Page 12 - KZN Business Sense-Vol6 No5
P. 12
amantha Watt is the owner She attributes her success to
of Say Watt which is a being surrounded by incredible
Syoung, bold, and passionate women her entire life. “My
consultancy with a passion for gran was a single mother who
influencing hearts and minds raised three daughters and is
through the art of public relations. the stalwart of the family. My
mother never pursued tertiary
Samantha started her own education but was ambitions
agency after leaving her nine to and very successful. I also have
five job to meet her desire to be strong willed and amazing
the best mom and wife that she women business partners
could be. She adds that she has who all have a strong sense of
succeeded through the grace of
God and through the support of accountability.”
her husband. Samantha’s advice to other
aspiring business owners is
“Our core business is public
relations which is more than to not let anyone squash your
building brands. We have a hearing in one ear and was badly be and that I could not do that o’clock in the morning and I may dreams. “People need to pursue
massive network of freelancers scarred,” she explained. working a normal nine to five job.” work during weekends.” their dreams with courage and
who are strong service providers In her second year of university, Samantha then embarked on Samantha’s goal is to have perseverance and do what 99%
in marketing strategy, events, Samantha fell pregnant, got her journey of owning her own an impact on the world. “Our of people are not prepared to
web development, social media married and by the age of 25, she business. “Initially this was built dream is that no brand, big or do. I think that is what makes
and/or brand development and had three children. on the amazing relationships I small, in South Africa ever has you successful. Pushing a little
activation. So, we are able to had developed over the years with to go unbranded or unheard. We further.”
supply a one stop marketing shop Samantha reflected that during
to our clients, which is really her early working career she ex-employers, colleagues, family, are committed to keeping our
great,” explains Samantha. really suffered with mommy and friends, who became my first costs low and competitive while
guilt. “Women believe that if clients and are still clients today. still providing the quality that
“We love telling our clients that they are career driven, they I wouldn’t be where I am today if our clients have come to know
we are dream chasers. At the heart are letting someone down. they hadn’t put their faith in me.” and enjoy.”
of every marketing success is a Women want to be all things to In commenting on her current Business success, says Samantha,
story which can grab the heart of everyone,” she explained. work/life balance she says that she is defined by the point where you
a customer. We are exceptional does not believe that anyone has stop worrying about cash flow.
story tellers.” However, she said that her life achieved balance. “Having my own “Your dream has got to be bigger SCAN
was changed when she joined
Samantha’s path to success has business is a plus as I am able to than your business. It is about QR CODE
not been easy. “When I was in The Unlimited and participated choose my own work hours. My when you have the money to make
matric, my dream was to become in several transformation and favourite place to be is on the side a tangible difference in other TO SEE
personal developmental courses.
an award-winning journalist. of the rugby field, netball court people’s lives. Going forward being VIDEO
During my first year at She said, “I learnt to dream again, or cricket field. I am that crazy able to help micro entrepreneurs
university, I contracted bacterial and I dreamt big… I realised that mom who shouts on the side of the and making a tangible business (Open the camera on your phone and
meningitis and nearly died. As a my primary dream was to be the field… The trade off is that I often difference for them for free would hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
result of the infection, I lost the best mom and wife that I could have to work to 12 at night or 1 be our dream.” QR Code to see the video.)
he Covid-19 pandemic websites. Workers who thought Of course, there is a need to use a redefined for the South African WhyBuyCars doesn’t make
and subsequent lockdown that they had to be at the office in car for work or leisure. The lack of market. you jump through hoops to get
Travaged the economy order to function are now even reliable forms of public transport WhyBuyCars – a brand launched your keys – the entire process,
and closed or threatened more productive from home. makes it a necessity, but why is in May 2020 during the hard from application submission to
countless businesses, but as with The same can be said of what we there a belief that we all need to lockdown – offers a range of collection of a vehicle – can all be
all setbacks, there are always perceived to be the norm when it own a car? vehicles a minimum of three done online and within 24 hours.
positives to be found. comes to car ownership and the Ownership means that, unless months at a time for an inclusive From as little as R4500 per month,
use of a vehicle on a daily basis. the argument is a compelling
One of the things that lockdown you have the cash to purchase a rate that covers everything from
has revealed is that innovation Owning a car during lockdown vehicle, you’re locking yourself insurance to taxes. The short-term one for any driver or existing car
can take over where convention became a grudge expense. After into a long-term commitment lease doesn’t require a deposit nor owner looking for a little freedom
fails. Where people were used all, it meant maintaining a that sees a car being paid off at a any type of credit rating – which is in how they consider not only the
to doing things in a certain depreciating asset that attracted higher overall price. Factoring in often a barrier to car finance. complications of finance, but all
way – like shopping, work and interest-based, monthly maintenance and insurance and Punted as “the better way to have the administration that comes
commuting – the experience of payments despite not being potential for loss, theft, or damage a car”, WhyBuyCars has backed up with owning and maintaining
lockdown showed that there are used or used less. Added to that and suddenly owning a car the claim with more than 15 000 a vehicle.
very viable alternatives that can was the fact that cash was tied accounts for a substantial portion applications since beginning, that
be better than what we perceived up in a R500 000+ vehicle that of any salary. While financing are questioning whether owning For more information on WhyBuyCars
to be the only option. People was losing value and couldn’t a car may not be a financially a vehicle provides any long-term offering, visit
who had never shopped online provide any benefit during tough lucrative or smart decision, it is benefit other than its use.
now order all their necessities via economic conditions. a necessary one, according to
traditional thinking. Or at least, In a volatile economy,
it’s necessary in the absence of any WhyBuyCars offers an alternative
other options. that doesn’t lock the driver into an
agreement that spans years, but
But there is another option rather lets you maintain control of
that makes more sense in this your finances. The user can budget
market and during these trying over shorter periods of time and
times – leasing. upgrade or downgrade the type
The term ‘leasing’ is one that is of vehicle they’re using without SCAN
largely unheard of in the market. the hassle of selling or trading, QR CODE
And even if it is, there are negative or a new finance deal. With no TO SEE
associations attached, such as escalation within the period, the
high rates, increased risk and a deal isn’t linked to interest rates VIDEO
certain degree of inflexibility in and buy-back or usage clauses
the terms of the lease agreement. that have an effect of maintenance (Open the camera on your phone and
With the launch of WhyBuyCars, plans and insurance. hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
the concept of leasing is being QR Code to see the video.)