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n today’s complex and ever- Meeting Expectations responsibility, a commitment
evolving business landscape, As we look further into the that extends beyond the realm
Ithe challenge for corporations, horizon, another unmistakable of our core business functions.
regardless of their size or sector, trend shaping the future of the We understand that providing
isn’t just about staying ahead security industry is the rising security means more than just
of the competition. It’s about importance of Environmental, installing alarms and deploying
ensuring the holistic security and Social, and Governance (ESG) guards; it means contributing
well-being of their assets—both criteria. Historically, the concept to the holistic wellness of the
human and material. That’s of security may not have been communities we serve. Through
where Mi7 National Group steps naturally linked with sustainability our extensive array of Community
in, embracing a multifaceted or environmental stewardship. Service Initiatives (CSIs)—which
approach to security solutions in But times have changed. Today, include park rehabilitations,
South Africa, an approach that has stakeholders, including clients, cleanup campaigns, educational
earned us the accolade of KZN’s employees, and investors, expect upliftment programmes, and
Top Brand in the Standard Bank businesses to adopt a holistic strategic partnerships with entities
KZN Top Business Awards 2023. perspective that balances profit- like SANBS, SPCA, and Love to
Let’s dispel a common myth making with responsibility Live—we strive to improve every
facet of life within the KwaZulu-
right at the outset: security toward the planet and its people. Natal province.
is not a ‘necessary evil’, or a Companies are beginning to
grudge purchase that businesses recognise that incorporating This dual approach—to not
make. It is an investment—an ESG criteria into their operations only serve but also uplift the
essential one—that safeguards is not merely a branding exercise communities in which we
a company’s future, reputation, but an operational imperative. operate—doesn’t just make us a
and operational integrity. As we At Mi7 National Group, we’re business; it makes us a partner
serve a broad spectrum of clients actively aligning our business in the truest sense of the word. It
across South Africa, from high- model and practices to meet makes us conscious of our social
profile, blue-chip corporations these ESG expectations. footprint, leading to initiatives
to smaller, family-run businesses Consider, for example, how that align with sustainability
in sectors like retail, mining, and advances in technology can goals, diversity, and inclusion. We
government, our experiences contribute to environmental handpick our PSIRA-accredited
tell us that the need for robust, sustainability. From smart personnel not only based on their
dynamic physical security systems energy management in our skills but also on their personal
has never been greater. demeanor, ethical behaviour,
operation centers to reducing and moral values. In doing so,
Security Challenges carbon footprints via optimised we ensure that we’re not just a
patrol routes, every action can company that does business in Mi7 National Group CEO, Shadrach Karien (left), and Mi7 Manager Tracey
We’re living in an age where make a difference. The scope Karien (right)
security challenges are becoming for responsible governance in the community but a part of the
increasingly complex, thanks to deploying these technologies community itself.
a multitude of factors ranging is vast. Security companies The security landscape is shifting
from socio-political volatility can ensure ethical sourcing under the weight of technological
to advancements in technology. of components, guaranteeing advancements, societal changes,
Gone are the days when static that their supply chains are free and new types of threats. In these
guards and CCTV cameras were from exploitation or other social turbulent times, businesses need
the gold standard in security. injustices. This extends to how more than just a vendor; they need
Today, innovative technologies we manage our data and respect a comprehensive partner who can
are driving unprecedented privacy concerns, encapsulating navigate this complex terrain with
changes in how we think about governance and ethical behavior at them. With branches nationwide
and implement security measures. all levels of operation. and decades of experience, Mi7
Take our Mi7 Surveillance Net National Group stands ready not
as an example—a pioneering However, incorporating ESG just to meet this need but to go
initiative that exemplifies our criteria goes beyond merely ‘doing above and beyond, setting new
commitment to integrating good’; it has a practical implication standards in what it means to be
cutting-edge technology for the for risk management. A strong ESG a security service provider in the
purpose of public safety. profile mitigates potential social modern age.
and governance risks that could Mi7 National Group has a specialised fleet of vehicles and equipment which
But what does the future hold otherwise compromise security. In today’s world, where caters to all security requirements, from strike control, priority escorts, VIP
for physical security? If we look at For instance, a security company uncertainty often seems like protection, and armed response
the emerging trends, it’s clear that with a high regard for social values the only constant, Mi7 National
Artificial Intelligence (AI) will will naturally instill this ethos Group isn’t just offering security;
play a significant role. Imagine a into its workforce, reducing risks we’re offering a promise for a safer,
security system smart enough to related to staff misconduct. At more secure tomorrow for both
differentiate between a random Mi7 National Group, our Level businesses and the communities
passerby and a potential intruder, 1 BBB-EE certification isn’t just they serve. And that’s a promise
alerting security personnel in a plaque on the wall; it signifies we intend to keep.
real-time. At Mi7 National Group, our unwavering commitment
we’re not just imagining these to meeting these ESG criteria, E:
scenarios; we’re actively investing ensuring we conduct our business W:
in research and development to in a manner that is both socially
make them a reality. Our mission responsible and sustainable for the
is not just to meet but to exceed long term.
customer expectations through
customised security solutions Social Responsibility
built on a foundation of service Yet, what truly sets us apart
excellence, diligence, honesty, and is our commitment to social Mi7 National Group also has a specialised Emergency Medical Services
integrity. division to ensure their clients’ safety, as well as their wellbeing.