Page 8 - KZN Business Sense 9.4 - Shadrach Karien (Cover)
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         ZN Top Business         extraordinary and that she has a  will be available online and   and pushes the boundaries    Nominations of women from
         Women 2023              good story to share.  By sharing   across a range of social media   of what is possible to deliver   all stages of business and life
  Kpowered by DRG and            the participating women’s    platforms, which provide great   great results.             representing all industries are
   BusinessFit and supported by   stories, the initiative aims to:   marketing opportunities. The   ■   OPERATING EFFECTIVELY    accepted. Previous nominees
   Mangwanani African Spa take   ■   Inspire and uplift future    participants will also share                            have included women from
   great pleasure in announcing     generations of women to reach    aspects of their stories in three     AND PRODUCTIVELY  diverse educational and
   that nominations for this       their own goals and be inspired    panel-based webinars, which   For a female leader who provides   cultural backgrounds.  Among
   year’s initiative are officially     to follow their own dreams and    will be streamed remotely.    the strategic direction for a   others, these have included
   open.  Now in its fourth year,     ambitions                                             private company or a publicly   entrepreneurs, professionals,
   KZN Top Business Women        ■   Bring awareness of the    In addition, each woman will   traded company              executives, artists, journalists,
   recognises the achievements of     importance of the role of    be made to feel special at a   ■   FOSTERING A CULTURE    not-for-profits, lawyers, doctors,
   women, who in their roles as     women in society and in the    gala dinner to be held on the     OF EMPOWERMENT AND    and public officers.
   leaders, executives and business     workplace             2nd November at the Elangeni     DIVERSITY                   Kindly note that a woman may
   owners, make an impact on                                  Maharani Hotel.                                             also nominate herself for inclusion
                                                                                             Acknowledges an individual for
   business and on society.      ■   Promote gender equity     At this final event, six women   their strong efforts and dedication   should she wish to participate. 
    David White CEO DRG and       Grant Adlam CEO KZN Top     will receive further recognition   to support women and maintain
   BusinessFit SA said, “We are   Business said, “The theme of   in the following categories:  a diverse and inclusive culture or   To nominate someone and for more
   delighted to again support the   KZN Top Business Women 2023   ■   THE COURAGE TO        work environment              information visit:
   KZN Top Business Women        is Celebrate the Extraordinary.                                                
   initiative. There is no doubt   Through this initiative we     REALISE A DREAM           ■   MAKING A DIFFERENCE       topbusinesswomen
   that women are exceptional    really want to raise the profile   Honours a woman who has   IN THE COMMUNITY
   contributors to the growth,   of the amazing women in KZN,   worked tirelessly to bring their   For a woman who is dedicated
   development, and sustainability   celebrate their many brilliant   vision to fruition.   to serving others while making
   of KZN, and it is a joy and a   achievements, and showcase   ■   EXCEEDING               an impact on social, economic,
   privilege for DRG to help in   their successes.”             EXPECTATIONS AND            cultural or environmental issues. 
   profiling and celebrating the   Each woman participating     DELIVERING BRILLIANT        ■   BEING A WOMAN
   achievements of our many                                     EXPERIENCES                   EXTRAORDINAIRE
   highly engaged women.”        will be photographed, profiled
                                 through video, and included in   Honours a woman who has    An exemplary women leader
    By nominating a woman,       a KZN Top Business Women     made a significant impact on   who makes a significant impact in
   you are telling her that she is   Portfolio.  The women’s profiles   their business through new ideas   her chosen field

                                 ANNEME COETZEE

                                 Founder of True Awakenings Training Centre

                                  Anneme Coetzee is            As a respected Relationship   they can understand how they   Anneme will be the facilitator
                                 passionate about helping     Manager at Imperial Bank,     work with others.            of the three panel-based
                                 individuals to understand    Anneme worked with high-       Anneme established the True   webinars where the participating
                                 themselves so that they can   level decision-makers and    Awakenings Coaching and      women in the KZN Top Business
                                 achieve personal excellence.   stakeholders. This exposure   Training Centre and her skills   Women initiative will share
                                 She began her career in the   and experience has positioned   and expertise have enabled her   aspects of their stories.
                                 financial sector and within   her as a credible and well-  to operate as a trusted mentor   The dates for these webinars
                                 two years, was entrusted with   informed professional coach.    and coach to senior executives,   are the 12, 19 and 26 October at
                                 managing blue-chip clients   She has always believed that the   entrepreneurs, consultants,   6pm. For more information visit
                                 and overseeing multi-million   more individuals understand   supervisors and managers in
                                 rand accounts.               about themselves, the better   the private and public sector.   my-spot

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