Page 40 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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Auditors / Accountants: Mazars
Bankers: Standard Bank
Advertising / PRO Agency: In house marketing team
CEO: Henk van Bemmelen
Financial Director: Warren Kidgell
Technical Director: Clive Samuels
Operations Director: Brian Jackson
Henk van Bemmelen Sales Director: Stuart Gannon
Customer & Innovations Director: Stephen Wimborne
Full Name of Company: Blue Light Monitoring and Armed Human Resources Manager: Yvonne Mudly
Response IT Manager: Shane Moodley
Category: Business Services CONTACT DETAILS
Services: Alarm monitoring, armed response, security Physical Address: 48 Kings Road, Pinetown, 3610
products installation and repairs Tel: +27 (0)31 717 5000
Date Established: 1989 E-mail:
No. of Employees: 600 approx. Website:
CREATING SAFER COMMUNITIES of the organisation. Their commitment to community,
property and personal safety and security extends
Established in 1989, Blue Security celebrated its 35th beyond industry standards as they consistently evaluate
anniversary in November 2023. and enhance their strategies to better safeguard
the well-being of their communities and customers.
As pioneers in the safety and security industry, the Furthermore, they actively contribute to the South
company has continuously adapted and expanded African and local KZN economies.
their services to ensure that the well-being of their
communities and customers remains at the forefront Blue Security’s core values, encompassing Care,
of their operations. Their pursuit of excellence has been Ownership, Passion, and Service, are deeply ingrained
acknowledged through numerous prestigious awards, within the company. With over 650 dedicated staff
including the PMR Award from 2008 to 2022, the Caxton members and partnerships with 130 business partner
Reader’s Choice Award in 2022, the Daily News Your technical teams, they not only prioritise crime mitigation
Choice Award for 2022, and the SAIDSA Reaction Man but also actively support communities and businesses
and SAIDSA Tech Man 2023 Award. to thrive within KZN. Their strong community networks,
coupled with their dominant presence and the largest
Blue Security’s fundamental purpose is to create safer fleet in KZN, enable them to combat crime effectively
communities where local people can thrive. Their core and contribute to the growth of the economy.
vision is to see active, engaged communities living free
from fear; where people can walk freely in the streets, They firmly believe in the power of partnerships
and children can play safely outside, supported by and collaboration with stakeholders, including
proactively partnering with stakeholders to create safe, Community Policing Forums, Business Against Crime,
thriving communities, with world-class technology Neighbourhood Watches, and law enforcement
solutions, industry-leading capabilities, and an agencies. Blue Security’s business model focuses on
unmatched passion for customer service. targeted relevance, enabling them to address the
specific needs of the customers and communities
By integrating the principles of King IV corporate in KZN’s North, Central, and South regions. This
governance, Blue Security prioritises transparency, encompasses community activities, engagements, and
accountability, and ethical practices across all aspects crime awareness support.