Page 118 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2021/22- eBook
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                                                 (THE ASSOCIATION
                                                   FOR THE AGED)

                                            No .of Employees: 135 permanent; 100 outsourced;
                                            277 volunteers
                                            B-BBEE Status: SED Certificate – 61% Black
                                            Beneficiaries Base
                                            KEY PERSONNEL
                                            CEO: Femada Shamam
                                            Chief Financial Officer: Nita Sewpersad
                                            Divisional Manager Support Services: Bernard Courtois
                      CEO:                  Divisional Manager HR /Admin: Marshnee Naidoo
                   Femada Shamma            Divisional Manager Fundraising, Marketing and Public
                                            Relations: Prevashni Naidu
       Full Name of Company: TAFTA (The Association for   Divisional Manager Operations: Yoshina Kistensamy
       the Aged)                            CONTACT DETAILS
       Industry Sector: Social and Community Services  Physical Address: 80 Samora Machel Street, Durban,
       Services/Products: Nonprofit organisation – Care of   4001
       the Elderly                          Postal Address: P.O. Box 2983 Durban, 4000
                                            Tel: +27 (0)31 33 23 721
       Date Established: 1958
                                            Fax: 086 297 0798
       Customer Base: beneficiaries of service : ± 3500 older   E-mail:
       people (reduced, due to Covid-19)    Website:

       INSPIRING ACTIVE AGEING              class processes  and programmes that maximise
                                            efficiency, quality, safety and service excellence.
       The Association for the Aged (Tafta) is a non-  All Tafta services are provided either free or at a
       profit organisation situated in Durban with more   nominal charge, and the organisation relies heavily
       than 60 years of service in the sector of elder   on contributions from local businesses and individuals
       welfare. Our aim is to encourage the elderly to live   made through fundraising efforts.
       as independent members of the community for as
       long as possible and to provide care for those who   SUPPORT SERVICES
       are no longer able to look after themselves.   Tafta provides the following services:
       Established in 1958, Tafta has been the leading   Accommodation
       provider of care and support focusing primarily on   We provide suitable accommodation in 13 buildings,
       the needs of older persons and vulnerable groups   to +/- 1800 elders in our care; of which approximately
       in eThekwini. Our many support services contribute   188 are in frail and assisted living care.
       to  our  purpose of making  dignity, growth  and  a
       meaningful life a realistic prospect for all elders.   Residential Living
       This is delivered through a basket of services   Independent older persons who are able to
       including accommodation, community outreach   perform activities of daily living can be admitted
       and social work services.            into residential accommodation. Tafta homes offer
                                            a secure environment for elders who pay for
       Our unique proposition lies in creating value   lodging and have access to additional services such
       for clients and our partners with a key focus on   as home care services, meals, social work services
       outcomes and benefits. Our strength in healthcare,   and other activities.
       community outreach programmes and community
       development initiatives are our main differentiators.   Assisted Living
       We seamlessly integrate our services with best-in-  Tafta helps older persons with their activities of

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