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                      Prasheen Maharaj,   order that we begin to explore   and sub-systems that constitutes   demand for maritime security   given to other companies
                       CEO, Southern   the concept and possibilities of   an HSV. Bringing together   and naval vessels.        within the physical shipyard
                       African Shipyards   the collaborative economy or   a team of experts in their                            cluster, creating even
                                      sometimes called the sharing   respective fields managed to   To capture some of this     further opportunities for
                                      economy.                      convert a complex project into   current and future demand, it is   BEE SMMEs. Shipbuilding
                             here                                   very manageable task.         critical that shipyards become   and ship repair companies,
                             is an      The collaborative economy                                 internationally competitive. The   in their role of primary
                       TAfrican       encompasses the sharing and    This approach has resulted in   traditional models employed   systems integrators, should
                     saying that “if   optimal use of resources to   the completion of the project to   by local shipyards and the   develop core competencies
                        you want to   deliver goods and service in   deliver nine tugs to the Transnet   government has clearly not   in project management and
                         go fast, go   an efficient manner and at   National Ports Authorities. Not   worked. By comparison, the   engineering, ships design
                         alone. If    competitive prices. We know   only did this project result in   South Korean shipbuilding   including 3D modelling, project
                         you want to   that spare capacity is a dead   the achievement of an R800   industry and the South African   and production planning,
                         go far, go   weight loss to society, which   million Supplier Development   shipbuilding industry was the
                         together.”   drives up costs and causes    Programme but we won the      same size in the early to mid-  procurement, quality control,
        This saying could not be more   industries and economies to be   KZN Top Business Partnership   1970s. Today, South Korea is   assurance and, research and
        relevant today in South Africa.  uncompetitive.             Award in 2017. These          the number one shipbuilding   development.
                                                                    achievements demonstrate once   and ship repair country in   The evolution of shipbuilding
          As we enter a “New Dawn”      Southern African Shipyards   again that the co-operative and   the world. The trick for South
        we continue to be besieged by   has made major leaps and    collaborative approach is critical   Africa should not be to copy   and ship repair companies
        the perpetual triple challenges   bounds towards employing the   to successfully deliver large   the South Korean or Chinese   from a low-tech fabricator to
        of poverty, unemployment and   concept of the collaborative   projects.                   models but create a model that   a high-tech primary systems
        inequality and to add, South   economy in the execution                                   suits our unique circumstances.   integrator is a critical factor
        Africa remains one of the most   of its Shipbuilding and Ship   The Global Maritime       In South Africa, shipbuilding   in driving the growth and
        unequal societies in the world.   Repair Projects. The recently   Industry has, in line with the   and ship repair companies   competitiveness of the industry.
                                      awarded contract to build a   worldwide recession, seen a   should become primary systems   This will allow the industry to
          We continue to look at and   Hydrographic Survey Vessel   steep decline since 2008. This                              co-operate with countries that
        replicate economic models     (HSV) for the South African   decline was further exacerbated   integrators and the shipyard   have their own ambitions to
                                                                                                  should be a physical cluster of
        that worked elsewhere in the   Navy represents one of the   by depressed oil, gas and                                   build and repair ships in their
        world without considering our   most complex projects to be   commodity prices in general.   suppliers and sub-contractors.   own countries. South Africa
        unique circumstances. We thus   undertaken in the African   However, within this sea of    This model will allow for    can then position itself as the
        continue to fail dismally as a   continent in recent years.   despair, we find islands of   many more small and medium   provider of intellectual property
        nation, perplexed as to how                                 opportunity. We are fortunate to   size BEE companies to be   and technology to Africa as
        to slay these monsters called   The shipyard, in its role of   be in Africa, the last economic   involved in shipbuilding and   opposed to just a manufacturer.
        poverty, unemployment and     prime contractor or a primary   frontier. As the infrastructure   ship repair projects. Whereas   Once again, a collaborative
        inequality. Clearly economic   systems integrator, as I would   and economies of Africa grows,   now, shipbuilding companies   and co-operative approach can
        disruption is called for as we   like to call it, partnered on   shipping and the demand for   are primarily fabricators and   drive success at an intra-Africa
        cannot continue do the old    a turnkey risk sharing basis   the building and maintenance   mechanical integrators, the   level. n
        things and expect new results.  with several South African and   of ships shall grow. Add to this   emphasis should be more
                                      international companies who   the global security and defence   on steel block assembly and
          Going back to our African                                                                                             Tel: +27(0) 31 274 1800
        roots, is perhaps opportune in   are specialists in the areas that   threats, it is unavoidable that we   mechanical integration.
                                      make up the complex systems   will begin to see an increase in   Fabrication work should be


                 hen it is not bagging   community projects and especially   demonstrating its commitment to     Day 2017, the Durban ICC      needs of children and schools
                 global awards for    those which invest in the lives of   the development of South Africa.     hosted an event in association      in Durban. In November 2017,
        Wits excellence as a          young people.                                                 with Stop Hunger Now SA. A      the Durban ICC supported the
        conference venue, the Durban                                 Lindiwe Rakharebe, the CEO,     Durban ICC team entered a      Trust by sponsoring the venue
        ICC helps pack meals for hungry   The Durban ICC, which is   said, “In addition to the important     team to pack meals for their      for their annual fundraising
        children, helps pupils access free   gearing up to celebrate 21 years   role which the Durban ICC plays     67 minutes of service.    dinner.
        physics and chemistry classes and   since its doors were opened on   in generating economic impact
        supports HIV/AIDS campaigns.   Friday 8 August 1997 by former   for the city, province, country   ■   14 August 2017 marked the    ■   In preparation for the 2017
                                      President Nelson Mandela,     and continent, the company also     beginning of The Unlimited      year-end festivities, the Durban
          For the past two decades, the   ensures that its values and   embraces its own responsibility     Child’s partnership with the      ICC threw its weight behind the
        Inkosi Albert Luthuli International   culture are portrayed through   to participate in corporate social     Durban ICC. Six early      Santa Shoebox Appeal project
        Convention Centre complex has   the myriad social responsibility   investment projects which make a     childhood development centres      that collects and distributes
        played an active role in supporting   programmes it hosts as a means of   direct positive impact in its local     in the Umlazi district are being      gifts to over 100 000 under-
                                                                    communities.  Between July 2017     supported with quality      privileged children in
                                                                    and March 2018, the Durban ICC     educational programming      orphanages, children’s homes
                                                                    support in terms of venue hire,     and toy resources through this      and care centres.
                                                                    food, gifts and finance support for     partnership funding received    ■   On 1 December 2017, the
                                                                    various charities totalled R650 000.    from the Durban ICC.    Durban ICC commemorated
                                                                                                  ■   In October 2017, Durban ICC      World AIDS Day in partnership
                                                                     The company’s CSI focus is
                                                                    aligned to the UN Global Goals for     joined forces with the Geness      with the Hillcrest AIDS
                                                                    Sustainable Development which     Foundation to offer Grade 12      Centre Trust. The Durban ICC
                                                                    include, among other initiatives,     public school learners free      purchased stationery items and
                                                                    the elimination of poverty and     physics and chemistry revision      staff packed 200 stationery bags
                                                                    hunger, the promotion of good     classes in preparation for their      for schoolchildren.
                                                                    health and well-being, quality     year-end matric exams. A total    Rakharebe concluded: “CSI gives
                                                                    education, gender equality and     of 135 Grade 12 learners    our business a human face. The
                                                                    affordable and clean energy.”    attended the classes hosted at    responsibility of our country’s
                                                                                                    the Durban ICC.             future depends on our collective
        Inspiring Hope: KZN Regional Manager of the National Empowerment Fund,   Some recent CSI initiatives are as   ■   The Zodwa Blose Educational    efforts as a nation and we are
        Mr Phakamile Madonsela and Durban ICC CEO, Lindiwe Rakharebe with the   follows:            Trust was established to    committed to uplifting the lives of
        fifty learners selected to participate in the Take a Girl Child to Work initiative
        at the Durban ICC                                           ■   In honour of Nelson Mandela      support the educational    those less fortunate around us.”  n

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