Page 125 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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large job creator.  The Glodina investment which was   the Fourth Industrial Revolution is causing to the
       required to reopen the plant saved 138 jobs and the   manufacturing sector. As the economy embraces
       number will increase to over 500 in the future.  change  there  are  accordingly  many  opportunities
                                            which start-ups and black industrialists can tap into.
       “Our mandate is job creation.  When we fund a project,
       our first consideration is its economic viability as it   Another key sector where opportunities are being
       will have to be profitable and sustainable on its own,”   unlocked by the IDC is in the media and film space.  The
       said Moodley. “We also consider the social side of job   corporation is focussing on assisting local filmmakers
       creation, which is our target. By creating employment   by addressing some of the key issues faced within the
       and growing the economy, the general status of the   film industry. The IDC has been a partner at the annual
       economy is lifted.”                  Durban International Film Festival, the largest and
       One of the IDC’s more valuable partners is in the South   longest-running film festival in Africa and a flagship
       African retail space.  Because of this partnership,   project of the Centre for Creative Arts (University of
       several of IDC’s textile clients have become suppliers   KwaZulu-Natal).
       to a South African retail clothing giant.  A further area of investment for the IDC’s KZN office
       “We see a lot of ‘buy South African’ initiatives, with the   is in existing tourism infrastructure development and
       clothing retail sector tending to buy locally produced   upgrading, as well as BEE ownership opportunities.
       goods because of the exchange rate leading to high   “Many of our tourist establishments are dated
       import costs. Also in developing countries, like India   and need to be revamped and this opens up the
       and  China,  the  costs  of  production  are  no  longer   opportunity to promote the  transformation of this
       as cheap as they initially were. The cost of imports   sector,” says Moodley.
       escalated over the last few years and that gives an   “We  will  continue  to  identify  new  investment
       opportunity to South African companies to fill the gap   opportunities  that  unlock  value  for  all  stakeholders
       and produce locally.”
                                            and empower communities throughout our province,”
       The IDC is also responding to the challenges that   he concluded.

       Full Name of Company: The Industrial Development   CONTACT DETAILS
       Corporation of South Africa Ltd (IDC)  KwaZulu-Natal Durban Office:
       Nature of Business: Development Finance Institution.  Physical Address: Office 2101, 21st Floor, The Embassy
       Holding Company: Self-financing corporation  Building, 199 Anton Lembede Street, Durban, 4001
       Date Established: 1940               Postal Address: P.O. Box 2411, Durban, 4000
                                            Tel: +27 (0)31 337 4455
       VISION                               Website:
       To be the primary driving force of commercially
       sustainable industrial development and innovation for   KwaZulu-Natal Pietermaritzburg Office:
       the benefit of South Africa and the rest of Africa.  Physical Address: 1st Floor, ABSA House, 15 Chatterton
       KEY PERSONNEL                        Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
       Regional Manager KZN: Pat Moodley    Tel: +27 (0)33 328 2560
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