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         frican wisdom often          After 100 days in office as the Chief Financial Officer of Ithala State-              Although Ithala is a pioneer
         encompasses valuable                                                                                              in banking the unbanked,
   Ateachings about                Owned Company (SOC) Limited, veteran banker MOHAMED GAFOOR                              with more than 1,5-million
   responsible financial management   says despite being small, Ithala offers more, especially in rural areas. He          savings accounts, and having
   and saving money. One well-                                                                                             assisted tens of thousands of
   known proverb that encapsulates     also looks at the benefits of Ithala becoming a fully licensed bank.                homeowners, it does not enjoy
   this is: “Do not let your savings sit                                                                                   all the privileges of a fully
   idle; use it to create more wealth.”                                                                                    licensed bank.
                                 credit provider, is a 100% owned   quality of life.         creation for the masses of South
    This proverb emphasises                                                                                                 A banking licence opens the
   the importance of not merely   subsidiary of IDFC and has been   And due to this outlook,   Africans is unattainable and is   door for Ithala to contribute
                                 operating under an Exemption
                                                                                             only an exclusive privilege of the
   hoarding money but instead    Notice from the Banks Act 94   Ithala has managed to gain a   elite.                      to economic development
   putting it to work through wise   of 1990. The current exemption   significant and trusted foothold                     and improve general welfare
   investments or endeavours                                   (both economically and with its   An example of Ithala’s    of South African across the
   that generate more income. It   status is a temporary mechanism   customers) in the market, at the   commitment to promote   country. Ithala will be able to
                                 to enable Ithala to apply for and
   encourages individuals to be   comply with the banking license   same time providing financial   SMME’s is its unique taxi   participate fully in the national
   proactive and strategic with their   requirements in terms of the   aid to those who need it the   finance service offering. Many   payment system. It would also
   savings, recognising that stagnant                          most.                         taxi owners wishing to expand   bring stability to the bank,
   money doesn’t grow.           Banks Act.                     Banking relies heavily on    their fleet were either turned   as it would not have to keep
                                  Ithala’s physical footprint spans                          away by commercial banks      applying for Exemption Notice
    “Little by little, a little becomes                        trust and integrity. Customers
   a lot.” This African proverb   the entire province of KwaZulu-  trust banks with their money   or given high interest rates.   extensions.
                                 Natal, and in some rural areas
                                                                                             Working with taxi associations,
   underscores the power of      we remain the only financial   and financial transactions.   Ithala is able to offer competitive   Obtaining a full banking
   consistency in saving. Even small                           Integrity ensures that banks   interest rates to scores of owners   licence and becoming a fully-
   amounts accumulated over time   institution with a physical   operate honestly, ethically,                              fledged bank would also enable
   can lead to significant wealth.  presence.                  and transparently, which      of new taxis.                 expansion of Ithala SOC
                                  Our mandate is to provide    in turn fosters trust and      Whereas bigger banks consider   Limited’s footprint beyond
    Yet another proverb Save today
   for tomorrow’s uncertainties””   access to financial products   confidence among customers   as too risky the financing of   the borders of KZN, thus
                                                                                             property in rural areas, Ithala’s
                                                               and the public. Integrity is the
                                                                                                                           broadening our reach and
                                 and services in areas where
   highlights the importance     such offerings have previously   cornerstone of a trustworthy   Rural Home Loan scheme offers   impact on communities outside
   of preparing for unforeseen
   circumstances by setting aside   been unavailable. As part of our   and reliable banking system. It   an opportunity to buy, build,   the province.
                                 essential products and services
                                                               is not just about following rules;
                                                                                             improve or renovate your own
   money for future needs.                                                                                                  The Zulu word Ïthala” means
                                 bouquet, through 38 branches in   it is about doing what is right   property in rural areas.
    It is on the bedrock of wanting   KwaZulu-Natal, we provide;   for customers, society, and the   For almost two decades,   a safe place or a bundle of
                                                                                                                           spears/assegais. Ithala is a
   to foster prudent financial   ■   Transactional Banking:    overall financial landscape.  Absa Bank enabled Ithala to   veritable place of safe-keeping
   planning and decision-making
                                                                At Ithala, trust and integrity
   among ordinary folk that he     Transactional Debit Card    are reinforced by Ithala’s    have access to the national   and depicts a constellation of
                                                                                             payment system for clearing
                                                                                                                           development and empowerment
   Ithala Development Finance                                  mission to promote development   and settlement. Absa has   services in readiness for the
   Corporation Limited (IDFC)    ■   Savings and Investments:    across the province, providing   given notice that it intends   proclaimed battle against
   was established 65 years ago as     Short Medium and Long-term
   a development finance agency,     savings and investment    a positive impact through job   to terminate its sponsorship   poverty, unemployment, under-
                                                               creation, skills development,
                                                                                             arrangement with Ithala. Ithala
                                                                                                                           development, and homelessness.
   wholly owned by the province     products                   and training, and helping to   is in the process of securing   What has kept us going all these
   of KwaZulu-Natal, mandated to   ■   Insurance: Short and Long-   increase individual and family   another sponsor that will give   years despite the challenges is
   assist government in promoting     term Insurance products for
   economic development and        personal and business       economic security to aid      it access to the latest banking   delivering on our vision, this is
                                                               personal and domestic growth.
                                                                                                                           also what will take us into the
                                                                                             capabilities that are aligned with
   empowerment in the province.    ■   Lending: Housing, Vehicle &                           its business growth ambitions   future, to be a financial service
    IDFC is regarded as one of the     Taxi Finance             Its smaller size works in    and client needs. In line with   provider of choice in creating
   key channels through which    ■   Public Sector Banking:    Ithala’s favour - it tends to   regulatory and market conduct   wealth and changing people’s
                                                               have a deeper understanding
   government funding and other     Investments and payment /                                requirements, the transition   lives. 
   small, medium, and micro        disbursements services      of the local economy, culture,   from the current sponsor to the
   enterprise (SMME) support                                   and needs of the community    new sponsor will be managed   Get more information on Ithala SOC
                                                               it serves. This understanding
   interventions reach communities.   What really sets Ithala apart   allows Ithala to tailor its services   in a manner that will not   Limited or
   We are one of the pioneers of   from its competitors is the fact                          compromise clients and the
   SMME development, the first   that, in contrast to the major   to better suit the specific needs   South African financial system.
   institution to bank unbanked   banks, often referred to as the   of rural customers.      Our services will continue to be   Ithala SOC Limited
   communities, and the first to   “Big Four” - it serves a large   Investment is an important   available as normal during the   @myithala
   establish shopping centres and   population of rural, townships   vehicle for financial freedom.   sponsorship transition period.   @myithala
   large industrial estates in rural   or underserved individuals.   Hence, much needed guidance
                                                                                              With its good governance
   areas, stimulating development   Whereas the bigger banks aim   on financial planning coupled   and infrastructure, Ithala has   @myithala
   in the more remote regions of   their services towards and cater   with a savings culture is   embarked on the process to
   KwaZulu-Natal.                to the upper echelons of the   promoted at Ithala. The
                                 urban populace, Ithala focuses on   organisation aims to overturn   acquire a banking licence which
    Ithala SOC Limited, a licensed   the people of outlying areas that   the perception that wealth   will bring many benefits for
   financial services and registered   are, often, searching for a better                    ordinary people.

   Ithala Taxi finance bulk buying programme that has assisted   Ithala CEO, Dr. Thulani Vilakazi with MEC of Economic   Ithala Education Platform Programme participants
   lot of taxi owners create wealth.                Development Tourism and Environmental Affairs at the
                                                    opening of Ithala Anton Lembede Branch

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