P. 10
he Fairmont Zimbali speaker at the event,” said
Lodge & Resort Hotel Cobus Oelofse.
Thosted the iLembe
Chamber of Commerce, Professor Madonsela, an
Industry and Tourism Gala advocate that helped draft
Dinner in their newly launched our final Constitution, is well
Conference Facility’s Hibiscus known for her role as the Public
Room on the 10th of May 2018. Protector of South Africa
between 2009 and 2016. She
Nedbank was once again was named in 2014 as one of the
partnering with the iLembe world’s top 100 most influential
business community in people by Time Magazine,
presenting this event.
who described her as “an
“It was an honour for our inspirational example of what
Chamber that Professor African public officers need
Professor Madonsela and Dr Albertina Luthuli John Chandler and Sinqobile Khuluse from Hesto Harnesses Thuli Madonsela accepted to be”. In 2016 she was Forbes
(Photographer: Karen Mackridge) (Photographer: Karen Mackridge) our invitation to be the guest African Person of the Year. n
Xolani Gumede, President of the iLembe Chamber and Professor Madonsela proved to be most popular! (Photographer: Karen Mackridge) The entertainment was provided by Constable Sizwe
Professor Madonsela (Photographer: Karen Mackridge) Khalala, who became and internet hit after being filmed
playing at the KSIA. (Photographer: Karen Mackridge)
LUNCHEON he Minara Chamber frontline of the mainstream are realising our mission to
of Commerce will host
economy and create interfaith
become a tour de force within
Tits Annual Business business transactions. It later the melting pot of the country’s
Melanie Veness, CEO Pietermaritzburg business, a good measure of Recognition Awards in Durban started the businesswomen’s dynamic mixed economy.
Chamber of Business inspiration, a dash of humour, this year after a successful event chapter and promotes black
a heap of networking, generous in Gauteng in 2017. The Chamber economic empowerment skills At the upcoming awards
ugust is on its way, and lashings of celebration and a President Solly Suleman is all transfer workshops and youth ceremony, some of South Africa’s
its merry winds bring the quantity of reward that can only geared up to raise the bar at development. leading personalities will grace
Apromise of Spring, and a be attributed to fine luck. this year event and anticipates the podium with their collective
burst of fabulous women’s events an influx of high profiled and In less than two decades since knowledge, economy on business,
that celebrate the contribution We’re quite excited about this deserving nominations. a pioneering group of captains of wisdom, tips and charisma.
of women from all sectors of the year’s event, because we think industry and business visionaries Minara Chamber of Commerce
community. that we might have got the recipe Minara was founded in from the small to medium-sized is pleased to announce the call
just right. KwaZulu-Natal in 2000 to focus commercial and professional
These events present women on uplifting and promoting sectors came together and for nominations in six categories:
with the opportunity to be The event is generously individual, family-owned contemplated launching a ■ Business of the Year
inspired by the success of others, sponsored by FNB, so the serious and independent Muslim progressive organisation, Minara ■ Businessperson of the Year
and if all goes to plan, hopefully business aspect is well in hand. businesses with a vision is gradually achieving its vision ■ Businesswoman of the Year
many leave encouraged to go Guests will be inspired when and mission to bring them of galvanising and unifying ■ Young Entrepreneur of the Year
out and to be more confident, South African singing sensation from the margins into the independent businesses. We ■ Professional Achiever of the Year
inspirational women themselves. LeAnne Dlamini performs and ■ Community Builder of the Year
then shares about her #endgirlhate
The Pietermaritzburg Chamber Nomination forms and criteria
has an annual Women in Business campaign and fun and laughter for each category can be down-
Luncheon on 3 August and our are sure to follow when East Coast loaded from our website www.
team of ladies takes great delight Radio Breakfast DJ and comedian or requested from
in planning every detail of this Darren Maule takes to the stage. our offices by emailing
particular function. This year we We are expecting around 350 n
will focus on women supporting ladies to attend, and with no
other women. shortage of “refreshments” and
Balance is essential for a prizes, I feel very confident that
successful outcome, so each our women’s day celebration will
ingredient must be carefully prove to be a winner! If you’d
considered, measured and added like to attend, please feel most
in the right proportions, to ensure welcome to contact Lorna Jones on
a perfect result – one part serious n