Page 13 - KZN Business Sense 7.3 Hameed Noormahomed-EBOOK
P. 13



               ur world is changing and                                                                                         that focus on infrastructure
               even more so in response                                                                                         development, specifically for Early
        Oto the Covid-19 pandemic.                                                                                              Childhood Development (ECD) in
        More and more people are having                                                                                         KwaZulu-Natal.
        to or choosing to work from                                                                                              In addition, annually, for
        home. Some of us are downscaling                                                                                        more than ten years, projects
        to live with their children, or adult
        children are moving back home                                                                                           have been completed with the
        with Mom and Dad. Building a                                                                                            Key Foundation, Robin Hood
        Garden Office or Cottage is the                                                                                         Foundation, Imama Wild Ride
                                                                                                                                and Foundation Corruseal (Krupa
        solution to the increasing demand                                                                                       Foundation).
        for extra living/working space.
                                                                                                                                 Elangeni Buildings is registered
          Elangeni Buildings provides a                                                                                         with the National Home Builders
        fast and cost-effective building                                                                                        Registration Council (NHBRC)
        method to meet this growing                                                                                             and our quality and workmanship
        demand. The company provides
        full turn-key project solutions                                                                                         is guaranteed through full
        with over 40 years of industry                                                                                          compliance with the National
        experience specialising in                                                                                              Building Regulations, including
                                                                                                                                full municipal approval across
        constructing granny flats,                                                                                              all South African municipalities.
        offices, garages, cottages, homes,                                                                                      The building system is fully
        classrooms and RDP units.      Rob Gibb, Justin Gibb and Neil Gibb
        Elangeni meaning ‘where the   are therefore 40 percent more cost   of professional services such                        approved by the SABS of  the
        sun rises’ is leading the way and                                                         plumbing and electrical       Construction Sector also known
        is at the forefront of Alternative   effective than traditional brick or   as architects and engineers   including connections.  as Agrément. The buildings are
        building technologies in South   block building methods.  In just   with specific municipality   “Elangeni Buildings have   also compliant with the latest
                                                                    engagement. We offer full
                                      six to eight weeks, you could have
                                                                                                                                energy efficient regulations that
        Africa.                                                                                   the same look and feel as any
                                      a  complete spacious new home   turn-key projects with our in-                            deal with insulation qualities and
          The family-owned company    office extension, garden office or   house architect and engineer   conventional building and are just   energy performance of buildings
        was established by Rob Gibb   new cottage making Elangeni   and include all aspects of the   as strong, durable and long lasting.    therefore eliminating the need
        in 1979 and is located in New   Buildings a very attractive option   build. This assists the client in   We can match the look and style   for you to spend on additional
        Germany, KwaZulu-Natal. Ten   for anyone requiring great value   providing them a hassle free   to suit your exact needs including   insulation products to make the
        years ago, Rob was joined by his   for money in a short space of   building experience, making for   plaster bands, Tudor style, hipped   building compliant and liveable.
        two sons, Justin and Neil, who   time,” says Justin Gibb.   a smooth, seamless and efficient   or French gable roofs. The building
        have entrenched themselves into                             building project every time.”  is finished off with painting inside   “Elangeni takes immense
                                       Because Elangeni Buildings
        the core of the business and have   completes projects faster than   Elangeni Buildings offers you   and out to your desired colour,”   pride in all our building projects
                                                                                                                                and customer satisfaction is of
        contributed greatly to its growth   conventional methods, it is the   a selection of standard plans   says Neil Gibb.   the utmost importance to us,”
        and success. Currently, Elangeni   reduced construction time that   or you may have your own   Apart from building homes,   concludes Neil.
        Buildings is one of the leading   saves you money.  Also with the   custom design, size, or layout   cottages, in residential estates and
        family-owned building companies                                                           in retirement villages, Elangeni   ‘Let Elangeni give light to new
        in KwaZulu-Natal.             reduced overall time on site it   to suit your exact needs. The                           ideas and help you expand your
                                      promotes cleaner building sites   turnkey project scope includes   Buildings has been involved and
          Elangeni Buildings is renowned   and reduces the impact caused by   plan drawing and council   successfully completed many   space.’
        for its innovative building   building works to your property.  submission, ground preparation,   school projects. This includes
        method and almost unbelievable   Rob Gibb says that it is crucial   foundations, and floor slab,   building classrooms, admin   Contact Neil
                                                                                                                                T: +27 (0)31 705 8330 | +27 (0)82 613 3775
        building speeds comprising of   to understand all the aspects   Elangeni steel reinforced   blocks, storage and ablution   E:
        reinforced concrete walling with   involved when considering any   concrete walling, complete   blocks for schools around KZN   W:
        conventional roofing, windows,   build project. “Apart from the   roof including SABS timber   with over 150 successfully
        doors, and finishes.                                        roof trusses, barge board,    completed projects. The company
                                      construction of the building                                has also partnered with several
          “Our construction projects are   itself, any construction project   facia, gutters, windows, doors,   non-profit organisations
                                                                    plastering, ceilings, painting,
        completed 80 percent faster and   will require the involvement

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