Page 123 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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and wider multiplier effects throughout the economy. and 53% of all water used is cleaned and returned to
The direct jobs provided by the company contribute source.
to supporting the livelihoods of 13 292 people once Responsible Practices in the Market Place
families and dependants are taken into account. This
is based on an average household size of 3.8 people Illovo has a significant downstream economic impact,
in KwaZulu-Natal. through the estimated 200,000 small retailers
who sell Illovo SA products within South Africa.
Illovo SA’s supply chain includes nearly 3000 Domestically, direct consumers make up 12% of Illovo
outgrower farmers, in total supplying between 4 and SA’s sugar product sales, with the remaining 88%
5.5 million tonnes of sugar cane every year. Illovo being sold to industrial customers manufacturing
SA is estimated to support over 17 600 jobs through sugar containing products.
outgrower farmers. In addition, the company provides
significant technical, financial and capacity-building Illovo works with the South African Sugar Association
support to outgrowers, worth R 5.3 million in 2016/17. to support the research and dissemination of science-
based facts about sugar and nutrition. The stated aim
Illovo SA’s community investments totalled R 0.8 is to provide science-based information about the
million in 2016/17. The majority of this money is role of sugar in the human body, to help consumers
spent on capacity building projects and support make informed choices.
for education but includes healthcare and
infrastructure among other investments. Illovo “We identified critical areas such as job creation,
SA also contributes to industry level initiatives on capacity building and skills transfer, supply/value
community development through its contribution to chain development, land rights and environmental
the South African Sugar Association’s education and stewardship as key to our own success – and that of
development programmes. the local and national economy. We were very pleased
to note that we have made solid progress in meeting
All employees and their families can access our commitments and feel confident that our ongoing
healthcare services though Illovo SA clinics and transformation strategy and shared value agenda will
medical aid benefits. Furthermore, Illovo SA seeks to continue to deliver results,” concludes Mahlare.
actively address HIV in the region through a wellness
programme, with over 400 people currently enrolled,
targeting those who are HIV positive.
Land Initiatives
Land redistribution initiative has resulted in the
sale of 28 086ha - comprising 55% of its own land
portfolio - to black people and in the process, has
facilitated the establishment of more than 50 black
commercial farmers.
Promoting Environmental Sustainability
Two of the four Local Grower Councils who supply cane
to Illovo SA have adopted the SusFarMS environmental
management system, which was pioneered by growers
who supply their cane to the Noodsberg factory, in
partnership with WWF.
In South Africa, 75% of Illovo SA’s energy consumption
is provided from renewable sources, primarily bagasse,
Full Name of Company: Illovo Sugar (South Africa) KEY PERSONNEL
Proprietary Limited Managing Director: Mamongae Mahlare
Nature of Business: Agriculture Processing Corporate Affairs Director: Sibusiso Hlela
Services / Products: Sugar and Downstream Products Financial Director: Mark Gounder
Auditors / Accountants: Ernst & Young CONTACT DETAILS
Attorneys: Garlicke & Bousfield Incorporated Physical Address: 1 Nokwe Ave, Ridgeside, Umhlanga
Rocks, Durban
Bankers: The Standard Bank Group Limited Postal Address: P.O. Box 194, Durban
Advertising Agency: 13th Floor, Whalley Collective and Tel: +27 (0)31 508 4300
Paton Tupper Advertising Fax: +27 (0)31 508 4535
B-BBEE Status: Level 2 Website: