Page 47 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 47

At the heart of Cerebro’s success is a tight-knit team,  agency  looks forward to forging partnerships with
          pulsating with passion for all things conceptual.  educational institutions, a collaborative effort aimed
          From branding to web design, animation to video  at securing permanent placements for students in the
          production,  their  enthusiasm  knows  no  bounds.  This  creative industry.
          living, breathing collective has expanded its creative   Cerebro Creative Intelligence is more than a studio;
          arsenal to include Kopy Kat, Stratsphere, and Non-  it’s a force for positive change. Their commitment to
          Uninspired Productions, forming a powerhouse that   social development in KZN is woven into the fabric
          tackles challenges head-on.        of their operations, creating a ripple effect that
          But Cerebro isn’t just about business; it’s about  transcends business boundaries. Through a holistic
          community, about making a difference. Nestled in  range  of  services  including  web  design,  corporate
          the vibrant landscape of KwaZulu-Natal, Cerebro not  identity,  digital  marketing, motion  graphics,  film/
          only caters to corporate giants but also extends its  production, photography, marketing strategy, and
          hand to nurture budding businesses. In their inaugural  brand positioning, Cerebro remains at the forefront of
          year, they’re offering kickstarter packages at up to a  technological change.
          50% reduced rate, ensuring that world-class quality is   With a track record of over 1000 projects, Cerebro’s
          accessible to every project, big or small.  expertise spans across diverse sectors, from consumer
          “Charity begins at home” isn’t just a saying for Cerebro;   packaged goods (CPG) to healthcare, finance,
          it’s a philosophy that drives them to engage with   entertainment, and beyond. It’s not just about web
          neighbours and local businesses. Through skills   design or SEO; it’s about crafting compelling campaigns,
          development initiatives and reduced rate or pro   managing media plans, and creating offline materials
          bono  services,  Cerebro  is  a  steadfast  ally  in  helping   that leave a lasting impact.
          local businesses thrive amidst economic challenges,  As Cerebro Creative Intelligence continues its relentless
          leveraging the power of branding and marketing.  pursuit of excellence, it invites you to join them on this
          Bridging the gap between academia and industry,   exhilarating journey. Together, let’s redefine creativity,
          Cerebro is committed to fostering the growth of   empower businesses, and shape a future where
          creative minds. Internship opportunities are extended   innovation knows no bounds. The Cerebro revolution is
          to creative students, providing a platform for real-  here, and it’s unstoppable.
          world experience and invaluable networking. The  Showreel:

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