Page 1 - Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards 2023 Supplement - eBook
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                                                                                                      KZN TOP BUSINESS

                                                                                                                     AWARDS 2023

                                                       SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS!



          he Radisson Blu Hotel,  of Commercial Banking at   congratulations to all
          Durban Umhlanga     Standard Bank KwaZulu-    the nominees, finalists,                                                       SCAN
     Twas filled with         Natal.                    and winners for their                                                         QR CODE
     excitement and celebration   The prestigious title of   remarkable achievements.                                                  TO SEE
     at the annual Standard Bank   KZN Top Brand, awarded   The selection process                                                      VIDEO
     KZN Top Business Awards.   solely by public vote,   this year was immensely
     This highly anticipated   is highly coveted by all   challenging due to the
     event, considered a lodestar   participating businesses.   high number of entries and
     on the KwaZulu-Natal     This year, an overwhelming   the exceptional calibre of
     business calendar, brought   number of votes were cast,   participants. Our province
     together an illustrious   and we proudly announce   is undoubtedly a winning
     gathering of visionary and   that the top brand for 2023   one, and as we always say,
     impactful business leaders   is Mi7 National Group.   success breeds success.”
     from across the province.  Based in Pietermaritzburg,   Winners of the category

     From donating 180 000    this esteemed company     awards are:
     litres of water daily to   has been a leader in the   Standard Bank Client of
     stricken communities, to   security cluster for decades,   the Year – SME Category
     the installation of solar   guided by their mission   Sky Tents
     farms that provide over   to uplift, empower, and
     one million kilowatts    enhance the quality of life   Standard Bank Client
     of clean energy at their   within the communities   of the Year – Larger
     holiday resorts, to creating   they serve.         Enterprise
     hundreds of jobs, these   The Business Leader of   P&A Fabricators
     companies have ignited the   the Year 2023 award went
     KwaZulu-Natal economy,   to Owen Heffer, CEO of    Manufacturing Sector
     uplifted communities     Hollywoodbets. Heffer’s   Tropic Plastics and
     and offered hope during   inspiring journey from   Packaging Industry
     challenging times.       humble beginnings, in a   Transport/Logistics Sector
     “The Standard Bank KZN   country foreign to him and   Fastway Couriers Durban
     Top Business Awards is a   his family, to the creation   Franchising Sector
     testament to the exceptional   of a powerful brand with a
     businesses and organisations   profound presence across   CMM Group of Companies
     that go above and beyond   South Africa and KwaZulu-  Family-Owned/Managed
     in fuelling the economy   Natal, resonates with the   Businesses
     and enriching the lives of   spirit of true success.  Phoenix Group
     the people of KwaZulu-   Grant Adlam, CEO of KZN
     Natal. Our purpose is to   Top Business, expressed   Agricultural and
     drive Africa’s growth.   his deep admiration,      Agroprocessing Sector
     These KZN businesses     stating, “Every year, we   Underberg Dairy
     we recognised tonight all   are not only impressed by   Community Upliftment
     share amazing stories of   the exceptional companies   and improvement
     triumph and perseverance   operating in KwaZulu-
     and serve as a beacon of   Natal, but also humbled   DRG
     inspiration for us all. Their   by their unwavering   Renewable Efficiency –
     invaluable contributions   commitment to sound     Green initiatives
     to the economic prosperity   business practices and   Beekman Group
     of KwaZulu-Natal deserve   outstanding efforts
     our utmost admiration are   to benefit employees   Employee Wellness
     key to driving that growth,”   and communities. We   Star Retailers
     said Kuben Chetty, Head   extend our heartfelt     #RiseAboveTheNoise.
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