Page 12 - KZN Business Sense 10.1 Page One Shaaz Moosa - CEO Supahot- Ebook
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Shadrach Karien, Group lighting is poor or non-existent, performance across various
CEO, Mi7 National such as rural borders or wildlife missions, including firefighting,
Group CEO reserves, night vision-equipped search and rescue, inspections,
drones can operate effectively, and nocturnal operations. Features
outh Africa’s providing clear imagery that such as a 4/3 CMOS wide camera,
security supports surveillance and law 640 × 512 px thermal camera, high-
Slandscape enforcement activities. This is volume loudspeaker, 45-minute
is characterized particularly relevant in South flight time, and 2 square kilometre
by its diverse Africa’s fight against poaching, coverage area exemplify the fleet’s
challenges, where poachers often operate under capability to streamline operations,
ranging from the cover of darkness. Drones can ensuring meticulous observation
urban crime to patrol large sections of parks and and quick decision-making in
reserves, identifying suspicious
diverse security applications.
border security
and anti-poaching efforts. In activities without alerting the However, the deployment of
this context, drone surveillance perpetrators, thus increasing the drone surveillance raises critical
emerges as a versatile and effective chances of apprehension. considerations. Privacy concerns
tool. One company pioneering are at the forefront, with questions
drone technology in South about how to balance the need
Drones, with their ability to Africa’s security industry is Mi7 for security with the rights of
cover vast areas quickly and National Group. individuals. There is a fine line
provide real-time data, offer a between surveillance for security
strategic advantage in monitoring The company’s Aerial purposes and intrusive monitoring
and responding to incidents. The Surveillance Unit facilitates a that violates privacy rights.
application of thermal imaging is broad spectrum of operations, The development of regulatory
a case in point. Traditional night emphasizing crime prevention, frameworks that govern the use of
patrols are limited by human emergency response, search drones in surveillance is essential
visibility and response time. In and rescue operations, traffic to address these concerns, ensuring
contrast, drones equipped with management, event security, that drone technology is used
thermal imaging can detect infrastructure protection, responsibly and ethically.
heat signatures from humans or environmental monitoring, and
animals, regardless of the time community patrols. Through Another challenge is the
of day or weather conditions, real-time surveillance in high-risk technological and logistical
thus enhancing the capabilities areas, Mi7 National Group’s drones infrastructure required to support
of security forces to preempt and play a pivotal role in deterring widespread drone operations. Mi7 drone operator, Justin Karien
respond to potential threats or criminal activities, providing rapid This includes the need for skilled
illegal activities. deployment during emergencies operators, maintenance of the
for critical information gathering drones, and the processing and
Furthermore, the tracking and coordination, and conducting analysis of the vast amounts
capabilities of drones provide a efficient search efforts in of data collected. Building this
significant leap in managing and challenging terrains. infrastructure requires significant
mitigating security incidents. In investment and coordination
urban settings, drones can be The versatility of these drones across various stakeholders,
deployed swiftly to follow suspects extends to overseeing traffic including government agencies,
or vehicles, feeding live data flow and public gatherings, private security firms, and
back to command centers and safeguarding vital infrastructure technology providers.
coordinating with ground units against potential threats, and
more efficiently than ever before. fostering a secure atmosphere By addressing these issues head-
This capability is not just about within communities through on and fostering collaboration
enhancing response times but regular aerial patrols. These drones across sectors, South Africa can
also about increasing the safety of are equipped with a mechanical harness the full potential of drone
security personnel by reducing the shutter, a formidable 56× zoom technology to create a safer, more
need for direct confrontations. capability, and an RTK module for secure society.
unparalleled accuracy in mapping
Night vision technology in drones and operational efficiency. The T: +27 (0)33 814 2250
also opens up new frontiers for thermal variant of the fleet is E:
security operations. In areas where specifically designed for enhanced W: Mi7 drone operator, Clive Sachse
he Institute of Natural With a passion for strategic regional and global particular focus on agricultural
Resources (INR) recently transdisciplinary research initiatives on water resources water management.
Tappointed Professor and capacity development, management for sustainable As a natural integrator,
Tafadzwa Mabhaudhi as Mabhaudhi is looking forward and resilient food systems has Mabhaudhi is excited to
its new director to herald a to building on the INR’s legacy honed some valuable insights, position the INR for growth,
more ambitious role for the of bottom-up development. not least how to best align internationalisation, collaboration
Pietermaritzburg-based research “We’ve identified the need scientific principles with local and partnerships in the research
and development organisation. to scale the INR’s reach to a knowledge and institutional
more regional level and make perspectives. and development community at
Mabhaudhi brings an it a partner of choice for large. His first priority is to create
impressive track record and deep organisations wanting to work Mabhaudhi’s diverse research a facilitative platform for the INR
knowledge of the fluid interplay in the region,” he says. credentials will stand the INR researchers to do their jobs. “We’re
between water, energy, food in good stead. He holds a BSc building an enabling environment
and the environment globally Mabhaudhi plays a leading Honours Crop Science from to support our scientists and
and particularly in southern role in global forums and the University of Zimbabwe, partnerships which enhance the
Africa – dynamics at the centre networks, in particular, the and an MSc and PhD in Crop INR’s capacity to deliver on its
of his vision for the INR to play a Global WEF Nexus Community Science from the University of vision. “It’s an exciting future
Professor Tafadzwa Mabhaudhi leading role in the region. of Practice. His involvement in KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), with a beckoning.” he said.