P. 9
he Durban Investment understood and is, according to number of months. The initial investment promotion agency
Promotion Authority (known the World Bank, not well executed phase involved accessing research executives from across South
Thistorically as DIPA) now by many investment promotion on historical investment trends Africa was jointly arranged. The
has the refreshed brand name agencies. EThekwini aims to as well as baseline information. World Bank and other cities
of ‘Invest Durban’. This change make a positive “step-change” on The process involved consultation demonstrated recognised global
followed on the identification these fronts. with key internal and external best practices in investment
of the need for South African stakeholders as well as key promotion, including examples
cities to aspire, embrace and In 2000, eThekwini Metro individuals that would either of successful cities, regions and Brand South Africa’s, and Invest
implement global best practices in became the first city in South influence the process or that could country agencies. The eThekwini SA’s marketing recommendations.
investment promotion, as recently Africa to establish an investment be of assistance. In addition, sector Economic Development and The vibrant outcome has aligned
recommended to eThekwini by the promotion agency. In 2005 the benchmarking and prioritisation Investment Promotion Unit team Invest Durban with national brand
World Bank. As South Africa has agency was reincorporated into formed part of the process were able to share their highly elements for local and, especially
eight urban metros, development the city and is currently operating along with internal and external valuable experiences of this World international marketing activities.
and transformation needs to rapidly within the Economic Development workshops on best practice for Bank process, from concept, This ensures that all South Africa’s
accelerate in these cities. This & Planning Cluster. investment promotion. objectives, process, resourcing, business-centric brands have
growth is a process largely driven by In 2015 senior eThekwini development, and through to final a similar look and feel, which
new local plus foreign investment. executives attended the National These stakeholder engagements recommendations. provides for greater visibility and
While eThekwini has successfully Treasury and Gordon Institute held last year then resulted in a impact in a coherent manner, yet
attracted investment in the past, it is for Business Studies Executive Findings and Recommendations Refreshed Identity grounding Invest Durban in our
now necessary to increase the city’s Leadership Development Report, which was formally As part of these World Bank own local unique selling points.
investment profile and has applied programme. This programme tabled to National Treasury plus recommendations, a refreshed, yet The new design was benchmarked
resources in order to accelerate the resulted in the City approaching the City Council, and accepted collectively aligned brand identity against the designs of global
current inflows. the National Treasury through for implementation at the end of and logo was developed by Durban investment promotion agency
2016. In subsequent months, plus
Growth in global foreign their Cities Support Programme for during a two day follow up visit in Investment Promotion and the competitors such as Invest
eThekwini Communications
investment flows over the past technical assistance to develop a new March 2017, the development of Unit in conjunction with internal Macedonia, Invest Hong Kong,
decade has led to a massive investment promotion strategy and a global best practice investment Cluster Executives plus marketing and Investing in Singapore in order
increase in the number of organisational implementation plan. promotion strategy and improved experts, Assegai and Javelin. This to ensure that the brand is of an
investment promotion agencies Consequently, representatives of structure was advanced. An done in order to increase the city’s international standard.
active globally, and now even more the World Bank have been working internal core team from eThekwini investment profile and applied The yellow background of logo
within Metro cities, which are very closely with the eThekwini Metro, with mainly economic and resources to accelerate job creation, has been consciously adopted to
competing for mobile investment Metro to help create a new, evolved investment promotion experience, plus enhance City revenues. tie the refreshed look back into
into their regions. and targeted investment promotion as well as some consultant experts the ‘My City’ concept, which has
function for the municipality. The with additional capacity were The task was to create an investor- been adopted by eThekwini, and by
In order to attract investment, National Treasury and World tasked with the responsibility of centric profile that showcases
cities need to differentiate Bank supported project was led by developing the strategy, given the city in a new global business Brand SA.
themselves by developing a Robert Whyte and George Bennett certain World Bank expert light, ensuring that the new look Together with the Invest Durban
credible investment promotion of the World Bank Group, and guidance along the way. and feel would represent the city profile, the slogan “Geared for
agency, building a strong brand, was complemented by others with as “Modern”, “Innovative”, and Growth”, and the complementary
growing market presence, significant experience in businesses Participants in the project met “Technologically-advanced”. visual marketing systems, which
creating an enticing value and government investment again on the 5th and 6th of June have been developed, eThekwini
proposition, and ensuring a promotion agencies, domestically 2017 for a final round of internal The name Invest Durban was is now capacitated to cover all
targeted approach to destination and internationally. eThekwini Executive consultations then selected as it demonstrates an investment promotion events,
marketing. In addition, the to present the final Invest Durban immediate, aligned call to action. channels and platforms. It is clear
critical nature of investment EThekwini Metro’s investment recommendations. Following The refreshed identity was also once more to all investors that we
facilitation and especially investor promotion strategy development that, on 7th and 8th June a Peer required to combine existing city have a city which is ready and open
aftercare is often not fully has been taking place over a Learning Workshop with other assets and elements with that of for new business.