Page 4 - KZN Business Sense - Vol.6 No.1
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hift Africa is an eLan through business creation and
Property Group initiative, formalisation.
Sthat combines corporate
social responsibility with Shift Africa Expo – 4-5 April
general business sense. Shift 2020, Blythedale Coastal Estate
Africa empowers existing and
The Shift Africa Expo is
prospective business owners, with structured according to the Shift
the objective of creating as many Africa Business Model – that
sustainable small businesses
as possible around a catalytic is, one central business hub,
hub. Through various business from which eight pillars emerge.
These eight pillars make up
hubs, starting at Blythedale on the different industries within
the North Coast, this initiative
will provide small businesses which small businesses can
with opportunities, training, be grown and nurtured. The
Expo will be held at Blythedale
and connections, in their bid to Coastal Estate (central hub),
become autonomous and self-
sustainable. Instead of creating and business exhibitors will be
100 000 temporary jobs at and physically grouped according
to the category/pillar they fall
around Blythedale, Shift Africa under. The above dates represent
aims to create around 4096
permanent businesses, through the main expo, thereafter a scaled An eLan Foundation initiative
our 8 model. Shift Africa down expo will be open every
weekend for the whole of April.
Business Expo 2020 is to be held solution to “upliftment through over-saturation. Every party which all have micro pillars
in partnership with Enterprise ownership”, where small is motivated by profit, and the supporting them. Each category
ILembe. eLan Property Group Shift Africa in a Nutshell businesses are given the chance model will be very sustainable. and pillar represent a different
will also be working with FNB Shift Africa represents a to grow and thrive in a system business. The Expo will match
Fundaba, in pursuit of our fundamental change in which centered on various business How It Works relevant, existing businesses with
common business empowerment upliftment is viewed in South hubs. One business hub, for A business hub acts as a catalyst categories or pillars and get every
goal, to create permanent wealth Africa. This is a potential example a residential estate, can for new development, the first potential business owner a head
be the catalyst for the emergence such hub being Blythedale start in their preferred industry.
and sustenance of SMMEs and Coastal Estate. From a business From there, Shift Africa nurtures,
informal sector businesses in hub emerge eight key pillars, trains and supports these
the business hub’s region of classified as: business owners, allowing them,
operation. We have identified and all Shift Africa members, to
eight pillars which emerge from 1. Infrastructure and flourish within the framework.
each business hub, and from Construction
those pillars emerge a range 2. Education and Training This event at Blythedale will
of business activities, each of 3. Tourism and Travel be the springboard for a whole
which can become its own host of new and existing small
business. Shift Africa assists in 4. Manufacturing businesses in the North Coast
the setting up, then provides the 5. Services and Retail region. Come show your support
training, sources of funding, 6. Health and Wellness at Blythedale Coastal Estate,
and support which drives these 7. Land, Agricultural, and where Shift Africa is formalising
businesses to success. In return, Environment the informal sector.
the investor gets a share of the
profit. Shift Africa is not an NGO 8. Safety and Security W:
– the concept is geared towards Every one of these primary
business and profit, for all pillars has eight secondary pillars
parties. Each and every category
on the lowest level will be supporting its operation, which
in turn all have tertiary pillars
occupied by as many businesses supporting their operation,
An eLan Foundation initiative as can be sustainable, preventing
he Companies and sections of the Companies Act in guiding them with regards to their to explain their responses. given that there are serious
Intellectual Property the form of a CIPC Compliance responsibilities in terms of the Therefore, it is recommended consequences for giving incorrect
TCommission’s (“CIPC”) Checklist. As from 1 January 2020 Companies Act. CIPC will utilise that respondents document their information.
Annual Return is a statutory the CIPC Compliance Checklist the Checklist to monitor and interpretations of every section,
requirement in Section 33(1) of is mandatory to complete before regulate proper compliance with so that they can account for For any questions or specific
the Companies Act 71 of 2008 submitting a company’s Annual the Companies Act and if trends their responses should they be points of clarification on the
(as amended) (“Companies Return with the CIPC. of non-compliance appear, to act questioned by the CIPC, especially Compliance Checklist send email to
Act”). The requirement means The Compliance Checklist accordingly.
that every company must file an is applicable to all companies,
Annual Return in the prescribed including state-owned companies, The Compliance Checklist
form, with the prescribed fee, and non-profit companies, private comprises of 24 questions with
“yes”, “no” or “not applicable”
within the prescribed period after companies, personal liability answer options. Companies are
the anniversary of the date of its companies and public companies.
incorporation. All companies and At this stage the checklist does not prompted to indicate whether they
close corporations are required by apply to close corporations. complied with a particular section
during the previous calendar year.
law to lodge their Annual Returns
with the CIPC. The objectives of the Compliance The checklist will ask if a
Checklist is to ensure compliance company has complied with a
The CIPC issued Notice 52 of the mandatory requirements
of 2019 announced that new of the Companies Act. The section of the Act but will not
requirements will apply for Checklist will further serve as explain what the section is about.
The questionnaire does not allow
companies to declare their an educational tool for directors respondents an opportunity
compliance status to specific and company secretaries, in