Page 4 - KZN Business Sense - Vol4 No1 - eBook
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(Continued page 2) ...        combined annual income of up   SALARY TRENDS IN 2018
                                      to R 350 000.
          Therefore, it is critical that
        Government provides and       National Health Insurance          he HR Business Forum of   several factors are currently     broad-based tax increases. A
        maintains a safe, secure,      The Durban Chamber calls          the Durban Chamber of    affecting the economy, which will     VAT increase is on the cards,
        reliable, effective, efficient and   for deeper engagement between   TCommerce and Industry's   have an impact on salary increases.     as the National Treasury seeks
        fully integrated infrastructure   private and public sectors to   February meeting topic was   These include:             to plug a multibillion-rand
        network which meets the needs   provide healthcare access to   ‘Salary Trends in 2018’.  Lionel van   ■   An expected improvement      revenue shortfall.
        of individuals and businesses,   all in SA. The good health and   Schalkwijk, regional manager, PE     GDP growth of 1.4% in 2018,    ■   Water Security
        while simultaneously facilitating   wellbeing of the workforce is a   Corporate Services, presented on:      and 1.6% in 2019. However,    ■   The impact of Eskom’s liquidity
        local economic development    critical factor for productivity   ■   Actual and predicted salary/     this rate is far below the 5.6%
        and supporting government     and growth.                     wage increase trends for      increase required to address the    Top Salary Trends
        strategies and plans. The focus                               2017/2018                     unemployment crisis.        The top salary trends for 2018
        on skills for the digital age   In conclusion, the Durban   ■   Factors impacting on salary/   ■   The strengthened rand, which    include the need to:
        is critical to the attraction of   Chamber acknowledges the     wage increases in South Africa    is a result of Cyril Ramaphosa’s    ■   Address gender and race pay
        investment into SA.           remarks by President Cyril    ■   Update on the national      appointment as president of      gaps
                                      Ramaphosa to fight corruption,     minimum wage legislation to      the ANC. However, exchange
        SMMES                         fraud and collusion. This       be implemented in May 2018    rate fluctuations are still    ■   Provide equal pay for work of
          The Durban Chamber          reaffirms the Durban Chamber’s                                occurring.                    equal value and/or grading
        acknowledges President        vision: ‘in Business for a Better   Major factors impacting on salary   ■   The outlook on food inflation,    ■   Provide top performers with
        Cyril Ramaphosa for his       World’. Very clear intentions   increases                     which is not expected to      larger increases or cash bonuses
        stated commitment to small    have been communicated by      Van Schalkwijk said that the     change significantly in the near    ■   Develop innovative cost saving
        business development and for   the President to deal with   economy is expected to recover     to medium term.            plans that do not lose jobs.
        undertaking to set aside at least   corruption both in private   moderately in 2018. However,   ■   The 2018/19 Budget, would see    ■   Get set for the Gig (collaborative
        30% of public procurement     and public sectors and this is                                                              economy)
        to SMMEs, cooperatives and    encouraging, as is bringing                                                               Actual and predicted salary/wage
        township and rural development   governance in SEO leadership                                                           increase trends for 2017/2018
        enterprises in addition to    structures.
        reducing regulatory barriers.                                                                                            The majority of organisations are
        He has promised to roll out the   President Ramaphosa has                                                               budgeting increases between 4%
        red carpet for SMMEs instead   thrown down the gauntlet of                                                              and 7% depending on staff category
        of the usual red tape and the   ‘Thuma Mina’ [send me], thus                                                            and skills shortages but a large
        Chamber will certainly hold   challenging each one of us to                                                             proportion of survey participants
        him to delivering on this key   put our shoulder to the wheel                                                           (42%) are expecting increases to
        and fundamental issue for our   to lift South Africa out of the                                                         be between 6.1% to 7% with an
        members.                      economic quagmire. As the                                                                 average of 6.3%. The higher rate
                                      Durban Chamber of Commerce                                                                is more relevant for areas of skills
        Fees Must Fall                and Industry, we commit to                                                                shortage and negotiated rates
                                                                                                                                with labour unions. Most wage
          In a bid to address the fees-  supporting this vision and we                                                          settlements resulted in single digit
                                      are ready to ‘Seize the day!’ as he
        must-fall movement, we are    has implored us to do.                                                                   increases in 2017. 
        pleased that government has
        significantly prioritised higher                                                                                        For more information contact
        education by starting this year   Musa Makhunga, President of                                                           Lionel van Schalkwijk
        to provide free education and   the Durban Chamber of Commerce                                                          T: 031 700 1597   |
        training to first year students                                                     
        from households with a gross

                      Tanya Tosen,    1. Do your employees understand   The South African Reward   human resources, finance and   There are two types of
                        Remuneration   their payslip and remuneration   Association (SARA) has its   even shop stewards into one   remuneration experts – those
                        Consultants   package structure?            annual Tax Budget Update      room. These deliver incredible   who determine how much you
                                                                    countrywide starting on 6
                                                                                                                                should pay an employee (the
                                                                                                  value to transform a lagging
                        T    he way   The typical questions usually   March 2018 in Cape Town, 8   payroll department or just   quantitative side) and those
                                      asked are:
                                                                                                  making sure you offer the best in
                                                                    March 2018 in Port Elizabeth,
                                                                                                                                who are experts on how the
                                                                                                  the market.
                                         Why are my taxes so high?
                                                                    the final session being held in
                                                                                                                                delivered to the employee for the
                        employers     ■   Other employers give better    13 March 2018 in Durban with                           determined quantum should be
                         feel about     take-home and/or better     Johannesburg on the 15 March   2. SARS Payroll Audit        best possible value (the qualitative
                          their payroll     benefits – what are we missing?  2018. This is not a normal budget   Everyone who has been through   side). The tools of package
                          department   ■   What is the tax on my increased    update but is specifically aimed   a SARS specialist payroll audit   structuring include package
                           is best      salary?                     at how the Budget Speech,     will know this is a completely   structuring tools, travel allowance
                            equated                                 delivered on the 21 February   different exercise than the   calculators, company vehicle vs
                            to the    ■   What is the amount of tax on    2018, tax law changes, impacts   “assurance check” done by   travel allowance comparisons and
        banting diet – no one naturally     my bonus?               employee remuneration and     external auditors. SARS is using   total reward statements. These are
        cares about dieting, but everyone is   ■   Why does my tax vary from    take-home pay. SARA also has   a fine-tooth comb to assess and   used as part of the recruitment/
        worried that someone else is getting     month to month?    a two-day Package Structuring   find any type of exposure that   onboarding process and “before”
        it right, in a better way.    ■   Why must I pay money to SARS    and Cost to Company workshop   can be used to generate additional   payroll i.e. to structure packages
                                        when submitting tax returns?  annually, for which the dates   revenue to fill their deficit.  correctly before loading onto the
          Payroll departments have                                  have yet to be confirmed. SARA                              payroll system. 
        evolved over the years, from data   Payroll professionals often   is a non-profit organisation,   The upside of an independent
        processing to now being one of   rely on the payroll system to   so the events are either free   payroll audit is not only ensuring
        the most targeted SARS audit   provide answers. They are    for members or a nominal fee   full compliance with employees’ tax,   For more information please contact
                                                                                                                                Tanya Tosen, she is a remuneration and
        areas as well as having strategic   normally disappointed, as the   payable to cover costs. Details   IRP5 codes and other risk items;   employees’ tax expert.
        importance, in whether you    payroll system is only as good   may be obtained from tanya@  but also includes a gap analysis on   Email
        are remunerating employees as   as the data captured into the  whether internal processes may   or call 084 955 0796.
        optimally as possible.        system. A remuneration and                                  be improved as well as missed
                                      employees’ tax expert are the more   The organisation also offers   opportunities on employee
          The concerns of business    correct skillset(s) to assist, thus   more bespoke training solutions   remuneration structuring.
        owners, executives and heads   understanding the inner workings   available for employers, where
        of payroll will broadly fall into   of remuneration methodology and   all stakeholders may attend. This   3. Package Structuring –
        three categories:             package structuring tax law.  would include getting payroll,   Qualitative Approach

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