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                      Dominic Collett,   stories of businesses re-inventing   between business chambers and   see un-mounted horses finishing
                       the Chairman of   themselves to take advantage of a   government. These formalised   the race without their jockeys.
                        the  KwaZulu-  changing business environment    interactions allow on-going   The race consists of 10 horses, all
                        Natal Business   or market.                 identification and progress in   with similar ability, chosen from
                        Chambers Council  The arrival of e-commerce   identifying critical economic   local stables. A lottery, four days
                                                                    growth opportunities and
                                      has opened a market for small                               before the race determines which   KWAZULU-NATAL BUSINESS
                           ince the last   businesses to thrive outside their   development of the region. Trust   horse will run for which city ward.  CHAMBERS COUNCIL :
                           publication,   local geographic position and   is built through respectful open                      Chairman: Dominic Collett
                       Spost the      expand their market base well   discussion with a common goal   Corruption is commonplace,
                           cabinet    beyond what was previously    of inclusive economic growth    prompting the residents of each   Secretariat: Charmaine Nundalall
                           re-shuffle,   available. The opening of   and job creation.            city ward, to keep a close watch   Tel: +27 (0)87 350 6747
                           South      markets allows for business risk   A lot has been and is still to be   on their stable and their rider.    Address: 3rd Floor, The Boulevard,
                           Africa has   to be spread outside traditional   written on state capture so I will   Jockeys are bought by city wards   19 Park Lane, Umhlanga Rocks,
                           seen more   boundaries to take advantage of   rather end with a story, keeping   to ride their horses. Favours are
                           financial   foreign and local markets. The   with the theme of horse racing with   bought to conquer other city   4319, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
                                      re-invention of market access   the Durban July around the corner.  wards – the enemy.    Email:
        downgradings and the release of   is an opportunity that South                                                          Website:
        results indicating  two successive   African businesses will grab in   In Sienna we are all mad Palio is a   The jockeys ride the horses
        quarters of falls in gross domestic   this critical time.   horse race held twice each year on   bareback from the starting line,
        product (GDP) (the polite way of                            the 2 July and 16 August, in Sienna,   an area between two ropes. Nine   to cross the finish line – a horse
        saying a ‘technical recession’).  The call from organised business   Italy. Ten horses and 10 bareback   horses enter the space, lined up   can win without its rider. The
                                      is for government to work closely                           in an order only decided by lot
          South Africa has faced these   together on economic direction   riders, who are dressed in colours   immediately before the race starts.    loser in the race is considered to
        economic positions in our recent   and interventions in stimulating   representing the city wards.  The tenth horse waits outside.   be the city ward horse that came
        history and the economy has   the economy. The recent reports   The race itself, in which the   The race immediately starts when   second, not last.
        turned due to true South African   on state capture taints business   jockeys ride bareback, circles   the tenth horse decides to enter
                                                                                                                                 The enthusiasm of victory
        guts. If there is one trait that South   and government alike. Both,   the Piazza del Campo. The   the two ropes. This process can   is extreme and on occasion
        Africans have, it is one of resilience  should however, distinguish   race is run for three laps of the   take a very long time, as deals   violence breaks out between
        and working hard to make things   ethical relationships and build on                      have usually been made between
        work in difficult times.      these occurrences which are not   Piazza and lasts not more than   various city wards and jockeys   partisans of rival city wards.
                                                                    90 seconds. It is common for
                                      publicised as much as the bad news.                         that affect when the tenth moves –   The Palio di Sienna, is not a
          So it is with this knowledge that                         a few jockeys to be thrown off   he may be waiting for a particular
        there is hope that we can pull   There are municipalities across   their horses while making the   horse to be well or badly placed.  normal horse race.
        together and bounce back like   KZN creating terms of reference   treacherous turns in the Piazza,                       Enjoy the Durban July – choose
        before. I am always inspired by   for the direct interaction   and indeed, it is not unusual to   The winner is the first horse   the right horse. 


              he International Business   Addressing businesses at the   lead time, assured levels of quality,   Business recognition
              Dialogue series continued   Durban Chamber conference   reliability, on-time delivery and
        Twith a discussion about      centre Sipho Kaunda, Chairman   compliance and to international      awards and gala dinner
        South Africa becoming a more   of the Economic Development   norms and standards.
        effective “Window to Africa”.   Committee, eThekwini                                             n 19 October 2016 at   exists to support the business
        Certain territories are or can   Municipality stated, “Relations   The ambitions of Mauritius are   the SACCI Annual    community.
        be natural windows to another   between South Africa and    not to compete internationally on  OConvention Mr Zeph       Zeph has 27 years of
        territory or larger markets, which   Mauritius were formalised in   price alone or beat competition   Ndlovu was elected as the   management and executive
        can expand exports of goods and   1992 with the establishing of   with the cheapest possible offer but   President of the South African   management experience in diverse
        services, or facilitate trade.    representative offices in both   to stand as a reliable supplier that   Chamber of Commerce and   business sectors.  He is currently
                                      countries. Full diplomatic relations   can meet sourcing demands in a   Industry. Mr Ndlovu takes over   the general manager of Transnet
        Enterprise Mauritius          were established in 1994. Upon   responsible and a flexible manner.   the reins from Mr Vusi Khumalo   Port Terminals. He has both
                                                                                                   and will serve a term of two years.
                                                                    Further, Enterprise Mauritius
          Enterprise Mauritius, the   South Africa’s return to the   is putting maximum efforts to                              local and international business
                                      Commonwealth, relations have
        National Trade Promotion      been conducted at the level of High   increase intra trade among SADC   The Durban Chamber   experience having been seconded
        Organisation of the Island of   Commission. It is important that   countries - Mauritius and South   is delighted with Zeph’s   to business exchange programmes
        Mauritius, led a delegation of   we take advantage of the existing   Africa as Rainbow Nations can   appointment. We are proud   in UK, Brazil, Germany, France
        apparel manufacturers for a trade   relations for the economic benefit   pave way to consolidate exchange   of Zeph for flying the Durban   and Belgium.  In addition, he has
        promotion in Durban, where they   of our local economies in line   of goods and services and bring   Chamber flag high and know   oversight business skills, having
        showcased a wide range of products   with our aims to achieve inclusive   people closer to each other.  that he will acquit himself with   served in a number of boards
        from t-shirts, shirts, knitwear,   economic growth. We believe that                        distinction. #DurbanMustRise.’’  and councils in communities and
        uniforms and denim designed for   opportunities that exist especially   Enterprise Mauritius is engaged   Zeph has been actively involved   business.
        ladies, men and kids wear.    in textile, clothing industry can   to consolidate trade with existing   in the Chamber movement for the   One of the outstanding strengths
                                      assist these two countries”.   buyers and to diversify to new   past twelve years, previously being   in Zeph’s career is business turn
          Over the last 45 years, Mauritius                         customers in Durban. The latter   part of the Durban Chamber   around especially in the midst
        has earned a good name as a    The head of the Mauritian    is less than four hours from   in different roles ranging from   of a highly competitive business
        quality and reliable apparel   delegation, Geerish          Mauritius and easily connected   Durban Port Forum Chairperson,   environment. He has led a team
        manufacturer. It is known to be a   Bucktowonsing, Divisional   from Port Louis by sea. Hence,   to Durban Chamber Council   of change management specialists
        major exporter to leading world   Manager of Enterprise Mauritius,   Mauritian Entrepreneurs look   member, Durban Chamber Board   at Nampak Packaging, Unilever
        buyers among Arcadia group    explained that Mauritius has   to connect with stakeholders in   member and lately as President.   SA, and Transnet Port Terminals
        (UK), Tommy Hilfiger, USA and   built its reputation on the basis of   Durban and build strong trade   Zeph acknowledged the Chamber   at Durban with commendable
        Orchestra, France amongst others.   technological innovation to shorten   and business partnerships.   as a member organisation that   results. 

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