Page 16 - KZN Business Sense-Vol6 No5
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                      David White,    needs to move to the second    S-Curve 3 is quite different. Here  includes providing staff members   To meet these organisational
                       Chairman,      S-Curve platform where defined   staff and teams migrate from the   with a clear understanding of   requirements, a Leader must
                        BusinessFit   workflows, detailed role clarity,   organisation’s structured routine   the organisations intention,   create an engaged work
                                      and clear outcome expectations   of activity-based job descriptions   its purpose and contribution   environment, where people
                        W       e     and communicated to all staff   outcomes, to being individual   and ethical value norms, and   contribution to the organisation’s
                                      are explained, understood,
                                                                                                  to stakeholders, its cultural
                                                                                                                               feel they belong, and that their
                                                                    and department defined
                                      members.  The organisation’s
                                                                                                                               success is essential. An important
                                                                    and team resources contributing
                                                                                                  defining each person’s area of
                       know that      evolution from S-Curve 1      within their “zones of influence”.   commitment and how their   element in the evolution of
                                                                    Staff focus on the outcome of the
                                      to S-Curve 2 is critical as it
                                                                                                                               an organisation and in the
                                                                                                  individual and team attributes
                     Leadership is    provides essential structure to   organisation’s intention to provide  contribute towards the combined   contribution orientation of its
                        a science…    the organisation, inclusive of its   quality services to a specific   activity and desired output of the   team members is the personal
                        meaning that   staffing activity and outcome   target market, and to support   organisation.  Each staff member   growth of the senior leaders and,
                         everyone     intention. Thus, this evolution   the organisation’s vision and   must understand the impact   in particular, that of the CEO;
                         who          helps to ensure ongoing quality   mission in meeting stakeholders’   of the organisation meeting   namely, emotional intelligence,
                         understands   delivery service standards are not  expectations.  All staff in S-Curve  stakeholder measurements and   or interpersonal acumen. This
                         its intention   compromised.               3 believe in the vision and mission  must clearly understand and   growth includes developing an
                         and steps to                               of the organisation and instill   support the organisation’s key   insight into personal style and
                         greatness     At S-Curve 2 the Leader relooks   within themselves the values and   success and delivery areas, and   its impact upon the attitude
                         can be       at each of the functional areas   ethics as initially articulated by   support initiatives to ensure   and behaviour of others – what
        a successful Leader. We are   of the organisation, defines   the Leader in S-Curve 1.     the organisation’s success and   works and doesn’t work in the
        also able to learn the traits   individual and team output                                sustainability.              enablement of team members to
        of exceptional Leaders,       requirements, ensures effective   Attraction and retention of                            optimise their contribution to
        implement their strategies in our   communication processes, and   suitable staffing is essential for the   At S-Curve 3, everyone in the   enterprise goals.
        organisations, and understand   focuses on mechanisms to meet   sustainability of the organisation   organisation is encouraged to
        the impact our leadership style   administration, compliance, and   at each of the S-Curve maturity   “contribute” and are empowered   The Leader’s team of co-
        is having on the effectiveness of   reporting responsibilities.  The   levels.  This, too, is a science a   to make decisions to meet   directors ensure operational
        driving the organisation’s vision   whole team in this stage begins to  Leader who has experience and   quality assurance standards and   and financial standards are
        and sustainability.           understand customers’ needs and  understanding in aligning staff   stakeholder commitments in their   maintained – and are responsible
                                      expectations, the organisation’s   purpose and commitment with   area of expertise.  Everyone in the   to ensure that organisational
          Leadership begins, as virtually   key success factors, and its   the organisation’s vision and   organisation aligns their decision   sustainability milestones and
        every book on the subject will   financial measurements. This   confidence in meeting intended   making with organisational   objectives are met.  The bond
        tell you, with a Leader having   understanding helps to ensure   outcomes, can easily implement.     culture and norms, and so the   between the Leader (CEO) and
        a deep passion for an improved   organisational measurements and  S-Curve maturity is only possible   directing Leader’s approach   chief financial officer (CFO( at
        organisational outcome, having   stakeholder commitments are   where staffing and teams are   changes dramatically from that   S-Curve 3 become inseparable.
        a strong sense of commitment   met or exceeded.             as committed to the values and   was needed in the S-Curves 1&2   The CFO’s role is not only to
        to stakeholder expectation, or                              service levels of the organisation   maturity.  People and teams now   ensure financial information
        a belief in a process to improve   In S-Curve 2 the Leader’s role   as much as the Leader himself   think and act like the Leader   is collated and administrated
        customer experience.          and responsibilities continue to   or herself is.  S-Curve 3 culture   himself or herself and make   effectively, but also to prepare
                                      direct values and organisational   consists of self-driven individuals   decisions based on the best   financial information in such a
          As organisations grow… so the   outcomes, but routine activities                                                     way that it is of value to the CEO
        leadership role evolves.  It moves   now include mentoring staff   and teams, who are committed   interests of the organisation, and   and other members of the board
        from a directing and hands on   and teams to help them gain   to ongoing quality output   its commitment to sustainability   to support effective decision
        approach in the initial set-up or   an understanding of the   improvement of the organisations  and stakeholder measurements.    making (and comply with good
        survival stage of the business, to   business and “how it works”.    internal and external customers.    The directors in organisations   governance norms).
        a finely structured activity-based   This activity includes building   Having attracted like-minded   at S-Curve 3 work together
        model where individual people   committed teams, creating   people into the organisation,   closely.  The business is now   Business leadership principles
        focus on meeting defined tasks,   an organisational culture   people who strongly identify   bigger (and more complex) than   are not unique to business alone.
        and then to individuals and   of ongoing improvement to     with what the company does, are   it was at S-Curves 1&2 and   Sports teams, and in fact all team
        teams working together focused   operational processes, developing  able to add value through their   requires more sophistication in   of people with effective Leaders,
        on meeting organisational     positive customer relationships,   experience and expertise, and   systems to maintain consistent   will produce better and more
        outcomes and ensuring the     implementing systems to help   who support the contribution   levels of operation.  The Leader’s   sustainable results.  To reiterate,
        organisation’s success and    coordinate essential quality   the organisation makes to the   fundamental responsibility   leadership is a science all can
        sustainability.               assurance activities, and defining   market and economy.  It is the   is to ensure governance   learn.  It is something we practice
                                                                                                                               on a day to day basis, and as long
          In the first stage of the   department and organisational   Leader’s role to ensure that staff   standards are maintained, that   as we align ourselves with people
        organisation’s evolution, which   measurements. The leader also   are correctly inducted into the   safety and service levels are   who have common values, beliefs
        we refer to as S-Curve 1, the   ensures effective training and   organisation, and to create a   not compromised, and that   and outcome intentions, our work
        Leader guides the organisation’s   opportunity for staff development  common foundation of values   stakeholder measurements and   is made easy. 
        staff and ideals towards success   and team contributions.    and beliefs.  This induction   expectations are suitably met.
        through articulating clearly
        its vision and purpose, and by   GROWTH OF AN                                                                          For more information contact:
        directing individual activities to                           20                 S-Curve 2                              David White
        meet desired outcomes.          ENTERPRISE                   19                                                Teams   T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
          Decision making at this initial                            18  HR            MD                           HR         W:
        stage of the organisation’s          Leadership   Functional  Area   Measurement  Purpose and         Marketing  IT
                                                                               & Sales
        development is often centrally   As an Enterprise grows, so   15       Marketing   Finance  Operations  IT  Legal
        coordinated by the Leader, as he   does its complexity, requiring   14  Clients    Suitable  Understanding   Success   Strategy
                                                                                                                  Area Support

        or she guides the organisation                               13            Workflow  Staffing  Self & Team
        towards meeting intended goals   more thought and structure   12                                        Finance  Operations
        and milestones.  This initial   to ensure its ongoing        11                   Understanding   “Zone of Influence”
                                                                                                 Business Plan
                                                                                          the Business
        structure in organisational    Success and Sustainability.    9                                Zone of Complexity
        design is not sustainable in the                         HR   8                  Mature     Mentoring &
                                                                                           Focus on

        long term, as it is overly reliant                 Marketing  IT 7                Organisational   Coaching                SCAN
        on the Leader’s ability to direct                      Area Support  6                        Administration  Finding
        the organisation in each of its                   Legal      Strategy    Scale     Recognition  Compliance               QR CODE
                                                                                           & Reward
        functional areas to meet desired                              3                           Governance                      TO SEE
        outcomes.                                            Finance  Operations 2                     Ensuring                   VIDEO
                                                                                                      Qaulity Control  Deliverling
                                                                      1      Growth                                  Services
                                              Leadership,    Functional    Reasons, goals,   Creating an
          To ensure ongoing quality           Idea Generation,   Area   0  Start  and objectives.  engaged work
        assurance and stakeholder               Core       to support   Growth  -1          where staff                          (Open the camera on your phone and
                                                                                          take self
                                                           stucture of the
        management, the organisation            Purpose &   business.  Time                 inspired action                      hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
                                                                                            for results.
                                                                                                                                 QR Code to see the video.)
   11   12   13   14   15   16