yet it is the human footprint                    t o hear more
        which has rendered them highly   conservationist, fished in the   about how to become involved in
                                      lake now known as Charter’s
        threatened. We have encroached                              Loziba Wildlife Reserve and other
        upon their territory to such an   Creek.  A.E. Charter’s name is   Human Elephant Foundation initiatives
                                      on Memorial Gate at Hluhluwe
        extent that within 30 years or
        so there is a strong possibility   together with Potter and Powers
                                      as founders of Africa’s oldest
        that no wild elephants will be   park.  A.E. Charter’s role at the
        left on our planet.  The notion   time as provincial secretary of   SCAN
        of elephant corridors is the   Natal was to proclaim Hluhluwe   QR CODE
        only concept that we can find
        to save these majestic creatures.   and Umfolozi.             TO SEE
        The vision is to join various   There are many ways people can   VIDEO
        reserves and natural areas    get involved in the development

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