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Biz CORNER and you can have a clear picture ■ ■ 90 Day Goals three key focus areas:
Invest in one day every 13 weeks
This full day monthly event has
Personal goal
of where your business will be in
Community and education,
Business must achieve goal
90 days’ time and a step-by-step
where you will learn from
plan to get you there.
local and international
13-week cycles
TALK with Business Coach time out to invest in working ■ me the Money Honey) industry experts sharing
So, when last did you take the
Test and Measure Tools (Show
valuable insights on advancing
your business
ON your business and if you
have done so, are you on track to – Financial numbers
@coachmarlenepowell @actioncoachmarlene ■ Prioritise accountability
achieving your 90-day goals set? – Marketing numbers and results by featuring
■ Sales numbers collaborative planning for
Steps to take to achieve your 90-
day plan – Weekly Focus Sheet the upcoming month
(Discipline) ■ A chance to learn from other
■ Create a 90-day plan like-minded business owners
■ Take control and get organised – Financials (Money)
■ Learn proven profit strategies: ■ Budget If you feel you are having to
1. Map out your next 90 days – Actuals do business alone then this
platform is an opportunity
Growth tracker
2. Meet up with peer-to-peer for you to connect with
business owners ■ Default Diary (Time) other driven business owners
3. Have access to a business Yes, it is a lot to consider, but looking to forge powerful
coach or mentor what you put in you will get out. relationships.
4. Learn from the strategies Achieving success is just that
implemented in your businesses much easier when you have your Contact me on
5. Widen your sphere of goals and plans written down and marlenepowell or call +27 (0)83 479 4471
contacts by networking with actioned on. Scan the 6 Steps Scorecard below or click
other business owners on to discover how
6. Hear valuable lessons from MemberSHIP Event well you’re doing in the 6 key areas of
others in business To keep motivated you should business success.
nly 2% of business owners to reflect on what’s working ■ Have a clear focus on where also make the time to invest in
have a written plan and and what isn’t can be extremely your business will be after 90 attending at least one monthly
Oeven fewer stick to it. difficult. days as well as a plan to get you community and education
there platform. An example is our
In reality, failure to plan is a But what if you could step out monthly MemberSHIP event,
plan to fail. For many business of your business one day every Use a Checklist where you will: SCAN THE
owners, who are caught up in three months, and get laser- Here is a checklist to help you to QR CODE
the day-to-day of their business, focused on what you need to achieve your 90-day goals: ■ Gain knowledge TO SEE
finding time to plan for your do to grow your business? One ■ Make connections THE 6 STEP
business can seem impossible. day to plan for success is a small ■ 6 Step ScoreCARD – See QR ■ Develop strategies to advance
In addition, finding the time price to pay for what you can get. Code to access this ScoreCARD your business SCORECARD
n the fast-changing world the DCC Accelerator, provide 3. Exposure to Capital and through collective knowledge eThekwini Municipality, believes
of entrepreneurship, small SMEs with direct access to senior Investment Opportunities and support. that Business Accelerators play a
Ibusinesses often hit roadblocks decision-makers and industry Access to funding is a common 5. Industry Expertise and Sector- pivotal role in driving economic
that slow down their growth and stakeholders,” says Ballard. This barrier to SMEs’ growth. Business Aligned Empowerment growth by empowering SMEs
success. From tight budgets and direct engagement significantly Accelerators often facilitate and fostering mutually beneficial
limited expertise to encountering enhances the possibility of forming introductions to potential One of the most significant commercial opportunities between
barriers in accessing lucrative strategic partnerships and securing investors, both from the public advantages of Business Accelerators diverse industry stakeholders.
market opportunities; the struggle mutually beneficial commercial and private sectors. Additionally, is the chance to connect with “We hold a deep commitment
for small business owners is real. opportunities with large customers some Accelerator programmes, industry leaders and established to Accelerators such as the DCC
But, there’s a game-changer for who are actively looking for new, like the DCC Accelerator, offer stakeholders. “Accelerators provide Accelerator, as we have directly
those who want to supercharge local suppliers that might otherwise the chance to compete for cash SMEs with the opportunity to observed its transformative
learn from the best and gain
their growth and have access be difficult to access. prizes. “SMEs need capital to fuel exposure to industry giants,” he impact. It’s this very impact that
to untapped opportunities. It’s their growth, and Accelerators states. “This exposure not only drives us to continue to actively
called: Business Accelerators. 2. Expert Mentorship and uphold our support for these
Tailored Guidance can connect SMEs to various offers valuable insights but can also initiatives, with a specific focus on
Kyle Ballard, Head of Navigating the complexities capital investment interventions lead to strategic collaborations that
Accelerators for the Durban of business growth can be and funding opportunities,” can propel them to new heights.” empowering Black industrialists
and catalysing economic
Chemicals Cluster (DCC), a daunting. Business Accelerators Ballard notes. The primary focus of the DCC transformation within the local
seasoned expert in the field and connect SMEs with seasoned 4. Integration into a Vibrant Accelerator lies within the local chemicals sector,” states Rathiyaya.
leader of several Accelerator industry mentors who offer Community chemicals manufacturing industry
initiatives, highlights five expert guidance and support. and has an exceptional track “Whether through the
compelling reasons why SMEs “Our mentors work closely Business Accelerators cultivate record of value addition within DCC Accelerator or similar
should seriously consider joining a vibrant ecosystem where this particular domain. “Our initiatives, SMEs should leverage
a Business Accelerator: with selected SMEs to align SMEs can interact, learn from specialisation speaks to the strategic Accelerators if they are serious
their products or services with one another, and collaborate on about taking their growth
1. Access to Established and customer demands and to innovative projects. “Joining an advantage of aligning SMEs with trajectory to the next level,”
Enthusiastic Customer Base streamline operations for efficient Accelerator means becoming an Accelerator specific to their Ballard concludes.
company’s niche to optimise their
Securing a strong customer base and sustainable growth,” Ballard part of a community that potential and unlock targeted
is often a challenge for SMEs. explains. This mentorship ensures shares experiences, resources, growth,” emphasises Ballard.
Joining a Business Accelerator that SMEs receive tailored advice and opportunities,” Ballard For more information or to submit an
application to the DCC Accelerator, please
opens doors to established that is instrumental in their highlights. This collaborative Takalani Rathiyaya, who heads visit
networks of potential customers development journey and enables environment accelerates the Economic Development our-programmes/business-accelerator-2
and partners. “Accelerators, like better delivery to customers. learning and propels growth Programmes Department at before 30th September 2023.