Page 6 - KZN Business Sense - Vol.6 No.1
P. 6


           n all industries around the   and technological innovation   ■   cleaner-burning fuel with the
           world, the cost of energy   to provide the highest-quality     lowest fossil fuel emissions
        I(fossil, electrical, renewable   and most reliable products and   ■   significantly cheaper than
        and nuclear) has become more   services of this type.         electricity
        significant than ever before,
        negatively impacting on        Its health and safety         Since then, the change to gas has
        companies’ budgets. South Africa   requirements are of the   saved an average of 14 550kWh
        is no exception to the general   highest standards and      per annum and the company is
        increase, and its electricity prices   safeguarding its employees   now able to purchase energy at a
                                      against potential exposure to
        are of particular concern. The   the harmful effects of lead is   more cost effective price. It also
        effects of this have been worsened   of paramount importance. To   benefits from SLG’s continuing
        by local and international    achieve this, employees are   advisory service on how to obtain
        demands to reduce its greenhouse   required to shower twice per day   the best value for each gigajoule
        gas emissions and the newly   as per lead regulations in the   purchased. Associated Additives
        introduced carbon tax.        Occupational Health and Safety   also has other gas infrastructure,
                                      Act. This occurs once before   including gas furnaces and
          Most industries’ efforts to ‘go                           boilers and these savings have
        green’ has been fraught with   employees begin their lunch   added up, particularly over
                                      break and again before the end
        difficulties, and not many have                             extended periods. Given the
        been able to successfully control   of the day’s shift. While this may   current reliability of the national
                                      seem an easy feat, the cost of 80
        and conserve the future of their   employees showering twice per   electricity supply, the change to
        energy supplies. One notable   day significantly increased the   gas has been critical in ensuring   Gas heaters installed at Associated Additives to optimise the company’s
                                                                                                  energy requirements.
        exception to this is Associated   company’s energy bill.    that the business’ energy needs
        Additives, in Jacobs KwaZulu-                               are met.
        Natal, which recently undertook   To reduce this overhead,
        an initiative to improve its   Associated Additives contracted   In August 2019, Associated
        overall energy efficiency and   with SLG for the supply of gas as   Additives obtained ISO:50001:
        make significant savings in its   part of the project of replacing its   Energy Management   SLG’s customer value proportion
        operational costs.            two electrical geysers with seven   System accreditation.   goes beyond gas supply, offering
                                      gas water heaters. Fortunately, the   This management system   technical feasibility studies,
          Associated Additives is a leading   decision to switch to gas was an   standard enables the company   regulatory licenses, installations,
        manufacturer and supplier     easy one.                     to continuously control       commissioning and post-
        of lead and non-lead based                                  and improve its energy        installation technical and safety
        products, which it sells to PVC,   Pipeline gas has been proven to be:  consumption and performance.   training are facilitated by SLG as
        mining, battery and chemical   ■   more practical in achieving                            value-added services. 
        industries around the world. The     instantaneous heat      SLG is proud to have partnered
        company’s mission is to build on   ■   more convenient as it is readily    with Associated Additives in   T: +27 31 812 0555
        its history of product excellence     available ‘on tap’    making the switch to gas.     W:


              ox Yeats Attorneys has had   At the end of 2019 the firm   Practice to assist clients in this
              an eventful few months.    was informed that they had   area of business. 
        CThe end of July 2019 saw     been awarded the     Focussing on the area of
        the firm relocate to custom built   Diamond Arrow award for being   community and social upliftment,
        offices on the Umhlanga Ridge,   the top law firm in South Africa   all Cox Yeats personnel and
        followed by a client event at the   in the medium size category.    professionals started the year off
        end of November 2019 to welcome   This is the third consecutive year   making sandwiches for the firm’s
        clients to their new premises.   that the firm was recognised with   appointed CSI initiative; Amaoti
                                      this award.                   no 3 School. This was followed
          The firm then had three of its
        partners listed in BEST LAWYERS   The year 2020 has started off   by professionals attending the
                                                                    school’s annual awards ceremony
        2020 making it a total of seven   with the firm recognising and   where this small school celebrated
        partners listed in this prestigious   acting on the ever evolving   some amazing matric results with
        journal, namely: Roger Green,   impact of the 4th Industrial   an overall 2019 matric pass rate of
        Alastair Hay, Michael Posemann,   Revolution, through the   97, 8%. 
        Robin Westley, Andrew Clark,   establishment of the Information
        Michael Jackson and Richard Hoal.  & Communication Technology   W:     David Meadows (Tongaat Hulett) and Michael Jackson, Managing Partner
                                                                                                  – Cox Yeats, seen at the firm’s client evening

        Womeshnee Maharaj  (Horizon Marine); Justin Evans    Vusi Ndlovu  (Mthinthe Construction) and Thoko   Graeme Green, Melanie Gillespie and Grant Smith all from JT
        (Sedgwick South Africa); Hans Modipane  (SA Cargo Services)   Mdluli  (Ikhayelihle Cleaning Services)  Ross seen enjoying the evening together with Richard Hoal,
        and Sonitha Mohadasen  (Horizon Marine)                                                            partner at Cox Yeats

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