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                                     Entries for The Entrepreneur 2017 competition are open!

             he iLembe Chamber’s 7th   Over the past six years,
             annual The Entrepreneur   163 finalists participated in
        Tprogramme and competition  the programme, with these
        was launched on Thursday, the   participants reporting 54%
        18th of May 2017. The aviation   growth in revenue following their
        themed launch, complementing   participation in the programme.
        the branding of the competition,   In addition to enhancing the
        was also used as an opportunity   viability of finalist’s businesses,
        to welcome Semcorp Siza Water as   these businesses have created 153
        a new partner in the programme.   new jobs in the local economy at
        Sembcorp joined long standing   an investment of just over R8000
        partners Airports Company SA   per job created  – a conversion
        King Shaka International Airport,   rate that impressed the guest
        Enterprise iLembe and the North   speaker at the media launch
        Coast Courier.                Quinton Dicks, CEO of the SA
                                      SME Fund.
          The competition has allowed
        the iLembe Chamber, with       The media launch programme
        the support of its academic   also featured Patricia Malemia,
        and professional partners, to   media personality and host
        establish itself at the forefront   of VUMA 103 FM’s business
        of entrepreneurial development   programme; Khanyisile Shandu,
        in KZN as well as establishing   chairman of the board of
        the   iLembe District as a hotbed   Enterprise iLembe; Colin Naidoo,
        of entrepreneurial activity. The   senior manager corporate affairs
        programme is widely endorsed   ACSA KSIA; Shyam Misra, CEO
        and enjoys national recognition.   of Sembcorp Siza Water; and   Xolani Gumede, Cobus Oelofse, Pieter Naude, Patricia Malemia, Shyam Misra, Khanyisani Shandu, Quinton Dicks, Colin Naidoo

                                                                    Pieter Naude, general manager of   Competition entries are invited   comprehensive business plan
                                                                    the North Coast Courier.      for a period of seven weeks with   that will allow them to grow and
                                                                     The 2017 iLembe Chamber’s    entries closing on the 23rd of June   develop their businesses.
                                                                    programme will run over a     2017. The first tuition session will   Interested business owners
                                                                                                  take place on the 15th of July 2017.
                                                                    period of 12 weeks during which                            need to complete an application
                                                                    competition finalists will be exposed   iLembe based entrepreneurs and   form that can be downloaded
                                                                    to intensive business modelling,   small business owners are invited   from the Chamber’s website
                                                                    both through tuition and practical   to enter the competition.  (
                                                                    application, as part of a programme   Apart from the business   Entry forms are also available
                                                                    co-designed by the University of                           at the iLembe Chamber offices.
                                                                    KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) and USA-  development funding and     The Chamber and its programme
                                                                                                  marketing collateral received by
                                                                    based Massachusetts Institute of   entrepreneurs, the competition   partner’s social media pages will
                                                                    Technology (MIT). Competition   provides an opportunity for the   post regular updates.   
                                                                    finalists will also be supported
                                                                    through mentorship by Chamber   finalists to gain critical business   For more information, you can
                                                                                                  skills, receive mentorship
                                                                    accredited mentors – “grey-heads”                          contact Sakhile Khumalo at sakhile@
        Ntombifuthi Mavundla, Patricia Malemia, Jane Wiltshire, Vino Govender, Sarah Tarr  with invaluable business experience.  and training, and prepare a or  T: 087 354 6343


             A distinctly             would avail himself to engage with   Chamber would like to embed,   with the Fairmont Zimbali’s   that were featured on the iLembe
                                                                                                  executive chef, Dean Uren, to
                                      our business community at a later
                                                                                                                               infused The Local Menu included:
                                                                    e.g. the inauguration of the new
              local affair            date in 2017.                 chamber president and elected   present an original, locally sourced   Yoli's Bakery, Sage Deli, Delagoa
                                                                    executive committee members.   menu at the gala dinner. The Local   Chilli Butter, Cindy's, Say Cheese,
              s a continuation of the   Jerry Kunene, the iLembe    The newly elected president of the   Menu featured exclusively locally   Tastebuds, The Great Railroad
              iLembe Chamber’s efforts   Chamber’s now almost resident   chamber is Xolani Gumede from   sourced produce or products from   Brewing Company, Science of
        Ato showcase the significant   saxophonist, provided the musical   Cappeny Estates while the vice   local suppliers.   Coffee, The Entrepreneur 2015
        hospitality products in the iLembe   entertainment.         president is Phil de Sylva from IFA.                       finalist Naked Bones, and 2014
        district, the Fairmont Zimbali   The event continued to embrace                            Some of the smaller local and   winner Just Meats, as well as
        Lodge & Resort Hotel again hosted   some of the traditions that the   The iLembe Chamber worked   artisanal Chamber members   Cappeny Estates.  
        the Chamber’s annual business gala
        dinner on the 11th of May 2017. The
        event is the premier dinner in the
        district’s business calendar.
          Nedbank partnered with the
        business community to present
        this event.
          Mr Terry Rosenberg, well-
        known KZN businessman and
        personality, made himself available
        at very short notice to deliver the
        main address at the function.
        Dr Mathews Phosa, who would
        have been the guest speaker at the
        iLembe Chamber's Gala Dinner,
        had to cancel his commitment due
        to a personal emergency. Dr Phosa's
        office did however indicate that he   Cobus Oelofse, Dr Albertina Luthuli, Mr Terry Rosenberg (Guest Speaker) and  Ntombifuthi Mavundla (iLembe Chamber), Yoliswa Gumede (Cappeny Estates),
                                      Xolani Gumede (Chamber President)                           Xolani Gumede (President iLembe Chamber)

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