P. 20

EZaKhEni inDustrial EstatE

             stablished in 1983,      households receiving an income   Estate, Kim Steenkamp is also   Ladysmith grow, as well as   Should you be looking for industrial
             Ezakheni Industrial Estate   well above minimum wage (Stats   the President of the Ladysmith   encouraging and working   space at affordable rentals contact
        Eis situated in Ladysmith, on   SA), the benefits to the community  Chamber of Commerce and   closely with the Ladysmith   Kim Steenkamp on 036 634 6803
        the N3 corridor between Durban   in terms of employment     Industry. She is committed    Chamber and both local and    or or
        – Africa’s busiest harbour – and   opportunities is substantial.   to working closely with all   district municipalities to bring
        Gauteng – the country’s major                               businesses of Ladysmith       new investment to Ladysmith
        consumer market.               The Estate has also been     and has a passion for seeing   and the uThukela District . 
                                      earmarked for the establishment
          The industrial estate covers   of an Industrial Hub to generate
        a total area of 640 hectares   economic growth and provide
        consisting of 100 Ithala and   further employment for the
        privately owned factories ranging  area. Ezakheni forms part of the
        in size between 200 square    Alfred Duma Local Municipality,
        metres and 30,000 square meters.  an area which has been identified
        Total lettable area (GLA) in   as a significant economic node
        respect of Ithala owned premises   on the N3 corridor.
        is 272,652m² and constitutes 24%
        of Ithala’s gross lettable area.  According to the KwaZulu-
                                      Natal Provincial Growth and
          Ezakheni is home to large,   Development Strategy, 90% of
        medium and small enterprises   the Province’s GGP is produced
        specialising in manufactured   in two identifiable corridors, that
        goods, textile and clothing,   is, north south corridor along
        polypropylene bags, welding   the coast and the western inland
        consumables, corrugated       corridor along the N3 highway.
        cardboard, injection moulding,   The significance of Ezakheni
        refrigeration, mini subs,     Industrial Estate as an already
        footwear, stationery, etc.    established industrial centre
                                      will no doubt see it becoming a
          Key tenants at Ezakheni include   major contributor to the growth
        Defy Appliances, Canvas & Tent,   strategy plan for the region.
        Iso Moulders, S A Greeting and
        Derlon Textiles.               As a member of the Ladysmith
                                      Chamber of Commerce &
          Ezakheni Industrial Estate   Industry, Ithala is at the heart
        provides approximately 15,000   of business needs and plays an
        jobs. Considering that Ezakheni   active role in maintaining a
        township has a population of over   conducive business environment
        71 000, comprising more than
        18 000 households with 77% of   The property manager for the

        a south african ExPEriEncE for Dutch stuDEnts

              he Royal Haskoning DHV   opportunity to work together and   industry and energy, buildings,   An immediate challenge of their   braaiing rounded off their South
              office in Umhlanga recently   unite their acquired knowledge   maritime, rail and logistics, mining   project was dealing with limited   African experience.
        Thosted a group of six        and skills in one project.    and project and construction   electronic resources and having
        students from the Delft University                          management.                   to rely on paper based resources,   The TU Delft has a long-
        of Technology (TU Delft) in the   Royal HaskoningDHV is                                   which was not within their normal   standing partnership with Royal
        Netherlands. The students were   an independent international   The TU Delft students, who   research experiences.      HaskoningDHV with the intention
        on a three month study visit to   engineering and project   have backgrounds in hydraulic                               to work more closely together
        complete a multidisciplinary   management consultancy, which   engineering and water management,   They also soon realised that their   and develop more initiatives in
        project, which forms part of their   has been in operation for 135 years.   were working on a project about   first theory regarding the reason   the fields of research, (online)
        Master’s programme at TU Delft.   The company offers expertise in the   the flooding problem that the   for the flooding experienced was   education and lifelong learning,
        The programme gives students   fields of transportation, aviation   municipality of Emnambithi   not  the quantity of water but related   amongst other collaborations. Royal
        from different disciplines the   and planning, water technology,   Ladysmith regularly experiences.   to drainage of the Qedusizi flood   HaskoningDHV and the TU Delft
                                                                                                  control dam. This problem in turn   already work together in the fields
                                                                                                  is directly related to the amount   of hydraulic engineering, water
                                                                                                  of pollution that the watercourse   management, traffic, construction
                                                                                                  carries, which causes blockages.  management and stakeholder
                                                                                                                                engagement, and social impact
                                                                                                   The students appreciated the more   assessment for research and as
                                                                                                  relaxed attitude to work in South   lecturers. 
                                                                                                  Africa. Dealing with transport
                                                                                                  issues has been more challenging   TU Delft has a large number of
                                                                                                  as they are accustomed to a greater   international students and South
                                                                                                  ease of mobility including using   African students are welcome. The
                                                                                                  their bicycles as regular  and safe   visiting students’ advice to any
                                                                                                  means of transport, which were   South African student interested in
                                                                                                  greatly missed.               the master programme in Delft is to
                                                                                                                                apply early and to make an attempt
                                                                                                   They all thoroughly enjoyed their   to interact with Dutch students by
                                                                                                  stay in South Africa, which also   looking for shared accommodation.
                                                                                                  included a trip to Cape Town and   As Afrikaans is similar the Dutch
                                                                                                  other local sightseeing and sporting   language communication is not
                                                                                                  opportunities. Visits to uShaka   difficult, in addition all classes are
                                                                                                  Marine World, watching football   taught in English. 
                                                                                                  and rugby matches, encounters with
                                                                                                  the Big 5 animals, learning how to
         Kershan  Kuppusamly, Anna Wague, Nozuko Siyothula - Regional Manager KZN, Babette Schep, Twanne Roor,    surf and learning that boys do the
         Martine Rottink, Peter Spielmann, Bart van de Zande

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