Page 169 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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                                                         Naeem Asvat, CA (SA)
       DEVELOPING RESPONSIBLE LEADERS       in September 2014. It is easily accessible to support
                                            Council, committees, stakeholders and members.
       The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants   Additionally, it is well equipped to facilitate seminars,
       (SAICA) is the foremost accountancy body in South   events and other networking opportunities as well as
       Africa and one of the leading institutes in the world.   to respond and efficiently resolve member queries
       It plays an influential role in a highly dynamic   with key stakeholders on a regional level. The office
       business sector, offering a wide range of support   also boasts a fully equipped training room, which is
       services to its members, allowing them to play a   available to members.
       key role in the development of our economy. The
       institute’s more than 43 500 members are CAs(SA)   Today, the profession in KwaZulu-Natal comprises more
       and hold positions as CEOs, MDs, board directors,   than 4 400 members whose interests are represented
       business owners, chief financial officers and leaders   by the Eastern Region Council, presiding over both
                                            administration and operational matters in terms of its
       in their spheres of business operation. The institute
       now has over 11 900 African, Coloured and Indian   constitution. SAICA is committed to increasing the
                                            number of black CAs(SA) meaningfully participating in
       members, over 15 800 being female. South Africa   and contributing to the sustained growth of the economy.
       was rated number one in the world for its strength of   Its Thuthuka Bursary Fund supports approximately
       auditing and reporting standards from 2010 to 2017   1 900 aspirant CA(SA) students.
       by the World Economic Forum.
                                            Services Provided by CAs(SA)
       SAICA Eastern Region
                                            Business are well informed that CAs(SA) are advisors of
       SAICA Eastern Region was first created as the   choice in every aspect of business. Successful business
       Institute  of  Chartered  Accountants  in  Natal  with  a   relies on advice from experts who intimately understand
       membership of just 20 CAs. The first independent   their operations and experts who are able to excel in
       regional office was launched in October 2007,   their work. It is here that the CA(SA) can partner with a
       situated in Westville, before moving to Sherwood   business to ensure its long-term sustainability.

       Full Name of Company: South African Institute of     ƒ Global Accounting Alliance (GAA)
       Chartered Accountants (SAICA)          ƒ Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW)
       Industry Sector: Financial and Business Services  B-BBEE Status: Level 4
       Date Established: 1894
       Subsidiaries: SAICA entities are listed below:  KEY PERSONNEL
         ƒ The Hope Factory (Non-Profit Company)  Regional Executive Eastern Region: Naeem Asvat,
         ƒ The Thuthuka Education Upliftment Fund    CA(SA)
         (Non-Profit Company)               CONTACT DETAILS
         ƒ Accounting Technicians (South Africa)  SAICA Eastern Region
         ƒ SAICA Enterprise Development (Pty) Ltd  Physical Address: 50 West Riding Row, Office 11/12,
       SAICA is also a member of Extensible Business    Second Floor, Sherwood, 4091
       Reporting Language.                  Postal Address: PO Box 1350, Wandsbeck, 3631
       SAICA is a member of the following organisations:  Tel: +27 (0)31 207 3290
                                            Fax: +27 (0)31 207 3309
         ƒ International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)  E-mail:
         ƒ Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA)  Website: or
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