Page 12 - KZN Business Sense - Vol.6 No.1
P. 12



                    Ross Andrew, Executive   one another, or even if there is   What about using the   The How                  effort into solving their problems
                     Director of BNI for   a complete overlap, you may   experience in the room to    Over the years, I have found   then guess who they will want to
                      KwaZulu-Natal   service different markets or   assist you with some business   that if one focuses on building   deal with going forward?
                                      geographic areas and so you   mentoring and problem solving?   relationships with people and   An effective business network
                       T     he Why   to each other. This idea of   simple act of asking “how can I   truly investing in them, a better   embraces this type of networking
                                                                    I have often found that the
                                      may outsource or subcontract
                                                                                                  longterm result can be achieved.
                                                                                                                                and is a perfect place to build a
                                      coopetition or cooperative
                                                                    help you”, and being earnest in
                                                                                                  People will listen to people that
                             do we    competition, really rings true   actually trying to assist, will really   they like but would rather buy   great network of referral partners
                                                                                                                                who will assist you in growing
                                                                    build trust in your fellow business
                                      with me and has opened many
                       network our    doors.                        owners and also has the added   from someone who they Know,   your entire business, and not only
                          businesses?                               happiness of knowing that you   Like and Trust, and this takes   your bottom line occasionally.
                           Although    The simple experience of going   have helped someone.      more time to build but should
                           most       to a network may seem terrifying                            continue to provide you with a   Our vision is to Change the
                           people     to some and this helps to grow   The What                   sales pipeline for longer.    way KZN Does Business and
                           join       confidence in speaking not                                                                make significant strides in
        a network to generate more    only to individuals but also in    Business networking at its   Theodore Roosevelt said that   uplifting the economy and
        sales, this is only one facet of   groups as you get opportunities   most basic, is meeting people,   nobody cares how much you   tackling unemployment by
        networking and perhaps if this   to present your business and its   with the goal of creating a   know, until they know how   helping members increase their
        is you, you may well be leaving   products to the room. This can   connection and selling to them.   much you care. With this in   business through a structured,
        some money in the room.       be invaluable to the new business   And whilst this seems too   mind wouldn’t it be better to find   positive and professional referral
        What about further business   owner just starting out. Further   basic and not very sustainable,   out what problems your fellow   marketing programme that
        opportunities and synergies   to that as a new business owner   I still occasionally arrive at   networkers have and let them   enables them to develop long-
        with other businesses in the   you need a plethora of business   networking functions where   buy the solution from you, rather   term, meaningful relationships
        room. What about learning     services to get yourself up and   I get accosted by reps or   than just selling the most popular,   with quality business
        more about businesses that may   operating and the right network   salespeople. They thrust a card   or perhaps the most expensive,   professionals. 
        be a competitor at some level,   can supply you with most if not   into my hand and proceed to   product from your catalogue?
        but if you look at them there   all of these services and you can   ‘vomit’ their product catalogue   The more that we meet and
        are usually some services and   even ask others in the room about   onto me in the vain hope that   interact with someone the better   For more information contact:
                                                                                                                                T: +27 83 309 6538
        or products that complement   their service levels.         they will make a sale. After   we will get to know them and if   E:
                                                                    which I watch them proceed to   these interactions are positive   W:
                                                                    the next ‘target’ and repeat the   and mutually beneficial then we
                      Our vision is to                              process. Often moving around   will start to build trust. How
                                                                    the room in order to ‘network’
                                                                                                  often are you invited to meet
             change the way the KZN                                 with everyone before their    with someone and the first thing
                                                                    competition gets to them. To me
                                                                                                  that they do is try to sell you
                       does business.                               this seems to be an inefficient   something? Think back…how
                                                                    way to market one’s product and
                                                                                                  did that make you feel?  When
                                                                    is driven by a scarcity mentality.
                                                                                                  we put others first and put the


              ZN Top Business is a      market your products and    natural progression from the   which will be printed in a limited   written article will be compiled
              unique content marketing     services                 KZN Top Business Portfolio.   edition coffee table book.    using this content which will be
        Kcompany that creates and     ■   Highlights news, developments    Each leader featured has in-                         printed in a limited edition coffee
        distributes relevant information     and opportunities through    depth experience in their field   KZN Top Business Women  table book.
        about your business through a     regular e-mails that are sent to    as well as much insight into   This is an opportunity to raise   This  initiative will culminate
        range of channels: print, digital,     an established database  business management.      the profile of the industrious and   in a gala evening on the 12
        social, video, mobile etc. We   ■   Ensures that your brand is    Each leader will be interviewed   enterprising business women in   November which will recognise
        assist in driving the visibility of     kept visible through content                      KwaZulu-Natal and provides a
        your brands, including growing     search engine optimisation    on camera and an edited video   platform to motivate other women   the achievements of the women in
                                                                    clip will be produced. A written
        relationships and improving     (SEO) services. On-page SEO    article will be compiled using   to succeed.             our province. 
        client retention through targeted                           this content which will be
        campaigns. This year we will be     involves everything that                               Each woman is interviewed on   For more information contact
        utilising a number of products     audiences see on the website    printed in a limited edition   camera by our team, incidental   Tracy Engelbrecht
                                                                                                                                T: +27 31 701 1445
                                                                    coffee table book.
        that will assist in promoting the     and the various social media                        video footage obtained, and an   E:
        Province of KwaZulu-Natal, your     platforms we use. Off-page SEO                        edited video clip produced. A   W:
        business, brand and people.     is driven by the ranking of the    KZN Brand DNA video series
                                        various channels and the traffic    and coffee table book
        KwaZulu-Natal Top Business      that is driven to these channels.   The diverse and vibrant
        Portfolio 2020                                              province of KwaZulu-Natal has
                                      Standard Bank KZN Top
          The Portfolio’s ongoing success   Business Awards 2020    produced some of South Africa’s
        has been achieved through the                               famous home-grown brands. The
        use various methods including a   This year the awards will take   company or organisation’s story
        comprehensive and well ranked    place on the 9 June  and will   lies at the heart of your brand.
        multimedia website, which is   once again celebrate successful   Ultimately, you want to discover
        well optimised on a variety of   companies and organisations in   what motivates your team and
        search engines, an A5 hard copy   KwaZulu-Natal. The Standard   tell those stories which can help
        handbook as well as a digital   Bank KZN Top Business Awards   you truly connect with customers,
        version, social media tools and a   offers an excellent opportunity   drive more growth and/or boost
        growing series of videos.     for all business sectors to meet,   your sales. 
                                      be inspired and showcase their   KZN brand representatives will
        The Top Business Portfolio:   achievements to their peers.   be interviewed on camera by our
        ■   Provides an opportunity to both                         team, and an edited video clip will
          emphasize your contribution    KZN Leaders Portfolio      be produced. A written article will
          to the province’s economy and    KZN Leaders Portfolio is a   be compiled using this content   Imraan Noorbhai, Henk van Bemmelen and Grant Adlam

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