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                  Jacquie Bhana, Jacquie     assistance programmes  from my clients all the time,
                   Bhana Consulting, High   ■   Durban University of      before they begin to embark
                    Performance Coach,                                on this daunting but exciting
                    Mentor, Counsellor and     Technology and Projectised      journey.”
                    Business Coach.     graduate mentoring
                                      ■   Succession and strategic    Jacquie has worked in various
                         n 2022, after     planning implementation and    business sectors, including
                         35 years of     performance management at    agriculture, financial services,
                      Iworking in       Royal Tyres                 engineering, automotive and
                       some of the                                  retail. Within these sectors, she
                       most successful   ■   A keynote speaker on mental    has worked at a senior level in both
                       local and global     health and wellness     marketing and human resource
                       companies,     ■   Various high performance    functions, in management,
                       Jacquie Bhana     coaching initiatives at    executive and non-executive roles.
                      left the corporate     leadership and SMME level  The companies that Jacquie has
        world to do what she loves –   ■   Working with the Sports    worked for include VWSA, Bostik
        developing people, seeing them     Coaching Lab and the Da    and British United Engineering,
        grow and helping them work      Vinci Institute to develop and    McCarthy Motor Holdings and
        towards their aspirations. Her     professionalise sports coaching    Tongaat Hulett.  She currently
        current work focuses mainly on                              serves on the board of the Durban
        coaching and mentoring, which is     capability.            Chamber of Commerce and
        a process that can empower people   Business Focus          Industry as the first vice president.
        at all levels to leverage their unique
        strengths and achieve their goals.  Jacquie says, “I work with people   Signature System
                                      who feel that they are stuck in
          A year later, Jacquie has quickly   their careers by helping them   In order to assist people Jacquie
        grown a solid base of individuals   to move into meaningful and   has adopted her signature system   Neil Tovey and Jacquie Bhana worked with the Da Vinci Institute to develop
        at various levels of their careers,   impactful roles so that they can   of ‘YOU TO GREAT’ for her   sports coaching capability.
        and she has many successes to   help move their organisations   individual coaching methodology.
        report on. Her clients currently   forward. I know exactly how scary                        their tone, mannerisms and    make her an ideal person with
        include both large, medium and   it can be to think about making   This involves a bespoke process     choice of words impact others.  whom to work. Her company,
        small businesses and NPOs.  Her   changes because we’re so afraid   for every client – there is no one size   ■   MORE CONFIDENCE – your    Jacquie Bhana Consulting, is
                                                                    fits all – and covers three pillars.
        work as a small business has taken   of the unknown.  And if you’re                         coach may not always agree    a BBBEE level 1 entity.  She is
        her beyond the gates of a large   wavering because you…      Coaching is a tool that can     with you, and they can’t give    well equipped to work as a high
        single corporate to diverse and                             empower people at all levels to     you the answers or do the work    performance  and life coach and
        varied organisations and clients.    ■   Think you need more time  leverage their unique strengths     for you, but they’re always in    mentor.  Jacquie has worked
                                                                                                                                across the board, with executives,
        There is a large, pulsating and   ■   Don’t feel comfortable with    and achieve their goals and has the     your corner.  This can boost    managers, small business
        exciting world of work ‘out there’,     the unknown         following benefits:             your self-esteem.           owners and women from various
        with many individuals looking for   ■   Not 100% clear on what your    ■   GREATER SELF-   ■   ACCOUNTABILITY – people    backgrounds. 
        growth and development.         career goal is                AWARENESS – allows            who work with coaches set clear
          Some highlights of the year   ■   Get overwhelmed just thinking      participants to reflect in a non-     goals, and they are focused and    For more information:
                                                                                                    intentional about the steps that
        include:                        about taking action           judgemental space and become      they need to take to reach those    C: +27 83 386 8343
        ■   Coaching and mentoring    ■   Lack confidence             more aware of what makes them      goals.       
                                                                      tick, and also how to work
          candidates on  the Beier Group    ■   Don’t know where to start…    better with others.  ■   BETTER WELLBEING –       W:
          bursary and education       ■   You are not alone – I hear this                           coaching is known to help
                                                                    ■   COMMUNICATION – people      reduce stress and burnout
             One can have no smaller or greater                       can practice setting boundaries,      because clients learn to manage
                                                                                                    their workloads more efficiently.
           mastery than the mastery of one’s self.                    apologising, having difficult      Jacquie’s years of experience and
                                                                      conversations.  They can give
                            - Leonarda Da Vinci                       and receive feedback on how    success with people development



              he Durban Chemicals      Beyond the allure of instant   underwent a comprehensive one-    Industry: Spot on Fire Controls,   that each SME will also receive
              Cluster (DCC) Business   cash prizes, the participating   day capacity-building workshop     Lungani Nene from Cato Manor  support to unlock coveted sales
        TAccelerator held its         entrepreneurs vied for        in Durban on Wednesday, 25    ■   Best Environmental        and commercial opportunities
        annual “Dragons’ Den” event   commercial partnerships with   October 2023. The top 11 pitches     Sustainability Solution:    with the Dragons and potential
        in November 2023. Emulating   the Dragons’ companies, seed   then advanced to the ‘Dragons’     Virenix, Viren Udith from    customers, improving their
        the renowned Dragons’ Den     capital infusion, and coveted   Den’ stage and delivered      Mount Edgecombe             growth prospects significantly.
        format, 11 emerging Black-    mentorship opportunities from   impressive presentations.   ■   Industry Gamechanger: AJ85
        owned enterprises passionately   industry luminaries. Open to   Pulse Control Systems claimed     Distributors, Anderson Jacobs    If you are a Black-owned SME
        presented their ventures to a   all Black entrepreneurs in the   the top prize, securing the Best     from Durban       seeking to propel your business
        panel of influential ‘Dragons’   chemical sector, from start-ups   Overall Business Case award and                      to the next level, explore similar
        who are driving the meaningful   to established SMMEs, the DCC   a R35,000 cash prize.     Nevertheless, all 11 SMEs    Business Accelerators across
        transformation of the local   Business Accelerator attracted                              ultimately walked away with   the following clusters: Durban
        chemicals sector; Bridget     close to 100 entries this year. The   The additional R25,000 cash   a reward. According to Kyle   Chemicals, KZN Clothing and
        Bishenden from FFS Refiners,   selection process was rigorous   prizes recognising outstanding   Ballard, Head of the Accelerator,   Textiles, Cape Clothing and
        Rudi van Niekerk from H&R,    and narrowing the pool to     achievements in specific      each of them has been granted   Textiles, eThekwini Furniture, and
        Trevor I’Ons from NCS, and    the final 33 candidates was a   categories were awarded to the   annual membership to the   Durban Automotive. For more
        David Lombard from Sherwin-   challenging task.             following SMEs:               Durban Chemicals Cluster.     information and to apply, please go
        Williams.                                                                                                               to: . 
                                       The chosen qualifiers then   ■   Most Relevant to the Chemical    However, the greater reward is

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