Page 11 - KZN Business Sense 7.3 Hameed Noormahomed-EBOOK
P. 11

Welile-Gumede, Asowel Projects                                             Nancy Toolseeram, NVT Engineering
         THE ENTREPRENEUR 2021


        Cobus Oelofse, CEO iLembe Chamber of   The Entrepreneur programme   Just Meats Butchery have   finalists will be exposed to   iLembe, Airports Company
        Commerce, Industry and Tourism   – with participants reporting   flourished following Joyce’s   intensive business modelling,   South Africa (KSIA), the North
                                      50% growth in revenue following  participation in the programme.   both through tuition and   Coast Courier, Siza Water and
              he iLembe Chamber’s     their participation in the    Just Meats has not only increased   practical application, as part   ENGIE Peakers Operations in
              11th annual The         programme.                    its footprint, with customers in the  of a programme co-designed   presenting this programme.
        TEntrepreneur Programme        In addition to enhancing     Ballito area and beyond, but also   by the University of KwaZulu-  To enter the competition,
        and Competition was launched   the viability of the finalists’   diversified its offering.  Natal (UKZN) and USA-based   candidates need to complete
        on Tuesday, the 18th of May   businesses, these businesses have   The iLembe Chamber’s The   Massachusetts Institute of   an application form that can
        2021. Following its 10th      created 261 new jobs in the local   Entrepreneur is a business   Technology (MIT). Finalists   be downloaded from The
        celebratory anniversary in 2020,   economy at an investment of just   accelerator programme that aims   will also be supported through   Entrepreneur website
        the flagship entrepreneurial   over R2520 per job created.                                mentorship by iLembe Chamber   (
        development programme will                                  to find entrepreneurial gems in the   accredited mentors from a wide   Entry forms are also available
        revert to its normal competition   Previous winners and finalists   iLembe District, and develop and   range of sectors and professions.  from the iLembe Chamber offices,
        format in 2021.               have excelled following their   support them to sustainable levels                        and various competition entry
                                      participation in The Entrepreneur   of growth.               Apart from the business      boxes will be placed throughout
          The competition has allowed   Competition. Welile Gumede                                development funding and
        the iLembe Chamber, with      from Azowel Projects, based in   Competition entries will be   marketing collateral received by   the district. 
        the support of its academic   Maphumulo, was placed first in   invited over a period of six weeks   entrepreneurs, the competition   For more information you can contact
        and professional partners, to   UKZN’s Champions Programme,   with the first tuition session taking   provides an opportunity for the   Sakhile Khumalo
        establish itself at the forefront                           place on 31 July 2021. The 2021   finalists to gain critical business   T: +27 (0)87 354 6343
        of entrepreneurial development   whilst Joyce Ncacana from Just   competition aims to attract the   skills, receive mentorship   E:
                                      Meats in Mandeni was selected
        and small, medium and micro                                 best SMME talent in our district.   and training, and prepare a
        enterprises (SMME) support in the   to participate in the programme.   Twenty SMMEs will be selected to   comprehensive business plan
        iLembe District. The programme   Welile and Patricia Schroder   participate in the competition.  that will allow them to grow and
        is widely endorsed and recognised.  (Reclite SA) were finalists in the
                                      Fair Lady/Santam Woman of the   The 2021 programme will run   develop their businesses.
          Over the past 10 years, 228   Future event, with Patricia being   over a period of nine weeks
                                                                                                   The iLembe Chamber is proud
        finalists have participated in   awarded the accolade in 2018.  during which competition   to partner with Enterprise



         OF BUSINESS

              he Zululand Chamber of    The ZCCI will continue to   presidents, leadership and staff
              Commerce & Industry     working together with industries   that left a lasting legacy. We are
        T(ZCCI) celebrates 95 years   to find impactfuI solutions to   making strides in reshaping the
         as the voice of business in the   develop its communities through   ZCCI to become an organisation
         Zululand region in 2021.     capacitating small businesses   ‘fit for future purpose’.”
          Chamber President Thami     in order to further create     “As times change so should
         Sithole said, “This milestone is   employment.             organisations to ensure that they
         dedicated to our members, who   The Covid-19 pandemic has   are aligned with the needs
         have over-the years supported the   negatively affected the economy   of the future. Together
         ZCCI and carried the organisation   and this will be felt for a few   with our industry partners,
         through the many storms. A   more years to come, but this,   government and the business
         special thank you to the industries   said Sithole, calls for all social   community we understand
         and business community for their   partners to collaboratively work   the important role that the
         continued selfless giving towards   together in finding and creating   Chamber plays in organising
         all our initiatives programmes and   opportunities that will instantly   the· business community and
         platforms. The Zululand Chamber   resuscitate the local economy in   creating significant platforms
         of Commerce & Industry       the King Cetshwayo District.  of engagement,” concluded
         continues even during these                                Sithole. 
         trying times, to ensure the voice   “As we celebrate ninety-five
         of business is heard, particularly   years of the ZCCI, we honour
         small businesses.”           those, that came before us. The

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