Page 9 - KZN Business Sense-Vol6 No5
P. 9

MULTI-MODAL                   increasing costs and decreasing   and representing the AmaXimba     development of a truck stop    ■   A truck stop and staging
        TRANSPORTATION                predictability and reliability, there   Community in this development,     and staging facility    facility to accommodate
        FACILITY UNDER                is stark realisation that the status   has conceptualised, planned,   ■   The conceptual design for the      300 parking bays with
        DEVELOPMENT                   quo is not sustainable.       packaged and is now in the      new KwaXimba N3               all ancillary support structures
                                                                    process of developing and even     Interchange has been       for drivers, as well as vehicle
              he Cato Ridge Logistics   Understanding that the Port   operationalising this dream.                                maintenance and testing
              and Intermodal Hub, now   of Durban has very limited                                  concluded and environmental    ■   Logistics parks to
        Tmore aptly referred to as    scope for expansion, especially   Those who described this as “a     impact assessment for      accommodate warehousing,
        the Cato Ridge Dry Port (CRDP),   for back of port activities and   pipe dream”, are now waking up     this strategic intermodal      freight handling logistics and
        has been the topic of discussion   onsite freight handling, that the   to a reality where the Dry Port     infrastructure component is      freight preparation facilities
        in the transportation and     over reliance on road freight   is ready to start operations and     soon to be completed  ■   An industrial park to
        logistics corridors for many years.   and a skewed road to rail ratio is   where:         ■   A bulk services agreement      accommodate manufacturing
        Some of the views expressed   further stifling or smothering the   ■   A business structuring      between CRLHC and the      opportunities presented by its
        by those who call themselves   port and that if we are already     model, with clear community      eThekwini Metropolitan      close proximity to the Dry Port
        industry specialists are that Cato   struggling to cope with existing     ownership and involvement,      Municipality is being      and Logistics land uses; and in
        Ridge is an ideal location as an   freight volumes, how are we     has been concluded between      negotiated and is facilitated by      the longer term
        intermodal, or even a multi-  ever going to cope with doubled     CRLHC and the AmaXimba      the eThekwini Chief of
                                                                                                                                   A tank farm as a strategic fuel
        modal transportation facility.   volumes in the not too distant     Development Trust (ADT).     Operations Office; and last but    ■   storage facility
                                      future, then one has come to                                  definitely not least
        ADVANTAGEOUS                  understand the logic of the Cato   ■   Optimal coordination,    ■   A transformation strategy    It is important to conclude by
        LOCATION                      Ridge Dry Port.                 alignment and integration      has been developed in full     emphasising that the CRLHC is
                                                                      is facilitated, and regulatory
          The location on a strategic   The area of Cato Ridge with its     applications are processed,      collaboration and in    implementing this project as an
        intersection of the Natcor railway   surrounding, predominantly rural     with the support of a Project      partnership with the    agent of the community and the
        line, the N3 freeway and the soon   and impoverished AmaXimba     Facilitation Team, co-convened      AmaXimba Development    community is not merely regarded
        to be decommissioned Durban   Community, located roughly      by Trade and Investment       Trust, representing the     as an incidental beneficiary of the
        Johannesburg Pipeline (DJP) and   midway between Durban and     KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN)       community and recognising    development. The community
        positioned between the busiest   Pietermaritzburg, presents a     and the eThekwini         their ownership in the project,    owns this development in
        port and the primary economic   series of unique social, economic,     Metropolitan Municipality      to guide the implementation    partnership with its development
        node on the African continent,   environmental and spatial     Chief Operations Officer.    of community development    agent, the CRLHC. 
        certainly supports this view.  challenges and opportunities.   ■   A land purchasing framework      and empowerment
                                                                                                    programmes and projects.
          There have also been many   Merging the social needs        has been developed to secure                              W:
        prophets of doom, claiming this   surrounding this area, with     phased access to short,    PROJECT COMPOSITION
        location to be either too far or   the vast economic potential,     medium, and longer term    The Cato Ridge Dry Port is a
        too close to the Port of Durban   stimulated by transportation,     development phases of the    R18 billion project to be rolled out
        to make economic, or logistical   logistics and manufacturing     project                 over the next 25 to 30 years and is
        sense, predicting that a dry port   sectors and executed in an   ■   A heads of agreement between    comprised of:
        in Cato Ridge will never see the   environmentally sustainable     CRLHC and Transnet, which    ■   An interim rail terminal to
        light of day. However, for those   manner, presents an opportunity     outlines the respective roles      handle approximately 90K    Growth Beyond Logic
        who use the truck congested N3   too good to be ignored by both     and responsibilities and various      TEUs per annum, to be
        freeway, for those who work, live   government and business interests.     operational modalities in      expanded to a fully-fledged    SCAN
        or play in the vicinity of the ‘back   DEVELOPING THE DREAM    respect of rail and terminal      dry port intermodal facility    QR CODE
        of port’ area, for those who sit,                             facilities, is in the final phases      with capacity to handle
        work and even live in their trucks   It is against this background     of conclusion and is ready for      500K TEUs. This    TO SEE
        for days on end, waiting to either   that the Cato Ridge Logistics     signing              will be supported by SARS     VIDEO
        collect or drop off cargo in the   Hub Consortium (CRLHC)   ■   A heads of agreement between      customs services to manage
        port, or those logistics operators   as the project owners and     CRLHC and Engen has been      freight clearance and bonded    (Open the camera on your phone and
        and traders who have to cope with   developers, acting on behalf of     concluded in respect of the      warehousing facilities  hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
                                                                                                                                 QR Code to see the video.)

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