Page 11 - KZN Business Sense - Vol.6 No.1
P. 11


                  Nikita Pillay, Head: HR   organisations are efficient,   What are Procedures?     unacceptable behaviour      person comes forward with an
                    & Compliance, DRG   professional and stable. This   The ultimate goal of every   ■   Set out consequences of not    allegation against your company,
                     Outsourcing      can lead to stronger business   ‘Procedure’ is to provide the     complying with the policy  having formal policies and
                                      relationships and a better public   organisation and employees   ■   Provide a date when the policy    procedures in place strengthens
                        R             What are Policies?            and with a clear and easily     was developed or updated     As organisations grow
                                                                                                                                your case.
                                                                    understood plan of action
                                                                                                   Policies and procedures should
                                                                    required to carry out or
                        egardless      A ‘Policy’ is a predetermined   implement a policy.        not be written once and left   it is important to put
                                                                                                                                things in writing that the
                                                                                                  alone for decades. Reviewing
                         of your      course of action, which is     A well-written procedure     these documents regularly and   organisation values and deems
                         organisation’s   established to provide a guide   will also help eliminate   updating them when necessary is   important.  Doing so in a
                         size,        toward accepted business      common misunderstandings by   key to their success.         detailed policy and procedure
                        developing    strategies and objectives. In   identifying job responsibilities                          manual, that is shared with
                       formal         other words, it is a direct link   and establishing boundaries for   In addition to an annual review,   employees, can help to ensure
                       policies and   between an organisation’s     employees.                    consider updating your policies   that products and services
        procedures can make it run much   ‘vision’ and their day-to-day                           and procedures when you:      maintain the high quality that
        more smoothly and efficiently.   operations. Policies identify   Good procedures allow    ■   Adopt new equipment,      customers expect.
        They communicate the values   the key activities and provide   managers to control events     software, etc.
        and vision of the organisation,   a general strategy to decision-  in advance and prevent the   ■   See an increase in accidents or    Important to Note
        ensuring employees understand   makers on how to handle issues   organisation (and employees)     failures on-site       Policies and procedures need to
        exactly what is expected of them   as they arise.           from making costly mistakes.   ■   Experience increased customer   be reviewed and updated at least
        in certain situations.                                      A procedure can be defined                                  annually to make improvements
                                       Well-written policies and    as a road map where the trip     complaints
          Policies and procedures save   procedures allow employees to   details are highlighted in   ■   Have a feeling of general    and keep them current.
        time and stress when handling   clearly understand their roles   order to prevent a person from     confusion or increased staff    Policies and procedures should
        HR issues.                    and responsibilities within   getting lost or ‘wandering’ off an     questions regarding day-to-day    be consistently reviewed for its
                                      predefined limits. Basically,                                 operations                  effectiveness and to ensure that
          The absence of written policies   policies and procedures allow   acceptable path identified by the   ■   See inconsistency in employee    what is being done in practice is
        results in unnecessary time and   management to guide operations   company’s management team.    job performance        adding value.
        effort spent trying to agree on   without constant management   When procedures are followed,   ■   Feel increased stress levels
        a course of action.  With strict   intervention.            there is consistency in practice     across the office       Each policy must be tailored
        guidelines already in place,                                for work processes. This helps to   ■   Embark on significant change    to the organisation and their
        employees simply have to follow   This is accomplished by   ensure that things are done the     to the organisational structure  specific industry. 
        the procedures and managers   providing the organisation and   same way, every time and that all
        have to enforce the policies.  employees with limits and a   steps are followed.           Enforcement of the policies
                                      choice of alternatives that can                             guarantees your organisation’s   Nikita Pillay
          Implementing these documents   be used to ‘guide’ their decision-  To create an acceptable policy,   operational procedures and
                                                                                                                                T: +27 (0)31 767 0625
        also improves the way an      making process as they attempt   the following must be very   decision-making processes are   W:
        organisation looks from the   to overcome problems.         carefully noted. The policy must:  uniform and consistent across
        outside.                                                                                  cases.
                                       As employees are hired, it is   ■   Set out the aim of the Policy
          Policies and procedures help to   important that they understand   ■   Explain why the Policy was    When you don’t enforce
        ensure your company complies   the correct work process to     developed                  your procedures, you put
        with relevant regulations.    ensure that the service or    ■   List who the policy applies to  your organisation at risk.
        They also demonstrate that    product maintains high quality.  ■   Set out what is acceptable or    If an employee or external


              he Institute of Race    and further engagement with   rights framework in South Africa   Pretorius said: “I urge all   the mistakes of the past. Don’t
              Relations (IRR) recently   ABSA.”                     can truly protect South Africans   South African corporations   be appeasers or sell-outs. The
        Tmet ABSA officials for an                                  who deserve the right to be secure   with a stake in the property   South African people will not
        in-depth discussion on the matter   In light of ABSA’s failure to   in their ownership of the property   rights framework of this   forgive you if you let them
        of expropriation of property   reply to the open letter sent on 23   they have earned through hard   country to become a friend   down now.”  
        without compensation (EWC)    January, the IRR gave the bank   and honest work.           of South Africans fighting
        and its consequences for South   the fail grade of “SELL-OUT”   “Fudged, unclear, opportunistic   against EWC and a government
        Africans and South Africa’s   on the IRR’s recently launched                              ideologically bent on repeating   W:
        financial system.             #EWCScorecard. The criteria of   positioning by corporate
                                      the #EWCScorecard is simple:  South Africa will just not be
          The meeting followed the IRR’s                            good enough,” said Pretorius.
        handing to the bank a hard copy   1.  Does the corporate entity    “Corporations constantly tell
        of an open letter sent to ABSA on      oppose EWC?          South Africans that they should
        23 January – relating to the bank’s  2.  Does the corporate entity    be trusted with our money, our
        position on EWC – to which the      support anti-EWC lobbies?  savings, our pensions, our hopes
        IRR received no reply. The letter   3.  Has the corporate entity in    of financial stability. The least
        asked ABSA to clarify whether it      question submitted a written    these corporate entities can now
        would expect clients to pay off a      submission to Parliament    do is to stand up for our rights
        bond on a property expropriated      opposing EWC?          and interests, putting our money
        without compensation.                                       where their mouths are.”
                                      4.  Is the corporate entity
          Following the meeting, IRR      currently in discussion with    He added: “We are grateful to
        Campaigns Manager Hermann        the IRR about the crucial    ABSA for meeting with us and
        Pretorius said: “ABSA’s          issue of EWC?              discussing this matter in depth.
        willingness to engage with the   Other corporate entities in South   Through honest engagement,
        IRR on this issue should be   Africa are currently being assessed  organisations like the IRR can
        the standard others adhere to.   by the IRR on these criteria. Only   work with the banking sector
        We look forward to receiving a   clear and unambiguous opposition  to make sure property rights in
        written reply to our enquiries,   to the dismantling of the property   South Africa are protected.”

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