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                     Pran Shree, CEO -   “I live outside the box, seeing what
                       Shree Property   others don’t and with the advent of
                        Holdings      Dube TradePort and King Shaka
                       A              an opportunity to link the seaport
                                      International Airport, I recognised
                                      and airport, by establishing
                       KwaZulu-       facilities in Dube TradeZone,” Shree
                                      said of a 2012 decision to become
                       Natal business   the first private sector operator to
                       magnate, Pran   invest in this industrial hub.
                        Shree, believes
                          in being at   His bold decision led to the
                          the head of   creation of Pran Park, heralding a
                          the pack,   massive vote of confidence in the
                           a business   emergent airport city.
                           philosophy   “Today’s business demands
                           demanding   speed, agility and connectivity
        boldness and a visionary attitude.  - components entrenched in
          Shree is the epitome of an   the growth of airport cities.
        entrepreneur. Leaving school to run   This is the future and I could
        a humble family-owned butchery,   envision the potential, making
        he quickly developed a new    it a business imperative to locate
        business vision, expanding into   close to the airport. As a logistics
        meat cold storage and then growing   enterprise operating nationally and
        the operation to include the biggest   internationally, we use sea, air and
        fruit export facility in the southern   land to connect clients with the   vision was proved correct and we   facilities designed, primarily, for   company’s ability to attract blue-
        hemisphere, with warehouses close   world. It’s about positioning and   have reaped the benefits of being   manufacturing and assembly plants   chip clients eager to realise SEZ
        to Durban’s seaport.          Pran Park affords ease of access to   at the leading-edge of business   and attracting a range of blue-chip   advantages and requiring rapid
                                                                                                  tenants, inclusive of Samsung South  set-up solutions, so becoming
                                                                    development here and first to serve
          He established Shree Property   the airport’s cargo facilities and to   a rapidly-growing market, more   Africa (manufacture of micro-chips   fully operational manufacturers,
        Holdings in 2007 as a property   two major seaports, Durban and   so because of the area’s zoning as   and assembly and distribution   assemblers and distributors of
        development enterprise, bringing to   Richards Bay.”        a Special Economic Zone (SEZ),   of LED televisions), Yangtze   products in the business gateway to
        market AAA-grade, new generation   Pran Park comprises 150 000m2   affording companies access to   Africa Cable (manufacture and   South Africa… and the world.
        warehousing. The business rapidly   of prime industrial space adjacent   available government incentives,”   distribution of fibre-optic cables),
        gained traction and today Shree   to the airport, 30km north of   Shree said.             Tufbag (manufacture of woven   Shree stressed, “We set out to
        heads an expanding property   central Durban. Shree said a                                polypropylene sacks and bulk   provide ‘Greenfield’ operational
        portfolio of more than 800 000m2,   strategic decision was taken to   The Pran Park development   bags), HBM-SA Health Protection   facility solutions, whilst creating a
        comprising more than 70 properties   construct AAA-grade industrial   decision was based on Shree’s   Services (manufacture of health   substantial presence in the area and
        and landing a string of ‘blue-chip’   warehouses here, catering for   keen knowledge of both South   products), Enlight Techno Solutions   stimulating employment creation.
        clients, including Unilever and   clients requiring large storage and   Africa’s property and logistics   (assembly and distribution   By 2016 Pran Park was complete
        Samsung.                      manufacturing facilities boasting   sectors, coupled with his foresight   of educational technological   and tenanted and becoming an
                                                                    about potential growth. It was
                                                                                                                                instant hit, securing more than
          Delivering turnkey solutions to   direct cargo terminal access and   his decisiveness of thought and   solutions), Rossi (assembly and   R1,3 billion in foreign direct
        storage, logistical, commercial and   rapidly growing air connectivity   boldness of action which put Pran   distribution of industrial gear   investment and creating more than
        residential requirements; Shree’s   with national and international   Park on Durban’s property map,   products) and Pilosio (South   1 500 sustainable jobs.”  
        business interests now criss-cross   destinations.          unlocking an exceptional and easily   African headquarters and storage of
                                                                                                  scaffolding and formwork).
        South Africa, Mauritius, Africa   “Being the first private sector   accessible inter-modal operating
        and the USA. As a man of vision,   investor, we took a calculated   environment.           Pran Park has quickly evolved
        Shree is ever on the lookout for new   risk in developing property in an                  into another Shree Property
                                                                     Construction was undertaken in
        business prospects.           untried environment. However, my   2013, bringing on-stream six new   Holdings success, thanks to the



             he partnership between   Natal being the second largest   2.  Complete the application form  7.  Category: Manufacturers: For    The closing date for entries is
             the Durban Chamber of    economic contributor to the South   3.  Send the completed application       all companies operating in the    1 September 2017 by which date
        T Commerce and Industry, and   African economy. A large part of      form to Rokeya Valli before       manufacturing sector in KZN  entries must have been received at
        Transnet Port Terminals continues   the KwaZulu-Natal economy is as a      1 September 2017  8.  Category: Agriculture and    the offices of the Durban Chamber
        to grow as they will again host the   result of being host to the Durban                     Agro processing sector: For    of Commerce and Industry.
        2017 KZN Exporter of the year   Container Terminal, the largest   The categories are:        all companies operating in the
        awards. Now in their 17th year, the   container terminal in southern   1.  New Exporter: For exporters       agriculture and agro processing    To enter, please complete the
        awards have grown progressively   Africa, and Richards Bay Terminal.      who have been exporting for       sector in KZN   attached application form. For
        since their inception in 2000 with   The awards are also supported      less than 3 years  9.  Category: Creative Industries:    further enquiries, please contact
        four additional categories introduced   by other strategic partners such   2.  Category: Small: Exports less       For all companies operating in    the Durban Chamber International
        in 2016. The aim of these awards is to                         than R25 million per annum     the creative industries e.g. arts,    Business Manager, Rokeya Valli, on
        recognize and celebrate exporters in   as the Department of Economic   3.  Category: Medium: Exports       culture, film, etc. or call
        this province, while we stimulate the   Development, Tourism and      between R25 million and    10. Category: Services Sector: For    031 335 1000.
        growth of our economy.        Economic Affairs (edtea), Trade      R100 million per annum     all companies exporting a    The award winners will be
                                      & Investment KwaZulu-Natal    4.  Category: Large: Exports greater
          Each year, the programme    (TIKZN), Ethekwini Maritime                                    service, excluding companies    announced at the 2017 KZN
        culminates with the KZN Exporter   Cluster (EMC), Small Enterprise      than R101 million per annum     providing a service to exporters   Exporter of the Year Awards Gala
        of the Year Awards Banquet at   Development Agency (SEDA)   5.  Category: Africa: For exporters       e.g. shipping agents, clearing    Dinner to be held on the 19th
        which the winners are announced.   and the Export Credit Insurance      who are exporting into Africa     and forwarding agents,    of October 2017 at the Durban
        The awards are an ideal showcase   Corporation (ECIC) to highlight   6.  Category: Service Providers:       insurers, financiers, etc.  International Convention Centre.
        for emerging and established   exporters in KwaZulu-Natal.     For companies providing a    Entries are open to all exporters   For more information, please
        exporters of a wide range of   The entry process is simple:       service to exporters e.g.    within KwaZulu-Natal and NOT   contact the Durban Chamber
                                                                       shipping agents, clearing and
        goods and services. The ocean                                                                                          Event Manager, Sharmala Pillay on
        economy plays a crucial role in the   1.  Select the category or categories       forwarding agents, insurers,    restricted to Durban Chamber or
        development of Durban. KwaZulu-     you wish to enter          financiers, etc.           members only.                call 031 335 1000. 

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