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                    Tanya Tosen-      planning. Conversely, trustees will   The Supreme Court of Appeal says  for benefits or allowances which   additional administration. The
                      Remuneration    always promote better retirement   you can Salary Sacrifice  employees do not want. This means   administration is actually not that
                      Consultants     planning and more risk benefits,                            hard earned employee remuneration  much more, where you are currently
                                      which are indeed important, but   It was only confirmed recently,   is paid towards benefits which   administering the employee benefit
                               hat    should this be more important   30 November 2015 to be exact,   the employee does not value. It   provider and payroll systems.
                               can    than putting a child through the   that the Supreme Court of Appeal   may make your employee benefit
                       Wbe            best possible education. The correct   has delivered a final judgement   broker happy, but it does not mean   What is New?
                       done to        answers only come when you    on remuneration structuring. The   anything for your employee. Rather
                      remunerate      deal with holistic experts that can   simple message is that it is absolutely   give your employee the choice to   The budget 2017/18 had plenty of
                        employees     demonstrate to you an approach of   legal to structure remuneration and   utilise flexible benefits to maximize   bad news for employers, but there
                        better? The   “total reward statements”.    to do a salary sacrifice. A word of   their package.       has been serious relief given for
                                                                                                                               employee child bursaries’.
                        simple answer                               caution before you proceed. Whilst
                        is plenty.    Tough times means no more holy   the principle has been confirmed,   Flexible Items      Tanya Tosen is a remuneration,
                        Yet many      cows                          the SCA made it very clear that a   The most commonly allowed   tax and benefit specialist with
        employers do not get the most out of   This normally starts with   package structuring agreement and   items to a flexible-package are   Remuneration Consultants.
        employee package structuring. This   economic times being what they   correct documentation, which will   retirement funding, group life,   Previously from Deloitte, she is
        is one of those areas where there are   are and employers cannot afford to   include policies and often a Package   disability, income protection,   passionate about employee package
        “too many experts”, and correctly   give employees large increases. It   Structuring Tool, is compulsory.   funeral cover, employee vehicle   structuring, including rollout and
        so, as this spans the professional   also becomes difficult to give good   With no ambiguity, the SCA said it   insurance, travel allowance,   providing a sustainable model of
        functionality of remuneration   increases where you are retrenching   will simply not believe oral evidence   company vehicles, medical aid, gap   remuneration best practice.  
        specialists, tax advisors, auditors,   staff. The question then is, what   and the actual legitimacy depends   cover, thirteenth cheque etc.
        financial planners and trustees.   can be done to pay employees   on correctly executed documents.           
        Therefore, depending on which   better. Conversely, ever offered                          Why do all companies not do this?
        professional you ask, you will get   an employee a job and needing to   What is the Golden Rule?  Employers are generally not
        different responses, for example,   “gross-up” the package because the   An employee should be allowed   well informed of what legally
        tax advisors will comment on that   take-home pay is not enough? The   to structure their remuneration   can be done. In addition, the
        there is no tax risk, whilst they have   reason is mostly not your costing   to meet personal financial   functions within the company
        no experience in remuneration   of the job, but rather not having the   requirements. Where this is not   who should promote this flexibility
        methodology and financial     correct package structure flexibility.  done, the employer is “paying”   are usually concerned about


              EFY Appliances (Pty) Ltd   Our cooling range boasts NO   a cleaner, eco-efficient life, and   ■
              is the largest manufacturer   FROST fridges with DUAL   reduce your electricity and water   ■
        Dand distributor of major     COOLING technology (to manage   consumption.
        domestic appliances, in southern   the South African humidity, along                       We keep consumers abreast of all
        Africa. DEFY has offered the   with better energy efficiency, odour   To find out more about us go to   the new and exciting projects we are
        consumer a full range of kitchen,   control, (ensuring you have fresher, or follow us on:   a part of! 
        laundry and small domestic    food for longer) and not to mention      ■
        appliances for over 112 years.  a 4 star freezer.
          Established in 1905, Defy debuted   We are the only brand to have
        by manufacturing the very first   incorporated Blue Light Technology
        electric stove in South Africa. In the   into our side by side fridge freezers,
        last 80 years, the brand has further   which due to photosynthesis,
        entrenched its footprint in South   extends the life of your fresh
        African households through the   produce. At DEFY bigger is better,
        manufacture of durable goods such   as we boast the largest side by side
        as gas ovens, washing machines,   fridge freezers spanning a full one
        dryers and ovens. This has lead to   metre, more than enough space for
        DEFY becoming the largest white   the big hearty family.
        goods manufacturer in the country
        while presenting the largest product   All DEFY units offer an ‘auto
        range in South Africa.        defrost’ fridge function, which   DEFY ambassador Wayde van Niekerk, meets the factory staff  DEFY Factory in Jacobs
                                      allows units to automatically
          Our innovation has not gone   drain excess liquid. DEFY’s well-
        unnoticed and we have been    renowned chest freezer range offers
        awarded one of the KZN Top    a multi-mode function, allowing
        Business Awards, The Sunday Times   you the freedom to convert your
        Top Brands and recently the Ask   unit between a fridge, chiller and
        Africa Kasi Awards, to name a few.  freezer.
          DEFY’s cooking appliance range   Our laundry range boasts
        is at the heart of our business, our   Aquafusion technology in our front
        Gemini Collection boasts a sleek   loaders that maximises washing
        and sophisticated new design,   power efficiency, ensuring you get
        coupled with Feast Master Capacity,   the most out of your detergent.
        ideal for bulk cooking. Defy’s   Surf’s up with DEFY’s Aquawave
        signature Thermofan Technology   drum technology, in both top and
        allows you to use both baking trays   front loaders, this new technology
        at the same time, cooking multiple   aids in more effective washing for
        dishes simultaneously without any   those active family needs.
        flavour or aroma transfer.
                                       At DEFY we believe in innovation
          DEFY has recently included a   through technology; ‘We believe
        stylish range of small domestic   in Better’. We endeavour to find
        appliances that includes a range of   solutions to current economic
        blenders, juicers and coffee makers,   conditions such as electricity and
        which are quickly proving to be in   water shortages by engineering
        high demand.                  products that help you to live
                                                                    The DEFY leadership team

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