Page 8 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No3 - eBook
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he world is in an even industry are being assembled
more turbulent state than to provide the public with a
Tusual, and individuals, vastly educational seminar-
families, and businesses have style webinar, with 60 panellists
been forced to adapt in order to informing and educating the
survive and stay relevant in the property-hungry public on the
changing face of society. fundamentals behind investing
in property.
Many countries have been
forced to take drastic measures The format is as follows: the
to prevent the spread of hosts and initial panel will give
COVID-19, with countries address the 10 000 delegates
such as South Africa entering for an hour in the main virtual
lockdown. We may be nearing conference room. Thereafter
the full reopening of our delegates will be given their
economy; however, worldwide choice of five topic-specific
trends have emerged during breakout rooms to attend and
social distancing that will learn according to their own
change the face of business preferences. After the second
forever. People are getting hour, delegates can choose
used to working from home, from a further eight breakout
and technology is growing and such trend (and probably the viewers have flocked to watch Education”. It’s a four-hour rooms, before an hour-long
evolving to allow this to happen most major) is the widescale engaging discussions centered educational virtual seminar, summary and explanation of
with relative ease. This could adoption of Zoom and on interesting topics in the where viewers will be informed downloadable materials.
change the way many industries other videoconferencing world of property. Another and educated by over 60 The teams involved in
conduct business, and the technology for meetings and successful property webinar property experts. For free. bringing this revolutionary
property sector is no different. webinars. Several companies is Real Estate Investor Talk, free webinar to the public are
Will online shopping and viral have adopted webinars for hosted by Neale Petersen and Topic: “Buying Your First extremely excited about the
paranoia kill retail spaces? Is marketing their products and REI. The two webinars have Property: Step-by-Step Expert opportunity, and the value they
residential property set for a services during lockdown, and merged, and are relaunching Education” can add in helping to educate
comeback as people work from in the property development every Wednesday from 11:00 – and guide people on their
home? COVID-19 has presented space, one of the leaders is 12:30. Check out eLan Property Date: Thursday 13 August property journey.
the world with many problems, eLan Property Group. Hosted Group’s Facebook page for Time: 09h00 – 13h00
but there are also many business by Derek Watts, Let’s Talk more information. Venue: Zoom Webinar To register, visit the eLan
opportunities that will arise in Property was launched by Property Group website
the new post-COVID reality. eLan in the early stages of SA’s The teams behind these two Hosts: and sign up for the Virtual
Masterclass. Alternatively,
These new opportunities countrywide lockdown, and webinars have joined forces to Derek Watts & Ipeleng Mkhari find the “Virtual Property
have emerged in the digital has played host to a multitude conceptualise the revolutionary Total estimated delegates: Masterclass” event on Facebook
space and are set to shape and of well-known panellists. Virtual Property Masterclass. 10 000 people and register through that.
The topic is “Buying Your First
define marketing trends for With a different topic each Property: Step-by-Step Expert People of influence and
the foreseeable future. One week, thousands of interested expertise in the property W:
here are very few people service offerings is with your development is the art of bringing
that have been able current client base. Reach out to value to the table first, and then
Tto remain financially your clients and assess to see if asking for commitment second.
unaffected by the global economic there is an opportunity to expand Showing that you understand a
shutdown brought on by the their portfolios with you. Be clear potential client’s pain points and
various governmental lockdown about what other services you that you have a possible solution
measures due to COVID-19. can bring to the table and don’t is a sure-fire way to get your
Faced with unprecedented be afraid to ask for business. foot in the door. If you’re a web
job cuts, loss of income and This is the likeliest source of new developer – audit 20 websites for
a hesitance by consumers to opportunity as a consultant so free – send the results and your
spend – entrepreneurs and SMEs ensure you don’t miss out. recommendations with the next
face what will probably be one 2. Have a plan: Often as steps to the clients you’re hoping
of the toughest markets of our consultants or entrepreneurs, we to work for. There is always a
generation. way to give the client something
don’t have a sales plan or sales
Jacqueline Raw, Owner and targets. It’s easy to become overly tangible to consider before
Founder of Ycagel says that for comfortable and assume security. offering your IP or services as the
consultants like herself, the A powerful activity to ensure you possible solution.
situation is no less sobering. land new business is to create a “The only real certainly in
“Being able to expand our client hit list of the top 20 clients you’d business is that nothing is certain.
base and increase our service like to work with and why. Once What you can control is the
offerings are now, more than ever, you’ve nailed that down, you need quality of the work you deliver,
critical to our longevity and even to shape your value offering to how authentically you live your
to our survival,” she explains. suit the needs of each client. Then, brand and business values and
reach out to key decision makers ensuring you conduct your
Jacqui offers three key tips to within these organisations. business with integrity. If you
landing new business in a post LinkedIn is a great place to start do these things and you develop
COVID-19 economy: these conversations, introduce perseverance and grit – there
1. Don’t reinvent the wheel: You yourself, share your thoughts no way you can fail. Remember
have established your credibility on where you can add value and - today is not the day you quit,”
in your industry by delivering on above all else – just don’t quit. Jacqui concludes.
clients’ expectations and getting
results. The first place to start 3. Bring value to the table: An
Jacqueline Raw, Owner and Founder of Ycagel when looking to expand your important tactic in new business For more information