Page 5 - KZN Business Sense 7.3 Hameed Noormahomed-EBOOK
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ndrew Clark is the newly need a level of work life balance coming years and to grow and
appointed managing in order to obtain longevity in the become more dominant in the
Apartner of Cox Yeats career and to avoid burnout. space that we are in.”
Attorneys, based in uMhlanga
Ridge, KwaZulu-Natal and In reflecting on his recent His goal for the firm is to
which recently opened a appointment, Clark commented continue to move Cox Yeats
Johannesburg branch in that he is a people’s person. “I forward in a positive direction
Sandton. He is also the head feed on people around me within and to fulfil the goals and strategic
of the maritime, international teams. So, part of my success plans that the partners of the
trade and insurance law team has been in growing teams of firm have agreed upon. “So that
within the firm. lawyers around me.” He added over the coming years the firm
that the skills relevant to be a continues to grow from strength
Clark matriculated in 1989 from leader include the need to be able to strength and continues to do
Westville Boys High School. “I had to communicate well with people. what it has done for a number
some thoughts about becoming “One needs to be a good listener of years now, which is to punch
a lawyer at that point of time but and understand what people above its weight and ultimately
didn’t know what it all entailed so I around you are saying.” meet the desired goals, ambitions,
decided to do a BCom degree and and strategy of the collective
see how things went.” Of his leadership style he says partnership,” he explained.
that his preference is to lead in
During the course of the BCom more of a light touch way. “I am Clark commented that he is
degree, Clark studied several law dealing with people around me not necessarily inspired by any
subjects in addition to commercial who are all professionals, who are particular individuals, with the
subjects and ultimately moved skilled at their craft and who don’t exception of his family, who he
into law. He then completed says, he draws a great amount
articles with Adams and Adams, require a great deal of human of inspiration from. However,
which is a well-known intellectual management. I think that it is he explained that he is in awe of Andrew Clark,
property firm. Clark worked in important to lead by example and people who struggle to overcome Managing Partner
the maritime team in the Durban to understand what the concerns adversity and just make it
office and became a partner of the of partners and professionals are. through their lives on a daily “I would strongly recommend to
firm in 1999. In 2006 he joined As a leader one needs to make basis. “When I look at people law students that they get some
Cox Yeats as partner where he decisions and sometimes those who are successful it is often practical training. Take the SCAN
continues to practice maritime decisions may not be popular, about how they have reacted to time out to do vacation work to QR CODE
and international trade law work, but they have to be made in the failure or reacted to adversity learn what it is practically like
including marine and commercial greater interest of the firm and the and overcome that. Even if it to be within a law firm working TO SEE
insurance law. collective. Fortunately, I have the is just in their daily lives such environment. If you pursue your VIDEO
support of the senior professionals as getting to and from a work passion, you will be able to get
“During my articles I became around me and my approach to up in the morning and be happy
very interested in maritime decision making is generally one environment, or in feeding their with what you do every day, and (Open the camera on your phone and
law – it is obviously very of a collective nature.” family. To me there is a lot of it won’t seem like work.” hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
commercial, with a lot of foreign inspiration around us that one QR Code to see the video.)
clients, and the international Clark has set firm goals for his can see. It does humble one and
flavour became part of the own practice and that of the firm. bring one down to earth.”
passion for this area of the law,” “In terms of my own practice as In giving advice to young
he explained. a team leader, I would like my professionals Clark says that it
practice to continue working in would depend on the stage of
His interest in insurance law the way that it is now over the
arose out of his involvement in the career path that they are in.
the maritime and logistics sector.
Cargo that moves by land, sea or
air is insured as are the various
parties involved in the contractual
supply and logistics chain, SPECIALISTS IN
including the carriers.
“The real challenge that we
as attorneys face today is with NATURAL RESOURCES,
technological advancement,” says
Clark. “We strive to meet our CONSTRUCTION,
clients’ expectations and needs,
which in effect are now on a 24/ 7 PROPERTY,
basis. You are constantly available
to your clients whether it be on LABOUR,
WhatsApp, email, or other forms
of electronic communication. INFORMATION
The effect of that is that the law & COMMUNICATION
practice has become much more
fast paced and the volumes and TECHNOLOGY,
scale of work that a practitioner
faces these days far outpaces MARITIME,
anything that was done ten
or fifteen years ago. The busy INSURANCE AND
practitioners tend to be getting
their work out quickly and tend to INSOLVENCY LAW.
be good at what they do but that
leads to more work and so one
faces the challenge of balancing Ncondo Chambers, Vuna Close,
your own interests and what Umhlanga Ridge, Durban | 031 536 8500
you can actually do within a day
versus your clients’ expectations.”
Consequently, explained Clark, 4 Sandown Valley Crescent, Sandton,
these challenges mean that one Gauteng | 010 015 5800
has to work very hard in the
field of law to achieve success.
However, he added that one does