Page 96 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
P. 96
YOU CAN RELY ON DEFY � Ezakheni (Ladysmith)
� East London
DEFY Appliances (Pty) Ltd is the largest manufacturer
and distributor of major domestic appliances in The R121-million brownfield development at the
southern Africa. DEFY has offered the consumer a plant in Jacobs, has recently been refurbished. The
full range of kitchen, laundry and small domestic facility now includes an automated plant in order to
appliances for over 114 years. manufacture top loader washing machines for both
the local and export markets.
Established in 1905, Defy debuted, by manufacturing
the very first electric stove in South Africa. In the Defy South Africa CEO Evren Albas, Turkish holding
last 80 years, the brand has further entrenched company Arçelik Global chief technology officer
its footprint in South African households through Oguzhan Ozturk and Trade and Industry Minister Dr
the manufacture of durable goods such as gas Rob Davies officiated at the ribbon-cutting ceremony
ovens, washing machines, dryers and ovens. This in April 2019.
has led to DEFY becoming the largest white goods This event also celebrated Arçelik’s overall investment
manufacturer in the country while presenting the of over R1.2-billion at Defy’s three production plants in
largest product range in South Africa. Durban, East London and Ezakheni. These plants are
In 2011, Defy was attained by leading Turkish home now at “world benchmark level”, Albas said. All factories
appliance group, Arçelik. Having operations in durable have been accredited in terms of ISO 9001-2009.
consumer goods industry with production, marketing Investment to date includes R210-million spent during
and after-sales services, Arçelik offers products and 2018, with a further R200-million to be invested
services around the world with its 30,000 employees, this year.
has 20 factories, and is active in 145 countries. The
Group turnover totalled $5.6-billion at the end of the Davies welcomed the fact that a further development
2018 financial year. pipeline worth another R1-billion would be rolled out
by Defy over the next five to seven years. He added
Defy operates three factories in South Africa: that the South African government would work with
� Jacobs Durban, the group to facilitate this development.