Page 44 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 44


                                          Date Established: 2012
                                          B-BBEE Status: Black-Owned Level 2
                                          MISSION/ VISION
                                          Helping business leaders and entrepreneurs build
                                          compliant, productive, engaged, and sustainable businesses.
                                          CORE TEAM
                                          Chairman: David White
                                          Administration: Lindiwe Bhadi
             Chairman:       Administration:
            David White      Lindiwe Bhadi  CONTACT DETAILS
                                          Physical Address: 12 Braehead Office Park,
                                          1 Old Main Road, Kloof, 3610, KwaZulu-Natal
       Full Name of Company: BusinessFit SA (Pty) Ltd
                                          Tel: +27 (0)31 767 0625
       Nature of Business: Business mentoring and quality   E-mail:
       assurance services                 Website:

       LEADERSHIP, ETHICS AND QUALITY     An Indelible Mark
       ASSURANCE                          To support the quality and purpose of the BusinessFit
                                          SA governance and sustainability model, David White
       BusinessFit SA  has  been  focused  on creating a   met and discussed the framework with Professor
       business  framework for organisations to use in   Mervyn King.   As all will agree, meeting with South
       assessing their organisational sustainability from   African business legend and elder, Professor Mervyn
       an environmental, social and corporate governance   King, is sure to leave an indelible mark.
       aspect. In a  nutshell,  these  guidelines allude  to  the  With an unparalleled background in law, business,
       development of communities and society as a whole  leadership and  integrated reporting,  Professor King
       whilst supporting the respectful use of raw materials  holds a global reputation for being a leading resource
       and  replenishment of the environment’s  natural  and authority in sustainability measures and corporate
       resources. Simultaneously, this framework follows  governance.  David’s understanding of the impact of
       governance guidelines on ethics and efficacy to  leadership and sustainability were forever changed
       improve businesses’ contribution to the creation of a  from this meeting.
       sustainable economy.
                                          The  question  David  posed  to  Professor  King  queried
       Four Critical Pillars              why South African business had not adopted a stated
       Four critical pillars are brought to the fore, namely:   business framework of reporting that aligns with
                                          corporate governance principles, to meet organisational
          ƒ Leadership, ethics, and value creation  expectations as well as stakeholder intentions.
          ƒ Functional area foundation and quality assurance
          and controls                    Professor King agreed that “A common framework
          ƒ Defined outcome intentions and stakeholder    supporting activities and strategies to drive
         measurements’                    businesses towards meeting pre-defined outcomes
          ƒ Organisational culture effectiveness and staffing    is important in improving success rates of
          engagement levels               organisations in the markets – no matter how young
                                          or mature the businesses are in the economy.”
       Through all of this, the framework encourages identi- Addressing this thought further King explained that a
       fying  where  entrepreneurs  and  business  leaders  critical consideration is certainly ethical and effective
       excel whilst acknowledging where support and  leadership from the governing body, and assurance
       development are  required.  All of this highlights the  that the organisation is free from influencers such as
       significance of continuous mentorship.     corruption, greed, and the like.

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