Page 13 - KZN Business Sense - Vol6 No3 - eBook
P. 13

DENTISTRY: AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE                                                                                          DENTISTRY

        In conversation with Dr Fareed Amod  What services does Crown   a client or a customer but wish to   different ideas but similar visions   & COVID-19
                                      Dental Studio provide when    build lifetime relationships with   and quality of treatment. I would
               r Fareed Amod of Crown   dental treatment is required?  them.                      love to extend this unique service
               Dental Studio selected                                                             and approach to new places. The       ccording to the
        Ddentistry as an occupation    Crown Dental Studio offers   You are obviously business    sky is the limit.                     Dental Association of
        as he has been driven since   the full range of dental services   minded and have an enthusiastic   Crown Dental Studio is one  ASouth Africa (SADA)
        childhood to help people in the   including whitening teeth,   business sense, how does that
        medical field. In addition, Dr   cleaning – scale and polishes,   help you?               of the few truly 24-hour dental   dentists are essential health
        Amod loves mental stimulation   veneers, crowns, orthodontics,   There are very few dentists who   practises in Durban as this is not   service providers and are
                                                                                                  limited to emergency dentistry
        and while he was exceptional at   root canal treatment and   are business minded and very few                            open during Level three of
        mathematics at school he was   implants. The removal of wisdom   businessmen who are dentists.   treatment.             the country’s lockdown.
        not artistic and wanted to prove   teeth is often done on a referral   I wanted to combine the two
        to himself that there was no skill   basis as many practitioners prefer   because I believe this could be   T: +27 81 207 8621   However, dental practitioners
        that a human could not learn if   not to do this procedure. We even   very successful if done correctly.  E:   are potentially exposed to
        they applied themselves –  practice   make mouth guards for sport                                                        Covid-19 through direct
        makes perfect!                players.                       Business has taught me that                                 and contact transmission.
                                       Most importantly and what most   there are four things that you
        Why should people take their   people want is the replacement of   never compromise on and I apply                       Exposure can occur via
        dental health seriously?      missing teeth.                these in dentistry:                                          face-to-face communication
          Well, to be honest, prior to                              ■   Ethics and principles                                    and through the generation
        commencing my studies I was   What makes Crown Dental       ■   Integrity                                                of significant amounts of
        unaware of the importance of   Studio unique?                                                                            droplets and aerosols during
        oral health. But very soon I learnt   I have set myself up to be unique   ■   Pride in your products and                 routine dental procedures,
        that a tooth, one of the smallest   and ironically my name Fareed     services                                           posing potential risks of
        hard tissues in your body, can   means unique in Arabic. One of   ■   Quality                                            infection transmission.
        humble you. Whether you are a   the ways that I go about being
        prisoner, a parliament member,   unique is that I am one of the   How did you take your business                          Consequently, a set of
        a street cleaner, a policeman, or   only 24/7 hour accessible dentists   and build up it up in such a small              guidelines for practices to
        even a fellow dentist, toothache is   in the country. I have earned the   space of time?                                 follow have been set out by
        unbearable. I don’t wish such pain   trust from most of my colleagues   It is hard work, perseverance,                   SADA.
        on anybody and I don’t believe   and when I get referrals from   strong faith in the Almighty
        that anybody deserves to go   them, I initiate temporary relief   and support from my parents.                            To ensure the safety of our
        through tooth pain.           or complete the first phase of   And when life gave me lemons, I                           clients, Crown Dental Studio
          I treat an old age home in my   treatment and then send the   planted a lemon tree.     Dr Fareed Amod                 follows these guidelines and
        area and there is one thing all   patient back to that doctor.                                                           has implemented stringent
        of the elderly people tell me, it is   I pride myself on being a painless   What is the vision for the future            sanitation measures to protect
        that they didn’t realise the value   dentist but moreover patients love   of your practice?
        of their teeth until they had lost   that I take a personal interest in   I would love to grow a team of                 both staff and patients. 
        them and had to wear false teeth.  them. I don’t look at a patient as   equally enthusiastic dentists with


                                              arlene Powell is      over their businesses to the next   As a business coach, Marlene   ActionCOACH Mission
                                              an ActionCOACH        generation or sell.           will help business owners      ActionCOACH is a team
                                      Mbusiness coach who has                                     to deliver the results they   of committed, positive and
                                      been coaching business owners   In her own business, her first   desire using proven tools,   successful people who are always
                                      for more than a decade.       shift to accommodate lockdown   methodologies and systems,   striving to be balanced, integral
                                                                    was to move to working online   tested and perfected over tens
                                       Marlene’s personal brand is   and to learn about the various   of thousands of businesses   and honest. We will work within
                                      defined by precision in all that   communication platforms   worldwide for over more than   our “14 Points of Culture” to
                                      she does so it is not surprising   available such as Zoom or Teams.  two decades. She will hold you   make sure that everyone who
                                      that the Westville based franchise                          accountable for your results and   touches, or is touched by the
                                      has consistently been placed in   Says Marlene, “The lockdown   just like a sports coach, push you   ActionCOACH team, will benefit
                                      the top 100 in the world.     has made me a better coach.   to perform at optimal levels.  greatly and in some way move
                                                                    They always say that to become                              closer to becoming the person
                                       Currently, says Marlene,     a great sailor you have to go   “Either you can take ownership,   they want to be or achieve the
                                      “Anybody who is in business   through a storm. This period has   accountability or responsibility   goals they want to achieve.
                                      is an ideal client because    made me more focused and has   to achieve your dreams or you
                                      everybody needs help during   got me to really understand why   can find blame, excuses or be in   “Significantly, success revolves
                                      COVID.” Generally, Marlene’s   I own my business.”          denial… The choice is up to you,”   around the word action.  We
                                      clients include start-up                                    explains Marlene.             literally took a pact to take
                                      businesses, businesses that are   “Some of my clients have thrived                        ACTION and help our clients
                                      growing, established businesses   while others have been unable   ActionCOACH has grown to   to do the same. Results must be
                                      whose owners want to enhance   to generate an income – so there   be one of the fastest growing   forthcoming or else what’s the
                                      their quality of life and those   have been a variety of responses   franchises in the world and   point?”
                                      who are wanting to sell or hand   to COVID -19 restrictions on   is the number one business
        Marlene Powell                                              the economy. The experience has   coaching firm in the world.   Whatever your goals are
                                                                    provided an ideal opportunity for   There are currently more than   - ActionCOACH can help.  
              As the first woman ActionCOACH franchisee in          business owners to find out what   1200 ActionCOACH offices   Contact Lauren on (031) 266 9394 to book
                                                                    the true purpose of their business is
            South Africa, and with more than 10 000+ coaching       and to question whether or not the   in over 82 countries; in South   a Business Strategic Session.
           hours, Marlene Powell has transitioned herself from a    business has given them the results   Africa there are 55 coaches.  W:
         generalist to a specialist in her field. As an internationally   that they intended. This evaluation
          certified business coach, Marlene provides business help,   has forced business owners to
             business advice, business coaching and mentoring       assess their business models and
                                                                    look at how they will survive and
               services to small and medium sized businesses.       thrive in the next decade.”

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