P. 16

REPORTING BEE TRANSACTIONS                                                                INTRODUCING COX YEATS

                                                                                                  COMMERCIAL & NATURAL
                    Michael Jackson,   parties connected to the transaction  documents must be submitted
                      Managing Partner at   may be caught by this obligation.  before a certificate of registration
                      Cox Yeats Attorneys  It is also unclear as to what   is issued by the Commission.  The   RESOURCES LAW TEAM
                      O      n 9 June   is meant by a major B-BBEE   Commission is entitled to request   ichael Jackson is the   telecommunications, logistics,
                                                                    additional information and call
                             2017, the
                                                                                                                                recycling, and timber sectors.
                                                                                                         Managing Partner at
                                                                    for a meeting between the parties
                                       The B-BBEE Codes and the
                     Department of    BEE Act do not define a B-BBEE   with a view to ensuring that the   MCox Yeats Attorneys and   Cox Yeat's professionals
                                                                                                  head of the Commercial & Natural
                                                                    principles behind the B-BBEE Act
                      Trade & Industry   transaction let alone a major   are achieved.            Resources Law Team. His specialist   have, either individually or
                         published    B-BBEE transaction.                                         practice areas are Business Law,   collaboratively, written numerous
                          a notice                                   It follows that contracting   Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions,   leading publications in areas of
                          requiring    The notice states that a B-BBEE   parties to empowerment   Natural Resources & Energy, and   their expertise, one of which is the
                          all parties   transaction is a “transaction   transactions may now be forced   Empowerment & Transformation.   “Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions
                          involved    between entities / parties that   to structure the transaction   Michael is a member of the   in South Africa”, published in 2016
                          in major    results in ownership recognition   in a manner acceptable to the   International Bar Association and   by LexisNexis.
                          B-BBEE      in terms of Statement 100 of the   Commission.  This may include   is listed in both the guide to the   Although lawyers traditionally
                          transactions   Codes”.                    complying with conditions     World’s Leading Natural Resource   defend their autonomy and
        to register the transaction with the   Statement 100 of the Codes is   that extend beyond the Codes   Lawyers and the World’s Leading   individualism, Cox Yeats actively
        B-BBEE Commission within 15   simply a statement which sets   themselves.                 Energy Lawyers.               promotes and balances this with
        days of concluding the transaction.    out and prescribes the principles   The notice is vague and does                 team work and joint effort. 
        In addition, major B-BBEE     which are to apply in measuring   not achieve what is obviously   Over the last seven years, Cox
        transactions concluded between 24   BEE ownership and how points   the intended objective.  The   Yeats has assembled a commercial    Jackson says, “We strive to
        October 2014 and 8 June 2017 must   are allocated.  It would seem that   monetary threshold set out in the   team of lawyers comprising six   understand our clients’ operations
        be registered within 60 calendar   the notice contemplates that if   notice should have applied to the   partners, three associates and a   and the detail of the legal landscape
        days counted from 9 June 2017.  a transaction would involve the   BEE element of the transaction   number of candidate attorneys.    in which they navigate. We view
                                                                                                  This is an optimal size unit for the
                                                                                                                                client relationships as long term
          The notice states that a major   allocation of BEE points under   and not the entire transaction.  In   Team's specialisation in the merger,   commitments. Our preferred
        BEE transaction is one where the   Statement 100 of the Codes, then   addition, a B-BBEE transaction   acquisition, amalgamation and   approach is to build relationships
        transaction value equals or exceeds   this is a BEE transaction.  should be defined as a transaction   restructuring space.   and rapport, which allows clients
        R25 million.                   Thus, the situation may arise   whereby BEE investors acquire a   This Cox Yeats team is now   to be confident with our legal
          Although the notice does not   where a transaction, if measured   material percentage in ownership   possibly the largest grouping of   grounding and ability to offer
                                                                    of a business or company as
        expressly clarify the position, it   under Statement 100, results in the   opposed to a minor or immaterial   skilled professionals in KwaZulu-  pragmatic commercial solutions.” 
        would appear that the threshold of   allocation of a score for ownership,   percentage.   Natal which focuses on this area   The Commercial Team members
        R25 million applies to the entire   even if not material, would                           and which also has expertise in:  are:  Michael Jackson, Managing
        transaction value as opposed to the   require registration provided the   By defining a broad based   ■   Corporate Finance  Partner;  Simon Watson, Partner;
        BEE component of the transaction.    transaction value equals or exceeds   black economic empowerment   ■   Corporate Advisory  Jenna Padoa, Partner; Keren
        This is evident from the statement   R25 million.           transaction as being almost   ■   Competition Law           Watson, Partner;  Jason Goodison,
        made in the notice that “for   The B-BBEE Commission have   any transaction involving black   ■   Empowerment and       Partner;  Wade Ogilvie, Associate; 
        Statement 102, Transaction Value   clarified that registration must   people, even if insignificant, we     Transformation  Cherese Thakur, Associate; 
        means the value of the sale asset /   be done by the completion of a   believe the Minister has exceeded   ■   Natural Resources and Energy  Spencer Cason, Associate;
        business / equity instrument.”  form BBBEE18 accompanied by   the powers conferred upon him   ■   Dispute Resolution    Benjamin Meadows, Candidate

          The obligation to register   a description of the transaction,   under the B-BBEE Act.   ■   Mergers, acquisitions,    Attorney; Xola Madikizela,
        is imposed not only on the    a copy of the transaction                                     Amalgamations and           Candidate Attorney. 
        empowerment investor but      agreements, finance agreements   For more information please call to     Restructuring
        every person “involved” in the   where applicable, a schematic   speak to one of our team on:    The Team has a particular focus
        transaction.  Thus, the banks, in   diagram of the structure and any   Tel. 031 536 8500 or    on the mining, sugar, banking,
        some cases, attorneys and other   other relevant documents.  These   email:     manufacturing, agribusiness,

          Michael Jackson              Keren Watson                  Simon Watson                 Jenna Padoa                   Jason Goodison

          Wade Ogilvie                 Cherese Thakur                Spencer Cason                Xola Madikizela              Benjamin Meadows

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