Page 14 - KZN Business Sense 7.3 Hameed Noormahomed-EBOOK
P. 14


                                                                    OOZES BREATH-TAKING

                                                                    SCENERY AND CHARMING

                                                                    HOSPITALITY VENUES

                                                                          lan Paton, the South     Ayanda Nyandeni, tour guide   or get cosy in the lounge area next
                                                                          African anti-Apartheid   at the Nelson Mandela Capture   to the fireplace.”
                                                                    Aactivist and author wrote    Site, said, “After a year of
                                                                    in his acclaimed novel Cry,   pandemic-induced lockdowns,    “We also offer group bookings
                                                                    the Beloved Country: “There   people are looking to travel   for those interested in hosting a
                                                                    is a lovely road that runs from   again. I am so excited that   private dinner event. Whether
                                                                    Ixopo into the hills. These hills   leisure tourism is coming back   it’s a business luncheon, a
        Scenic views abound along the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands Meander  are grass-covered and rolling,   with a bang. While natural   casual dinner or a celebration
                                                                    and they are lovely beyond any   beauty abounds in the KZN   event, our goal is to make every
                                                                    singing of it….if there is no mist,   Midlands, people who are   meal a memorable experience.”
                                                                    you look down on one of the   looking to travel this winter   For nature enthusiast and
                                                                    fairest valleys of Africa.”   holidays will also be well-   adventure seekers, Karkloof

                                                                     Paton’s description of the   advised to also take in some   Canopy Tour, situated in
                                                                    picturesque landscape was     history linked to our nation’s   a spectacular valley of the
                                                                    penned more than 70 years ago,   hard-won freedom.”         Karkloof Forest Reserve, offers
                                                                    and while he may have referred   “The Nelson Mandela Capture   12 platforms and 10 zip-line
                                                                    to the Ixopo region, he could well                          slides, the longest of which is
                                                                    have been extolling the beauty   Site is a cultural and historical   200 metres.
                                                                    of the neighbouring, unspoilt   exhibition that is situated at the   Kai Schulz, managing director
                                                                    KwaZulu-Natal Midlands.       site at which Nelson Mandela   at Karkloof Canopy Tour said,
                                                                                                  was apprehended for his anti-
                                                                     Just over an hour away       Apartheid activism acts in    “The zip-line journey is safe and a
                                                                    from Durban, between          August 1952. There is a museum   fun adventure for people between
                                                                    Pietermaritzburg and          with videos and photographs   the ages of six and 80 and over. It
                                                                    Drakensberg, is a delightful region   that will give you goosebumps   is the second largest indigenous
                                                                    filled with stretches of farmland,   as the people’s Struggle is retold   forest in South Africa and is
                                                                    quaint little towns full of charm,   through sound and images,”   unique due to the incredible bird
                                                                    a marvellous road of arts and                               life which includes glimpsing
        Visitors can enjoy 10 zip-lines through the Karkloof Forest Reserve at   crafts, restaurants brimming with   said Nyandeni.  emerald cuckoos, Knysna Turaco,
        Karkloof Canopy Tours
                                                                    gastronomic delights and scenic   Several owners of hotels, chalets,   a great variety of birds of prey
                                                                    landscapes bordering the sublime   game lodges and holiday resorts   and if you are lucky, the elusive
                                                                    region known as the KwaZulu-  cannot wait to welcome visitors   Narina Trogon or endangered
                                                                    Natal Midlands.               to the KZN Midlands and have   Cape Parrots.”
                                                                                                  posted their amazing specials on
                                                                     As you soak up the landscapes,                              “The forest also shelters a
                                                                    sounds and fresh air of the KZN   Tourism KwaZulu-Natal’s website   variety of mammals, but it is
                                                                    Midlands, you will quickly    making travel fun and affordable   the loud cries of the Samango
                                                                    realise that this is the ideal place   – see  monkeys that you will
                                                                    to recharge your soul’s batteries   The general manager of the   remember best.”
                                                                    in surroundings that resemble   Midlands Meander, Marian Evans   Wine lovers, couples and families
                                                                    God’s canvas.                 said, “The Midlands Meander is   will enjoy a trip to Highgate Wine
                                                                     At the heart of the KZN      special because it offers its visitors   Estate, which produces its very
                                                                    Midlands is the popular       an array of accommodation to   own wines, and is situated in the
                                                                    Midlands Meander – an itinerary   choose from, beautiful autumn   heart of KZN Midlands.
                                                                    of art, handicrafts, restaurants   and cosy winter days, an
                                                                    and farm holidays – that is   abundance of wonderful cuisines   Terri Evans, general manager
                                                                    a retreat for holidaymakers   and countless charming scenic   of Highgate Wine Estate and
                                                                    with many cafes, art galleries,   areas to enjoy outdoor activities.  Piggly Wiggly, said, “The
                                                                    beautiful guesthouses, cheese   “Parents are now more aware   Kassier family purchased the
        Highgate Wine Estate, situated on the R103 near Piggly Wiggly produces its   farms, seamstresses, cobblers,             Highgate Farm which was then
        very own wines                                              trout farms, potters, weavers   of focusing on creating special   a small one-hectare vegetable
                                                                    and painters who have made this   memories with their children   farm. Thereafter, the Kassiers
                                                                    region their home.            and we encourage more of these   saw an opportunity, a need
                                                                                                  family holidays or day outings   for fresh produce, and the
                                                                     The Midlands Meander         together. Farms stays with the   concept of Piggly Wiggly was
                                                                    is a wonderfully refreshing   family is a must; children can   born. From this passion came
                                                                    combination of over 150 places to   enjoy a visit to Endeavour Alpacas   Highgate Wine Estate, and in
                                                                    eat, drink and shop, and stretches   at Nirvana Farm, fly-fishing and   2016, the first commercially
                                                                    from Rietvlei and Curry’s     horse riding.”                produced bottle of wine was
                                                                    Post to Dargle Valley and Fort                              bottled and sold exclusively in
                                                                    Nottingham – a total of about   Mount Shekinah Country Hotel,   their winery. Highgate now has
                                                                    80km of activities.           near Michaelhouse School, just   five hectares of vines with a
                                                                                                  off the R103 in Balgowan, is a gem
                                                                     One of the historical sites in    and a must-visit destination to   variety of Merlot, Chardonnay,
                                                                    the Midlands Meander is the   include on your bucket list.  Pinotage, Cabernet Sauvignon
                                                                    Nelson Mandela Capture Site,                                and Shiraz and visitors can relax
                                                                    one of the most-visited memorial   The general manager of the   and enjoy the wine-tasing and
                                                                    sites in KZN with a visitor   hotel, Silindokuhle Bhengu, said,   delicious foods.” 
                                                                    centre and a world-renowned   “Our location is ideal, private and
                                                                    sculpture of the peace activist   peaceful, offering visitors’ scenic   Discover KZN by visiting:
                                                                    and politician Nelson Mandela,   views and amazing hospitality.
        Mount Shekinah Country Hotel, near Michaelhouse School, just off the R103   designed by the South African   Guests can enjoy horse-riding   watch?v=cU8rGVbBgCc and
        in Balgowan, is a gem and a must-visit destination in KZN   artist Marco Cianfanelli.     within the property, go for a hike

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