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Contributed by Everest Strategic an unprecedented increased a strong brand identity tend to with others. When employees organisation’s values will be
Communications adoption of digital technologies. attract more business and job have the resources and tools critical in maintaining company
These changes are not only in the candidates with similar values they need to succeed, there culture in the post-pandemic
s a result of the turmoil physical and tangible aspects of who support their mission. is increased productivity and workplace. Moreover, many of the
caused by the pandemic work, but also in the unseen ones How will the new workplace performance. cultural initiatives that companies
A– and the consequent such as organisational culture, affect organisational culture? ■ Decreased employee turnover. adopted before and during
impact it is having and has had collaboration, teamwork, and How can businesses reinvent their When employees feel valued the pandemic may continue
on how we work – the culture of socialisation. cultures for the post-pandemic and respected at a company, while others will evolve or even
organisations is potentially under Reputation and public image workplace? they are less likely to leave completely change.
threat. Or the culture will be it. Happy employees mean less
adversely affected, if organisations Organisational culture refers Culture is a spirit, it is intangible, turnover, which saves Business leaders need to
don’t embark on a culture journey to an organisation’s mission, but organisational culture is not companies time and money in remember that organisational
to onboard the ‘new ways of objectives, expectations, something that can be enforced. the hiring process. culture does not come down to
working’ going forward. and values that guide its Since it is not a compliance issue, physical proximity, it is more
employees. Organisational it is more about conversion; ■ Effective onboarding. about developing an attitude
As our economy starts to fully culture is also a representation converting your employees to your Onboarding practices that of care and more so in today’s
open after the Covid-19 pandemic, of a company’s reputation and organisational beliefs, employee include orientation, training, pandemic world. Business leaders
the workplace has tremendously public image. People will make engagement and campaigning and performance management need to constantly find new ways
changed with remote work, assumptions about businesses organisation values. Translating programmes help new to support their employees even
remote employees, hybrid work, based on their interactions within organisational values from the employees access the right when they do not see each other
and the officeless organisations. and outside of the company. On wall to the heart of your employees resources and better transition physically daily.
All of which have brought about the other hand, businesses with
is what makes the company’s into their roles. Onboarding is It is recommended that
culture work. also a good way for companies organisations reset, refocus,
to ensure new hires understand and replay a culture journey to
Organisational culture is the core values of their business. enlighten employees that leaders
Important ■ Healthy team environment. are there to assist them to reinforce
Here are several reasons why a Having a clear and strong the organisation’s values into their
strong organisational culture is culture that unifies employees everyday work practice.
important: and promotes organised work
■ Increased employee structures which helps people Source: and from LinkedIn:
engagement and productivity. work together with purpose. Communication Professionals.
A work environment with a The workplace is continuously For more information contact:
strong organisational culture evolving and thus the need C: +27 (0)82 218 5205
is driven by purpose and clear for business leaders to keep W:
expectations. This motivates reinventing the company culture.
employees to be more engaged Going forward, creating a firm
in their duties and interactions foundation by focusing on the
aving just hosted two America, Africa, Indian Ocean & lockdowns forcing the Durban “This will create more jobs strives to maintain the Durban
successful major events– Caribbean) will go head-to-head ICC to mothball itself, when and generate positive economic ICC strong inherent culture of
HAfrica’s Travel Indaba for the world awards. restrictions were eased, we worked impact for KwaZulu-Natal and warmth and hospitality that
and the Global Conference on Travel industry professionals, the diligently to reduce the impact South Africa. Winning awards we are known for and strives to
the Elimination of Child Labour of the COVID-19 pandemic and is a visible demonstration of all ensure that each guest leaves the
– the Inkosi Albert Luthuli media and consumers are invited maintain business continuity the behind-the-scenes hard work Durban ICC happy and satisfied
International Convention to cast their votes for travel brands as far as was possible under the from the Durban ICC teams and with the service received,” said
– such as Durban ICC - that they
Centre (Durban ICC) is in pole consider to be the very best in dire circumstances. We have just people whose principal focus is to Rakharebe.
position to clinch the crown as completed two major back-to-back continuously provide world-class
Africa’s Leading Meetings & Africa. The nominee gaining the events which tested all our systems customer service to clients, both Cast your vote now for the Durban
Conference Destination. most votes in a category will be and the verdict is that the Durban local and international. It is for this ICC by clicking on this link:
named as the winner.
Nomination has opened for ICC is ticking over like a well- reason that the close-knit team
Durban ICC has been nominated oiled machine.”
the 29th World Travel Awards™ as Africa’s Leading Meetings and
(WTA) which rewards and Conference Destination 20 times She said the Durban ICC
celebrates excellence across all met all its performance targets
key sectors of the travel, tourism and has been voted the winner and exceeded targets in many
in this category no fewer than
and hospitality industries. The 17 times. The state-of-the-art instances. “Competing and
WTA brand - also known as the venue has also been nominated winning – be it for events or
“Oscars of the travel industry” – is awards – is in the DNA of the
recognised globally as the ultimate the World’s Leading Meetings & Durban ICC. We are thrilled to
Conference Destination for the
hallmark of industry excellence. have been nominated in the Africa
past 10 years.
Voting has opened in the various round and hope to also vie for
Lindiwe Rakharebe, Chief
categories for the Africa region. Executive Officer, Durban ICC, the global award as it will raise
Durban’s destination profile for
Winners in the regions (Europe,
Asia, Oceania, Middle East, South said the convention centre will be business tourism and will help
America, Central America, North going all out to bring the trophy the Durban ICC to attract more
home, yet again. “Despite the international events to the city.