Page 171 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
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This mega project is currently in the design phase   growing gap in the market to service the fishing
       at Southern African Shipyards and is expected to   industry and is on a drive to net this business.
       ultimately become a workhorse operating in Southern   With the experience of having built such technically-
       African waters transporting energy to South African and   advanced ships, and with the aim of becoming a
       Southern African Development Community  customers.
                                            global force to be reckoned with, Southern African
       “The execution of these two projects simultaneously   Shipyards is hoping to secure the intellectual rights
       is not only a historic milestone for the South African   to both mega projects, the plan being to replicate
       shipbuilding Industry, but also represents one of the   them to the rest of Africa,” said Maharaj. 
       largest job creation projects start in Durban. More than   Maharaj said that, ultimately, the shipbuilding and
       3 500 jobs would be created and maintained in the   repairing sector needed to develop new products
       shipyard and the supply chain.
                                            and services that responded to the challenges of the
       Southern African Shipyards has recently completed   Fourth Industrial Revolution and climate change. 
       the delivery of nine tugs to Transnet National Ports   “Investment  was needed  into modern and
       Authorities  (TNPA).  This contract was  the largest   more efficient production and manufacturing
       single contract that the parastatal has ever awarded   equipment, in new products and services through
       to  a  South  African  company  for  the  building  of   research, development and innovation, into skills
       harbour craft.
                                            development in order to increase  efficiency  of
       The 31-long-metre vessels are among the world’s   labour and into technology platforms in order
       largest and most powerful harbour tugs and are   to reduce dependency on expensive overseas
       destined for the various South African ports where   technology,” he concluded.
       they will be able to efficiently manoeuvre and safely
       pull the bigger ships that are now entering South
       African waters.
       The work of Southern African Shipyards has helped to
       cement the marine ship building and support industry
       locally and has also ensured that the benefits are spread
       to local, empowered companies. This contract has been
       about creating jobs, developing technical skills, training
       artisans and developing engineers for the wellbeing of
       future generations.
       Another aspect has been training maritime personnel
       through a grassroots development Marine Incubator
       Programme. A  partnership  has  been  nurtured  with
       the eThekwini Maritime Cluster (EMC) to provide
       employment for graduates through the organisational
       spheres and expose them to all aspects of operating a
       maritime focused company with international reach in
       a South African context.
       Southern African Shipyards has also recognised the

       Full Name of Company: Southern African Shipyards  B-BBEE Status: Level 3
       Industry Sector: Manufacturing       KEY PERSONNEL
       Services / Products: Ship Building, Ship Repair and   CEO: Prasheen Maharaj
       Steel Fabrication                    CFO & Acting Human Resources: Trishna Misra
       Date Established: July 1993          Ship Building: Greg Delpaul
       Customer Base: International Agents, Armed Force,   Ship Repair: Charles Maher
       Local / International Ports Authority, Local /  CONTACT DETAILS
       International Ship Owners and Global Maritime   Physical Address: 10 Rotterdam Road
       Companies                            Postal Address: P.O. Box 17253, Congella , 4013
       No. of Employees: 105 Permanent staff and    Tel; +27 (0)31 2741800
       over 400 long term contractors       Fax: +27 (0)31 2051812
       Auditors / Accountants: Aitken Lambert Elsworth  E-mail:
       Bankers: First National Bank         Website:

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