Page 118 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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                                                           Musa Makhunga

                                            industries. We are registered with the Department
       LEADERSHIP FIRM                      of Labour as an employment services agency (PrEA)
                                            and members of the Federation of African Personnel
       HR Matters provides reliable and innovative human   Staffing Organizations (APSO).
       resources leadership  solutions  to  small,  medium
       and large enterprises through the following service   HR Administration
       offering:                            HR Matters has and continues to develop a suite
                                            of Human Resources (HR) outsourced solutions
       �  Talent Acquisition: Professional placements and    through which we partner our clients in the small,
          executive search                  medium and large business sectors, thereby
       �  HR Administration: Payroll processing, HR policies    handling their HR matters whilst they focus on their
          and regulatory filing administration  core business. HR administration involves the overall
       �  Consulting: Strategy development, organisation    employment experience, from cradle to grave, of the
          development, transformation, team cohesion    workforce and as such our services typically involve
         and effectiveness.                 the following:
       �  Training: Sector Education and Training
          Authority (SETA) accredited programmes,    �  Filing Administration: workforce registration with

                                              legislative bodies such the South African Revenue
          leadership, management and business skills
         courses.                              Services (SARS) and the Department of Labour
       Talent Acquisition                   �  Contracts of Employment: Develop and/or review
       HR Matters offers contingency placement and      to ensure alignment with company policies, Basic
       retained head hunting and executive search services      Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA) and other
       to our clients, across a number of sectors and      related legislation
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