Page 10 - KZN Business Sense 7.3 Hameed Noormahomed-EBOOK
P. 10


        Q and A with Johan van Deventer   What Compliance Solutions   required B-BBEE levels for their   Who would a typical client be?
        Regional Manager KZN, LabourNet.  does LabourNet offer?     business through implementing   Most of our clients are small
                                                                    and managing practical and
        W        hat services does    cover the whole employee life   sustainable strategies.     and medium-sized businesses
                                       We offer solutions that
                                                                                                  across all industries employing
                 LabourNet provide?
                                      cycle i.e., Payroll, Health and
                                                                     Through our Employment
                                                                                                  between 10 to 250 employees.
                  LabourNet provides
        peace of mind to companies in   Safety, B-BBEE, Employment   Equity services, we assist clients   They all have one or more
                                                                    to comply with legislative
                                      Equity, Skills Development,
                                                                                                  performance or compliance need
        terms of compliance with the   Industrial Relations and     requirements which includes   that we need to solve.
        various ever-changing labour   Training Management.         identifying and eliminating
        legislation. This is sometimes   Our Payroll includes Software   unfair discrimination, increasing   Many corporate clients also
        complex for the employers to   only, Software and Support   workforce diversity, and, most   make use of our services due
        understand or to implement    services or Outsourced Payroll   importantly, avoiding penalties   to our high-level expertise and
        correctly.  Through our       Service complying with all    in terms of the Employment    our national capacity. We assist
        affordable and effective HR   relevant legislation.         Equity Legislation.           human resource departments,
        solutions to employers, we do                                Through our Skills Development   management teams or the board
        not only simplify employment   Our Health and Safety        solution, we take care of the   of directors, and advise them   Johan van Deventer, Regional
        compliance, but our consulting   services ensure that everyone   submission of workplace skills   on the relevant compliance   Manager KZN, LabourNet
        services also often result in higher   goes home healthy and safe   plans and annual training   requirements that they need to
        productivity, reduced absenteeism   and assist employers to operate   reports. We also manage the   adhere to or strategies to achieve
        and greater staff morale.     in compliance with the often   delivery of annual training   best practice for their businesses.
                                      complex Occupational Health   needs to upskill the workforce,
        Why would a company use       and Safety Act.               resulting in better productivity   Where are you based?
        LabourNet?                                                  for the employer and promotion
                                       Our Industrial Relations                                    We have a national footprint
          Business owners need to     solution focuses on ensuring fair   opportunities for employees.  and have 19 offices across South   SCAN
        focus on their core business   labour practices by complying   What training programmes do   Africa.  We service all major
        but often managing and        with the relevant legislation in all   you provide?         centres across South Africa    QR CODE
        adhering to employment-related   sectors.  This solution focusses on                      and have offices in Durban and   TO SEE
        responsibilities and compliance   maintaining good discipline in   We have a wide variety of   Richard’s Bay in KwaZulu-Natal.  VIDEO
        distract them from their core   the workplace and adherence to   accredited training programmes
        focus. We have highly qualified   company rules and procedures,   and short courses that are   How do you support clients?
        teams of multi-disciplinary   as well as building a co-operative   offered online or on site. These   Each client is allocated a   (Open the camera on your phone and
                                                                                                                                 hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        consultants who our clients   relationship between unions and   range from health and safety   dedicated service consultants   QR Code to see the video.)
        can engage on a day-to-day    employers.  We also assist our   compliance training, initiating   and if they should be unavailable,
        basis for immediate response   clients with disputes at CCMA   and chairing disciplinary   we provide advice and guidance   website and regular newsletters
        in providing a solution to their   or Bargaining Councils as well as   hearings, supervisory leadership,   via our Help and Support Desks   on our blog. 
        compliance need.              Labour Court matters.         among a multitude of others,
                                                                    including accredited full     staffed with qualified consultants.   For more information contact LabourNet
          We believe in building       Our B-BBEE consulting        qualifications in Human Resource   LabourNet also gives ongoing   Durban
        strong relationships through   seeks to assist employers to   Management Practices and    access to current information,   T: (0)31 266 6570
        partnering with our clients.  achieve the appropriate and   Information Technology.       advice and guidance via our   E:


             he Section 12J tax       were introduced in Canada, the   registered with the Companies and   There is an opportunity for   Destinata Capital has a
             programme, which was     United Kingdom and Australia   Intellectual Property Commission   companies and trusts to make a   stringent due diligence process
        Tintroduced by the South      which were very effective. In order   (CIPC) through which the R1   large S12J investment even if it   and focuses its investments
        African Revenue Service (SARS)    to incentivise us as taxpayers,   million minimum investment   pushes them to a tax loss position   in hotel type accommodation
        in 2009, is set to end on the    SARS has given us a 100 percent   requirement is removed.   because they then have the   which is a strong asset class.
        30 June 2021.                 tax break on these types of   Consequently, Destinata Capital   opportunity to offset that tax loss   “There is safety in property as
                                      investments, which is extremely   accept investments of R100 000.00.  against future taxable income.   you always have strong assets
          “Essentially Section 12J is                                                             The benefit of the assessed loss   on your balance sheet,” explains
        an incentive to get a country’s   powerful.”                 In addition, Destinata Capital
        tax payers to invest in its own   “Let’s assume that we have an   offers investors the opportunity to   can be worked off over a number   Maree.  The company also
                                                                                                  of years. The typical company
                                                                                                                                focuses on security companies
        economy and in our case       individual taxpayer who falls into   leverage a cash portion, much like   that would benefit from this   as security services are an
        specifically the SMME economy   the top tax bracket of 45%. If they   purchasing a property through a   strategy is one that has identified   essential service in South Africa.
        because that is what makes the   make an investment of R1 million   bond, to invest a larger amount of
        most jobs,” says Johannes Maree,   in a call account or on the JSE   money in a Section 12J investment.   Section12J as an investment   Destinata Capital also focus
                                                                                                  vehicle that they wanted to make
                                                                                                                                on asset rentals which give a
        CEO Destinata Capital. “This tax   they will incur R450 000.00 tax.   Apart from the benefits received,   use of for a few years.   slightly higher cash yield than
        programme followed on the back   An investor that invests into a tax-  the tax savings obtained from
        of incentive programmes that   deductible vehicle like 12J will get a   SARS can be used as a down   While retirements annuities   property. 
                                      million-rand tax deduction, which   payment on the loan.    also offer tax deductions the key
                                      would mean a saving of R450 000   Significantly, the sunset clause   difference is in the investment   For more information visit
                                      worth of taxes.”              for these investments is the 30 June   limits. A retirement annuity
                                                                                                  is limited to R350 000.00
                                       Any South African taxpayer can   2021 after which the tax deduction   per annum or 27.5% of your
                                      invest in a Section 12J programme   will fall away. “Practically speaking   taxable income. In a Section 12J
                                      including salaried employees   investors who have already taken   investment, an individual can
                                      paying PAYE, provisional      part in a Section 12J investment   contribute up to 2.5 million per
                                      taxpayers, companies and/or trusts.  programme will not be affected.   annum, a trust up to 2.5 million
                                                                    The tax deduction still stands, and
                                       Destinata Capital strives to   the funds still need to be managed   per annum, while a company   SCAN
                                      make the 12J programme more   in line with Section 12J legislation,”   can contribute up to R5 million   QR CODE
                                      accessible to the average South   explained Maree. “However,   per annum.
                                      African. Typically, the companies   investors qualify in the tax year   Another difference is that a   TO SEE
                                      act requires a minimum        that they make an investment and   Section 12J investment stands   VIDEO
                                      investment of R1 million in this   often wait until the last day of a   for five years while a retirement
                                      programme. Destinata Capital has   tax year to make an investment, so   investment can only be exited on   (Open the camera on your phone and
         Johannes Maree, CEO Destinata   registered as a public company   they need to act a little bit sooner   retirement, unless the investor is   hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
         Capital                      which allows prospectuses to be   this tax year.”           55 years of age.               QR Code to see the video.)

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