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                      Chantal Gray -   ■   illness                  helps you become more alert more     turn off other electrical    success of its learners, stakeholders
                       Managing Director  ■ ■   boredom             quickly.                        equipment                  and the transport and warehousing
                                                                                                                               sector as a whole, with a focus on
                       A     lmost      eyestrain)                  driving is that many people do not     vehicle and walk for a few    defensive driver training. We utilise
                                                                                                    After you rest, get out of the
                                         sun glare (a major factor in
                                                                     The problem with long-distance
                                                                                                    minutes to be sure you are
                                                                                                                               professionally-trained facilitators
                                                                    know, or choose to ignore, how
                                         drinking alcoholic beverages
                                                                                                                               students and we hold full primary
                                                                                                    begin to drive again
                       everyone knows    (which you shouldn’t be doing    much driving is too much. On long     completely awake before you    and driving instructors to train
                       that driving a     anyway when you drive)    trips, schedule a 15-minute break   Five tips to avoid driver fatigue   accreditation with the Transport
                         motor vehicle   ■   riding in an overheated or very    outside the vehicle every two hours   on long trips  Education and Training Authorities,
                         under the      cold vehicle                (every 160 km). There is no rule                           as well as secondary accreditation
                         influence of                               to say how far you should drive at   1.  Plan in advance so you know    with the Services SETA.
                         alcohol or   What can you do to prevent    any given time, but no destination      where you are going to take a
                         other drugs   tiredness from making you    is worth risking your life. Don’t   break                    NOSA Logistics offers unit
                         is a deadly   another crash statistic?     overextend yourself. Determine a   2.  Take a break at least every two    standard aligned skills programmes
                         combination.   Start any trip by getting enough   reasonable distance in advance, and   hours         and risk management training
        However, few people realise the   sleep the night before – at least six   stop driving when you reach it.  3.  Plan to stay somewhere    solutions for drivers, warehousing
                                                                                                                               staff and other logistics-related
        danger associated with driving   hours is recommended. Wear good   If you must stop for a rest, stop at a      overnight if you are going on a    occupations. These measurable
        while fatigued. In fact, drivers who   quality sunglasses, avoid heavy   designated rest area or parking lot.      long journey  solutions increase productivity,
        become drowsy or fall asleep at the   foods and, of course, don’t consume   It is usually not advisable to just pull  4.  Share the driving (and rest    decrease risk and add to business
        wheel contribute to thousands of   any alcohol during your trip. If   off to the side of the road to sleep,      when you are not driving)  profitability. The combination of
        crashes each year.            you can, have another person ride   but there may be times when this   5.  Try not to drive when you
                                      with you, so you have someone to   is preferable to continuing to drive      would normally be asleep    workplace, practical and theoretical
          Fatigue is a condition that affects   talk to and to share the driving.   and risk falling asleep behind the      (early mornings and late    training leads to real-time solutions
        everyone. Although typically   Avoid driving during your body’s   wheel. If you are unable to stop at   nights)        that have an immediate and positive
        associated with long-distance   downtime.                   a roadside rest area, make sure you                        effect on business operations.  
        driving, fatigue can even set in after                      can at least do the following:   Six warning signs of driver fatigue
        a long day at work, an outing at   Be on the alert for these three signs                  ■   Continuous yawning       Contact us at:
        the beach – virtually any activity.   of sleepiness         ■   Ensure you are as far off the    ■   Slower reactions
        The Circadian rhythm, the body’s   ■   Trouble keeping your eyes open     highway as possible  ■   Heavy eyes          +27 (0)31 705 3225
        natural rhythm associated with   ■   Difficulty paying attention  ■   If it is after dark, find a lighted    ■   Stiffness
        the earth’s rotation, causes nearly   ■   Yawning frequently     area to park             ■   Daydreaming frequently   Sources:
        everyone to be less alert, or even                          ■   Give yourself a little outside air,    ■   Wandering over the centre line
        drowsy, between 13h00 and 17h00.   If you notice any of these danger     but make sure that windows are      or over the road’s edge
                                      signs, stop periodically for a rest,     closed enough to prevent entry
        Other contributing (and       and if needed, have a quick nap –     from the outside      How NOSA Logistics can help?
        compounding) factors include:  even 20 minutes will help. During   ■   Lock all doors
                                                                                                   NOSA Logistics is a private
        ■   emotional stress          your break, get some exercise – it   ■   Turn on your parking lights and    training provider committed to the

                                David                        Akhona   around them, they want to   sized business owners to grow their   assist them with their scoping and
                                White                       Mahlati -   incorporate their lifestyles into   business to the next level.  From   proposal development needs.
                                - CEO,                      Director,   what they are doing, and they   our experience, we understand that
                             BusinessFit                  BusinessFit                                                            Graduates from the BusinessFit
                                                                    want to leave a lasting legacy. All   entrepreneurs and small/medium
                                                                    we understand is that in many   size business owners have a passion   programme are better equipped
                                                                    circumstances they are regarded   to do something they feel is special   to run their businesses and are
                                                                    as rock stars. But, we’re also aware   but they may lack the business   more confident in themselves as
                                                                                                                                business leaders. They are surer
                                                                    that every singer is not necessarily   structure and functional area   of how their ideas will contribute
                                                                    a rock star, and it is the same with   support which they need.
                                                                    entrepreneurs and small/medium                              towards the greater economy,
                                                                    sized business owners. Small and   The solutions that BusinessFit   and are more assured of their
                                                                    medium sized companies may    provides are there to develop the   business’s financial success.
                                                                    not all reinvent themselves on a   individual leader as well as his/her   As a company, BusinessFit is an
                                                                    continuing basis to take advantage   business. The BusinessFit Training   enterprise development beneficiary,
                                                                                                  Academy provides entrepreneurs
                                                                    of shifts in consumer behaviour and                         and as such the company is able
             ntrepreneurs stimulate the   has not grown, most people will say   in market trends. But they provide   with deeper understandings of   to receive enterprise and supplier
             economy, bring innovation   access to funding is challenging,   essential services into the economy   business processes and what is   development funds. In consultation
        Einto our everyday existence,   too much red tape, a shortage of   and contribute to employment   expected from a ‘business leader’   with the sponsor company, we
        and importantly fuel economic   skills, too difficult or a multitude   statistics. Their role can therefore   responsible to staffing relationships,   allocate these funds to assist with
        growth and create employment   of different reasons.  Are these   not be overlooked.      customer care, supplier interaction,   the growth and development of
                                                                                                  environmental matters, returns
        opportunities.                reasons real? Yes, perhaps for people   As much as 98% of people around   to various employer and business   entrepreneurs and small/medium
          But where do we find these   that are not “real” entrepreneurs.   the world work in companies that   authorities, and shareholder   size businesses that are majority
                                      Entrepreneurs traditionally are
        Entrepreneurs? We know from   people that mentally place a lit   employ less than 20 staff. This   reporting. Our Round Table   Black owned.
        international statistics that very few   candle further along their path,   statistic helps to put into perspective   Meetings interrogate the business   The BusinessFit team would like
        people are naturally entrepreneurial.   and then they walk towards it.     the value in helping companies   and the owner from all angles, and   to hear from corporate companies
        It is estimated that only 2% of the   Entrepreneurs keep moving forward   with 1 – 20 staff members run   help the entrepreneurs to align their   wishing to make a difference in the
        population are real entrepreneurs,                          their businesses effectively. Often   specific strategy with the relevant   development of entrepreneurs in
        and these 2% effect the lives of 98%   no matter what the constraints and   companies with 20 or less staff   business support structures.  the country.  
        of the population. These statistics                         do not have a full complement of
        may be accurate in developed   It’s easy for us to make the   business administrators to ensure   The third active ingredient in   Contact Ms Lindiwe Bhadi
        countries, but South Africa and   mistake of calling everyone that   that vital processes are sustained   our successful methodology is   Email:
                                                                                                  mentoring, which is a one-on-one
        other developing countries do not   owns a business an entrepreneur.   in the business. These may   process. We’ve realised that at the
        have the luxury of sitting back and   Entrepreneurs differ from other   include ensuring that governance   entrepreneurial level, aspects such as
        waiting for the magical 2% to rise   business owners in that they   and compliance responsibilities
        up and make our country a better   bring their unique passion to the   are maintained, best practice is   business writing, presentation skills,
        place for all. We need to have more   business environment. They bring   introduced, and that functional   business etiquette etc, are sometimes
        contributors to the growth and   new thinking and often reinvent   areas are supporting the business   not fully realised. The time spent
        development of our economy.   current processes and structures.    effectively.           with entrepreneurs in discussions
                                                                                                  on these points becomes invaluable.
          If we ask people why they feel our   Entrepreneurs want to make a   BusinessFit helps budding   When required, we also do client
                                      difference in the communities
        entrepreneur base in South Africa                           entrepreneurs and small/medium   visits with the entrepreneurs and

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