P. 24

Disobliging bEhaViour unDErminEs stratEgY ExEcution

                    Musa Makhunga,    management.   In most cases, the   hinder strategy execution success.   implementation.  and practices, which supports
                     Managing Director,   closest strategy sessions come to in                                                 successful strategy execution
                     HR Matters (Pty) Ltd  discussing behaviour and practices,   Once a set of shared behaviours   Practices are an integral part of   requires serious investment in terms
                                      is when participants draw up a list   are defined and agreed to, this   behaviour in the sense that they   of time, resources, leadership and
                           t’s that   of values required to underpin the   has to be translated into everyday   inform attitude towards goals and   management commitment.
                           time of the   strategy without delving into what   practices to the extent that it   objectives and thus influence the
                        Iyear when    behaviours and practices should   feels awkward for anyone to do   extent to which someone or a group   Generally, behaviours and
                        individuals   be modified or adopted to ensure   otherwise.  This is achieved through  of people would on their own face   practices if not modified and
                         and          success. It is therefore not surprising  realising that no change in strategy   the rigours of strategy execution.    aligned to the new strategy, would
                         organisations   that values are often not translated   would succeed where there is no   Practices turn the theoretical   kill it even before it is launched.
                         look back at   into to day-to-day behaviours.  simultaneous change in behaviour   strategy into an everyday reality   Needless to say, with zero return on
                          the year that                             and practices.                for everyone.  Practices include   the investment made in crafting it.
                          is just about   If culture means shared patterns                        talent acquisition, development,   Strategy owes its flawless execution
                          ended to    of behaviour one would expect   If the environment is negative,   remuneration, recognition,   to individual and organisation
                        identify areas   that when people strategise,   ill disciplined and unsupportive   promotion, demotion (restorative),   behaviour and practices that are
        to focus on in the new one, resulting  enough attention would be paid to   there is no way any form of cutting   on/off boarding, and engagement,   aligned and supportive of the new
        in many an organisation taking   defining a set of behaviours and   edge strategy would succeed.    fair and lawful policies.  vision. 
        time out for strategy development   practices that would support their   This applies to individuals as
        and planning.  For most individuals  strategy and critically assess and   well; great New Year’s resolutions   Like any other process designed to   Mobile: +27 83 251 6704
        New Year’s resolutions are loosely   evaluate prevailing behaviours and   require a certain set of behaviour   positively impact the bottom line,  |
        made whilst for a select few, they   interactions, which would help or   and practices for success in   instilling a culture, as in behaviour
        too do take time out with their
        coaches to rigorously set clear goals
        for the year ahead.
          These efforts result in well-
        documented strategy plans
        developed on the back of tried
        and tested strategy formulation
        models.   However, it is a well-
        researched and documented fact
        that in the majority of cases these
        strategies do not see the light of
        day.   Of all reasons advanced for
        this failure, which may include
        change in customer needs,
        technological advances, leadership
        and ownership, and resource
        constraints, the one that stands
        out, which is totally avoidable is
        culture in the form of disobliging
        behaviour and misaligned practices.
          Given that strategy involves
        developing a view of the desired
        end, deciding on how to attain this
        in terms of systems and processes,
        ethical standards required for
        guaranteed success, goals and
        determining requisite actions
        to achieve goals, it is clear that
        success of strategy execution is
        dependent on supportive behaviour
        and practices.  It is chiefly for this                                 STAY ON COURSE
        reason that organisations that are
        successful in strategy execution                                       WITH A MAZARIAN
        do so on the back of supportive
        behaviours and practices.
          We understand that culture is
        shared patterns of behaviours         Navigating  through  stormy  business  is  like       Consider us your reliable crew buddy. We fit
        and interactions which great          sailing a racing yacht: how fast and controlled       in with the team and at the same time are not
        organisations proactively define,
        develop, nurture and pay attention    you  can  take  the  gybes  depends  on  your         afraid of taking the helm. We advise you on
        to. They understand their success     handling      skills,    tactics,   consistent        picking  the  right  side  of  the  course  and
        hangs on how each person at every
        level of the organisation behaves     performance,  decision  making  and  the              support  unruffled  decision  making.  Most
        and interacts with others on a        reliability of your crew.                             importantly,  we  enjoy  the  ultimate  race
        day to day basis to attain strategic
        goals.  It is these sets of behaviours                                                      with you.
        and interactions, which if left
        unchecked, undermine the best
        of individual and organisation

          Why do we allow behaviour and       registered auditor – a firm of chartered accountants(sa)          Detailed information available on
        practices to undermine strategy       audit • taX • adVisorY                                            Contact your nearest Mazars office on 0861 MAZARS
        execution? Is a question, many an
        individual or organisation ought
        to ask as influencing behaviours
        and altering interactions could
        be done with ease through
        effective leadership and efficient

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