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� Payroll Processing: we offer a web-based somewhat chaotic, less structured and
employee and manager self-service payroll free flow blue skying effort, often times with
service with a leave administration module amazing ‘out of the box thinking’ results of a
� HR Policies and Procedures: develop and/or truly transformational nature.
review HR policies in line with BCEA, Employment
Equity, Skills Development Act, Occupational Training
Health and Safety legislation HR Matters (Pty) Ltd is an accredited training and
� Sound Labour Relations: fostering legal and education provider, with Services SETA (SSETA)
fair employment practices in line with the accreditation no. 3685, and MoUs with the MICT and
Labour Relations Act (LRA) and relevant company LG SETAs. Our training facility is easily accessible
policies. We work with a carefully selected firms in Umhlanga Ridge adjacent to the Gateway Theatre
of labour attorneys where CCMA or Labour Court of Shopping.
representation is required
We facilitate team effectiveness and cohesion
Consulting interventions, and conduct team leader, supervisory,
Consulting is one of HR Matters’ core competencies, management and leadership skills training focusing
used in the main to: on empowering people who do things through
� Assist leadership and management to others to do so successfully in what could otherwise
develop strategic, operational (execution) and be a very challenging environment for anyone given
annual performance plans rapid changes taking place in society.
� We follow varied models of strategy development
facilitation depending on the nature of industry Some of the business skills programmes we offer
our client is in, for the RSA Public Sector, we use are customer service, assertiveness and confidence
in the main the Framework for Managing building, report writing and minute taking course
Programme Performance – National Treasury among a fully-fledged workplace library of courses.
� For our Private Sector Clientele, we use any one Customer Care
of up to date models which could include Scenario
Planning, Six Hats, Blue Ocean Strategy, HR Matters is renowned for the care that its clients
Balance Score Card, and other Outside – In receive, which has meant that many clients have
Strategy Planning approaches; in each case we been retained by the company since its inception.
would agree the precise framework with clients In today’s business environment, business owners
prior to implementation are looking for unique solutions. While HR Matters
� Facilitate team cohesion and effectiveness in provides some standardised services, we will continue
building Purposeful Teams to provide professional, holistic and highly specialised
� Enhance decision making by following a offerings catering for different markets and needs.
structured facilitation process
� Depending on the matter at hand, sometimes “We always question what our customers are
we would use the less known “Dynamic walking away with. That is what we are striving for in
Facilitation” approach which thrives on a everything that we do,” concluded Musa Makhunga.
Full Name of Company: HR Matters (Pty) Ltd Executive Director: Nozipho Makhunga
Nature of Business: Personal Services - Consulting CONTACT DETAILS
Services, Executive Search & Recruitment, Training & Physical Address: 2nd Floor, 34 Crystal Rock,
Development, Facilitation, HR Advisory Services 16 Solstice Road, Umhlanga Ridge, 4319
Customer Base: Corporates (Private & Public), SMEs Postal Address: P.O. Box 1711, Westville, 3630
Industry Quality Standards: ISO 9001, SETA Tel: +27 (0)31 566 2847 Fax: +27 (0)31 566 3785
Accreditation, APSO Website:
VISION Cape Town
HR Matters is optimistic by nature, therefore our vision Physical Address: Ground Floor, Liesbeek House,
“to create problem free workplace experiences for clients River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, Cape Town, 7700
resulting in satisfied staff, customers and shareholders”. Tel: +27 (0)21 680 5311 Fax: +27 (0)86 632 1426
This we achieve by defining, identifying problems and Johannesburg
co-determining solutions thereto with our clients.
Physical Address: Palazzo Towers West Montecasino,
KEY PERSONNEL William Nicol Drive, Fourways, 2086
Managing Director: Musa Makhunga Tel: +27 (0)11 510 0188 Fax: +27 (0)86 632 1426